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Kick the Animal Out
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 212

Kick the Animal Out

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009
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  • Publisher: Granta

15-year-old Rose is trying to make sense of her world. Her mum has vanished, & Rose is convinced that she must be in danger. Unable to cope with the possibility of having been abandoned, Rose constructs her own explanation for her mum's disappearance while her father suspiciously carries on as if nothing has happened.

Des vies d'oiseaux de Véronique Ovaldé (Fiche de lecture)
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 29

Des vies d'oiseaux de Véronique Ovaldé (Fiche de lecture)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2011-01-01
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  • Publisher: Primento

Décryptez Des vies d'oiseaux de Véronique Ovaldé avec l’analyse du PetitLitteraire.fr ! Que faut-il retenir Des vies d'oiseaux, le roman à l'univers poétique fascinant ? Retrouvez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur cette œuvre dans une fiche de lecture complète et détaillée. Vous trouverez notamment dans cette fiche : • Un résumé complet • Une présentation des personnages principaux tels que Taïbo, Gustavo Izarra, Vida Izarra, Paloma, Adolfo et Ezguki • Une analyse des spécificités de l’œuvre : la dénonciation des inégalités, le thème de l'enfermement, le temps qui passe, la rupture des liens et l'envol, et l'émancipation de la femme Une analyse de référence p...

And My See-through Heart
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 245

And My See-through Heart

A mysterious car crash sparks a police investigation and gradually uncovers a wife's darkest secrets in a prize-winning novel from France's fast-rising literary star."

Ce que je sais de Vera Candida de Véronique Ovaldé (Analyse de l'œuvre)
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 29

Ce que je sais de Vera Candida de Véronique Ovaldé (Analyse de l'œuvre)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2011-01-01
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  • Publisher: Primento

Décryptez Ce que je sais de Vera Candida de Véronique Ovaldé avec l'analyse du PetitLitteraire.fr ! Que faut-il retenir de Ce que je sais de Vera Candida, le roman à succès qui a bouleversé les lecteurs ? Retrouvez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur cette œuvre dans une analyse complète et détaillée. Vous trouverez notamment dans cette fiche : • Un résumé complet • Une présentation des personnages principaux tels que Vera Candida, Rose Bustamente, Violette Bustamente et Monica Rose • Une analyse des spécificités de l'œuvre : "Un roman du réalisme magique", "L'émancipation de Vera Candida" et "Fatalités féminines et fatalités familiales" Une analyse de référence po...

Redefining the Real
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 306

Redefining the Real

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009
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  • Publisher: Peter Lang

What is 'the literary fantastic' and how does it manifest itself in the texts of French and francophone women writers publishing at the close of the twentieth and start of the twenty-first century? What do we mean today when we talk of 'the real' and 'realism'? These are just some of the questions addressed by the papers in this volume which derive from a conference entitled 'The Fantastic in Contemporary Women's Writing in French' held in London in September 2007. This book sets out to refocus through a non-realist lens on the works of high-profile authors (Darrieussecq, Nothomb, Germain, Cixous and NDiaye) and some of their less highly publicised contemporaries. It analyses and mobilises a wide range of both gendered and non-gendered practices and theories of 'the contemporary fantastic' whilst critically interrogating both of the latter terms and their inter-relation.

As Time Goes By
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 317

As Time Goes By

Academic work in a range of disciplines has been making an important contribution to the fraught and confusing debate around ageing, and through writers’ consciousness and experience, literature, just like economics, psychology, history and sociology, can provide valuable insights into the attitudes and prejudices prevalent in society. The present volume adds to this burgeoning field by providing a wide spectrum of literary analyses drawing on a range of approaches (Freud, Lacan, Kristeva and feminist theory, amongst others) and covering a broad geographical area (France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland, in addition to Francophone Canada and Morocco). Major writers such as ...

MLA International Bibliography of Books and Articles on the Modern Languages and Literatures
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 2426
La Grâce des Brigands
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 210

La Grâce des Brigands

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-03-15T00:00:00+01:00
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  • Publisher: Olivier

Maria Cristina Väätonen a seize ans lorsqu’elle quitte la ville de son enfance, une bourgade située dans le Grand Nord, entourée de marais et plongée dans la brume la plupart de l’année. Elle laisse derrière elle un père taciturne, une mère bigote et une soeur jalouse pour s’installer à Santa Monica (Los Angeles). C’est le début des années 1970 et des rêves libertaires. Elle n’a pas encore écrit le roman dans lequel elle réglera ses comptes avec sa famille et qui la propulsera sur la scène littéraire. Et elle n’est pas encore l’amante de Rafael Claramunt. Séducteur invétéré, cet excentrique a connu son heure de gloire et se consacre désormais à entretenir sa légende d’écrivain nobélisable. Est-il un pygmalion ou un imposteur qui cherche à s’approprier le talent de Maria Cristina ?

La sorella cattiva
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 167

La sorella cattiva

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-03-25
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  • Publisher: minimum fax

Maria Cristina è una scrittrice di successo. Aveva diciassette anni quando lasciò il suo paese natale tra i boschi del Canada per scappare da una madre pazza, un padre depresso e una sorella a cui aveva fatto involontariamente del male. A Santa Monica, in California, dopo essere diventata la giovane amante di Rafael Claramunt, scrittore in odore di Nobel e ambiguo seduttore, Maria Cristina scriverà il romanzo che la lancerà nel mondo delle lettere, del quale scoprirà la bellezza ma anche la totale opacità. Quando la madre le chiede di tornare a casa per occuparsi del figlio della sorella, Maria Cristina, nonostante i dubbi, decide di partire, affrontando tutte le incognite di questo ritorno che le farà fare i conti con la verità. Verità che ha sempre a che fare con l'inganno, in tutte le sue forme: quello dell'amore familiare, quello del desiderio sessuale e, soprattutto, quello della creazione letteraria. Con la sua ottava prova narrativa, Véronique Ovaldé ci regala forse il suo romanzo più forte, una meravigliosa storia contemporanea che esplora i meandri del senso di colpa e il dono della libertà di pensiero e azione.

The Cold Wars
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 292

The Cold Wars

There is no temperature below absolute zero, and, in fact, zero itself is impossible to reach. The quest to reach it has lured scientists for several centuries revealing interesting and unexpected phenomena along the way. Atoms move more slowly at low temperatures, but matter at bareLy above absolute zero is not immobile or even necessarily frozen. Among the most peculiar of matter's strange behaviors is superconductivity3/4simply described as electric current without resistance3/4discovered in 1911. With the 1986 discovery that, contrary to previous expectations, superconductivity was possible at temperatures well above absolute zero, research into practical applications has flourished. Sup...