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Critical care practitioners are often the initial providers of care to seriously ill patients with infections. This book provides clinicians practicing in the intensive care unit with a reference to help guide their care of infected patients. It brings together a group of international authors to address important topics related to infectious diseases for the critical care practitioner.
The first book was on "Theory and Practice" of antibiotic stewardship in its broadest sense -the how to do it and the do's and don’ts. The second, on "Controlling resistance" was very much on the relationships between use and resistance and beginning to home in on the hospital as the main generator of resistance, but mainly looking at it from a disease/clinical perspective. The last 3 chapters on MRSA, ended where the 3rd book will take off. "Controlling HAI " will concentrate on specific MDR organisms highlighting their roles in the current pandemic of HAI and emphasizing that the big issue is not so much infection control but antibiotic control, in the same way that antibiotic over-reliance/ over-use has caused the problem in the first place. Up 'till now the emphasis for controlling MRSA, C diff and all the other MDROs has very much been on IC, which clearly isn't working. This book will gather all the evidence for the increasingly popular view that much more must be done in the area of antibiotic policies/ stewardship, especially when we are in danger of a "post antibiotic" era, due to a real shortage of new agents in the pipeline.
Avoiding infection has always been expensive. Some human populations escaped tropical infections by migrating into cold climates but then had to procure fuel, warm clothing, durable housing, and crops from a short growing season. Waterborne infections were averted by owning your own well or supporting a community reservoir. Everyone got vaccines in rich countries, while people in others got them later if at all. Antimicrobial agents seemed at first to be an exception. They did not need to be delivered through a cold chain and to everyone, as vaccines did. They had to be given only to infected patients and often then as relatively cheap injectables or pills off a shelf for only a few days to ...
Case Studies in Infectious Disease presents forty case studies featuring the most important human infectious diseases worldwide. Written for students of microbiology and medicine this book describes the natural history of infection from point of entry of the pathogen through pathogenesis, followed by clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment. Five core sets of questions are posed in each case. What is the nature of the infectious agent, how does it gain access to the body, what cells are infected, and how does the organism spread? What are the host defense mechanisms against the agent and how is the disease caused? What are the typical manifestations of the infection and the complications that can occur? How is the infection diagnosed and what is the differential diagnosis? How is the infection managed, and what preventative measures can be taken to avoid infection? This standardized approach provides the reader with a logical basis for understanding these diverse and medically important organisms, fully integrating microbiology and immunology throughout.
The book compiles important clinical cases in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases for students and specialists concerning prevalent types of infections and their management. Contributors involved are well known locally, regionally and internationally. The book is designed to address undergraduate med students (Med I and Med II mainly). It serves as a reference for Med III and MED IV students, since it sheds light on a variety of infectious diseases tackling different types of microorganisms. All books currently available deal merely with medical microbiology in relation to Infectious diseases.
In recent years, advanced molecular techniques in diagnostic microbiology have been revolutionizing the practice of clinical microbiology in the hospital setting. Molecular diagnostic testing in general and nucleic acid-based amplification methods in particular have been heralded as diagnostic tools for the new millennium. This third edition covers not only the most recent updates and advances, but details newly invented omic techniques, such as next generation sequencing. It is divided into two distinct volumes, with Volume 1 describing the techniques, and Volume 2 addressing their applications in the field. In addition, both volumes focus more so on the clinical relevance of the test results generated by these techniques than previous editions.
The book on Trends in Quorum Sensing and Quorum Quenching: New Perspectives and Applications focuses on the recent advances in the field of quorum sensing in bacteria and the novel strategies developed for quorum sensing inhibition. The topics covered are multidisciplinary and wide-ranging,and includes quorum sensing phenomenon in pathogenic bacteria, food spoilers, and agriculturally relevant bacteria. The applications of quorum sensing inhibitors such as small molecules, bioactives, natural compounds, and quorum quenching enzymes in controlling bacterial infections in clinical settings, agriculture and aquaculture are discussed. The potential use of quorum quenching enzymes for mitigating ...
This book comprises select proceedings of the International Conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society. The book is divided into five parts. The first part deals with some aspects of environmental pollution such as socio-economic environment assessment for sustainable development, environmental issues due to fire in coal Mines and its impact and suggestions for implementing precautionary and control measures, redevelopment of urban slum dwellings: issues & challenges, air and noise pollution in mega cities, importance of indoor environmental quality in green buildings. Part II discusses pollution indicators such as assessment and prediction of environmental noise, fuzzy logic based...