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Buku "Asuhan Keperawatan Anak dengan Kelainan Kongenital dan Bayi Risiko Tinggi" adalah panduan komprehensif bagi perawat dalam merawat bayi dan anak-anak dengan kelainan kongenital atau risiko tinggi. Buku ini mencakup poin-poin penting seperti perawatan bayi risiko tinggi dengan berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR), hiperbilirubin, asfiksia, serta respirasi distres sindrom. Selain itu, buku ini juga membahas asuhan keperawatan anak dengan kelainan jantung seperti ASD/VSD, PDA, dan TOF. Berbagai kelainan lain seperti atresia ani, Hirschprung, CTEV, cerebral palsy, hipospadia, serta labioskizis/palatoskizis juga diulas secara rinci. Dengan penekanan pada intervensi perawatan yang tepat, panduan ini membantu perawat dalam mengidentifikasi masalah kesehatan yang relevan, memberikan perawatan yang komprehensif, dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup anak-anak yang memerlukan perhatian khusus akibat kelainan kongenital dan risiko tinggi.
Buku "Falsafah & Teori Keperawatan" adalah panduan komprehensif yang membahas poin-poin penting dalam teori dan falsafah keperawatan. Buku ini membahas definisi teori keperawatan serta paradigma keperawatan yang mendasari praktik keperawatan modern. Dalam buku ini, Anda akan menemukan penjelasan mendalam tentang beberapa teori keperawatan yang signifikan. Teori-model keperawatan yang dibahas meliputi model keperawatan Maslow, Leninger, Florence Nightingale, Dorothy Johnson, dan Callista Roy. Setiap teori-model ini dianalisis secara terperinci, memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang prinsip-prinsip dan konsep yang mendasari setiap pendekatan keperawatan tersebut. Buku ini akan memberikan wawasan yang bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa, praktisi keperawatan, atau siapa pun yang tertarik dalam memahami dasar-dasar teori keperawatan dan bagaimana hal itu dapat diterapkan dalam praktik keperawatan sehari-hari.
Buku yang berjudul "Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Guru TK dan SD Melalui Penelitian Tindakan Kelas : Kumpulan Artikel PTK" ini merupakan kumpulan dari 24 artikel PTK dengan judul yang berbeda-beda diantaranya berjudul Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar IPA Materi Perkembangbiakan Hewan Melalui Pendekatan Steam Metode Project Best Learning pada Peserta Didik Jenjang SD, Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Teknik Jigsaw untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Materi Perkembangbiakan Makhluk Hidup pada Siswa Kelas 6, Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Make A Match Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Belajar Peserta Didik Materi Alat Gerak Dan Fungsinya pada Hewan Dan Manusia di Kelas 5 SD, Metode Stad Untuk M...
This book focuses on mobile learning design from both theoretical and practical perspectives. It introduces and discusses how mobile learning can be effectively integrated into curricula, highlighting the design of four key components of learning-centric pedagogy: Resource, Activity, Support and Evaluation in the context of mobile learning. It also investigates the learning theories underpinning mobile learning design, and includes case studies in different contexts. It provides practical insights that allow teachers to change and transform teaching practices using mobile technology. Anyone involved in mobile-technology enhanced learning and teaching will find this book both informative and useful.
Advanced machining processes has significant contributions to the manufacturing industries, especially since many new invented materials have advanced properties, which are difficult to machine using conventional machining processes. Therefore, advanced machining processes take a lead in dealing with these types of material. This book focuses on electrical machining and electrical dressing processes. Chapter 1 explains the electrochemical machining (ECM), includes process parameters that involved in the ECM processes. Chapter 2 deals with another advanced machining process, i.e. electro-discharge machining (EDM). Several process parameters that contribute to the EDM processes are also discussed. Electrical dressing is described in Chapter 3 as a special application of ECM and EDM. Finally, other types of non-conventional machining are explained in Chapter 4. [UGM Press, UGM, Gadjah Mada University Press]
Arguing that mass is key to understanding the materialisation of social relations, this collection opens up contemporary thinking about identity, choice and values. With new contributions by Zygmunt Bauman, Robert Cooper and Dan Rose, these twelve innovative papers draw together debates on social theory, community, materiality and consumption.
ln early 2020, Australia and Indonesia entered an historic high point in their bilateral relationship. The President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, visited Canberra where he addressed the Joint Houses of Parliament, and meetings were held to put the final touches on the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Partnership Agreement (IA CEPA). Since then, tested by the COVID-1 9 pandemic crisis, the strength and depth of the Australia-Indonesia relationship—between governments, also business and community organisations and individuals—has come more clearly into focus. The people-to-people connectivity that has driven the Australia-Indonesia relationship is being re-imagined in creative, digital ways...
This book is an outcome of the keynote/lead papers presented by the experts from different disciplines in the Indian Ecological Society International Conference 2016 on “Natural Resource Management: Ecological Perspectives”, organized at the Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, India. The book captures the essence of natural resource management from the intra and interdisciplinary perspectives of agricultural sciences (entomology, plant pathology, plant breeding and genetics, agronomy and soil sciences), social sciences (resource economics, agricultural extension education), medical sciences, and environmental sciences to stimulate discussion on the...