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Buku ini hadir untuk memberikan gambaran yang lebih jelas mengenai Ekonomi Islam: Prinsip dan Praktik dalam Membangun Kesejahteraan. Dalam dunia yang serba modern dan terus berkembang, seringkali kita dihadapkan pada tantangan-tantangan ekonomi yang kompleks. Berbagai sistem ekonomi yang ada di dunia saat ini, meskipun telah menunjukkan kemajuan yang pesat, tetap menyisakan ketimpangan dan ketidakadilan yang semakin besar. Ketidakmerataan distribusi kekayaan, kemiskinan yang tak kunjung usai, dan kerusakan lingkungan menjadi persoalan besar yang harus segera dicarikan solusi.
Judul : Kebijakan Fiskal dan Lembaga Keuangan Syariah Penulis : Dr. Abdul Aziz, M.Ag., dan Naufal Luthfi Alifa, S.E., M.E. Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 140 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-162-767-4 No. E-ISBN : 978-623-162-768-1 (PDF) SINOPSIS Dalam dekade terakhir, keuangan syariah telah menjadi salah satu sektor dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi tercepat di industri keuangan global, bahkan melampaui keuangan konvensional. Keungan syariah dipercaya sebagai salah satu instrument yang berperan penting dalam mendukung program pemulihan ekonomi dan mengurangi kemiskinan melalui usaha dan ekonomi masyarakat. Hal ini disebabkan keuangan syariah yang memberi cara, kerangka yang mengatur as...
Sukuk, the shari’a-compliant alternative mode of financing to conventional bonds, have expanded considerably over the last decade. We analyze the stock market reaction to two key features of this financial instrument: sukuk type and characteristics of the shari’a scholar certifying the issue. We use the event study methodology to measure abnormal returns for a sample of 131 sukuk from eight countries over the period 2006-2013 and find that Ijara sukuk structures exert a positive influence on the stock price of the issuing firm. We observe a similar positive impact from shari’a scholar reputation and proximity to issuer. Overall our results support the hypotheses that the type of sukuk and the choice of scholars hired to certify these securities matter for the market valuation of the issuing company.
The relatively new sukuk (or Islamic debt securities) markets have grown to more than US $800 billion over the past decade, and continue to grow at a rate of around 20-30 per cent per year. Arguably the first of its kind, this path-breaking book provides a highly unique reference tool relating to key issues surrounding sukuk markets, which are found in 12 major financial centres, including Kuala Lumpur, London and Zurich. The internationally renowned contributors present an in-depth study of sukuk securities, beginning with a comprehensive definition and history. They go on to discuss Islamic financial concepts and practices that govern how sukuk securities are issued, how markets are carefully regulated to protect investors, and how securities are designed to safeguard invested money. The prospects and challenges of developing sukuk Islamic debt markets across the world are also illustrated. This comprehensive guide to sukuk markets will prove a fascinating and useful reference tool for academics, students, researchers and practitioners with an interest in Islamic finance, and, more specifically, in the nascent field of sukuk securities.
This book presents empirical evidence on the convergence of financial and management accounting in the Italian context. The author provides an overview of the development paths of financial accounting including its evolution, role of non-financial, forward looking and voluntary disclosures, and internal determinants such as corporate governance and business culture. The author uses the premises of agency, signalling, legitimacy and institutional theories in understanding this evolution, and includes the perspective of professional associations and academics on the topic. Based on survey data, the reader is provided with valuable insights into the Italian accounting scene.