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How the rise of leisure is changing contemporary Lebanon South Beirut has recently become a vibrant leisure destination with a plethora of cafés and restaurants that cater to the young, fashionable, and pious. What effects have these establishments had on the moral norms, spatial practices, and urban experiences of this Lebanese community? From the diverse voices of young Shi'i Muslims searching for places to hang out, to the Hezbollah officials who want this media-savvy generation to be more politically involved, to the religious leaders worried that Lebanese youth are losing their moral compasses, Leisurely Islam provides a sophisticated and original look at leisure in the Lebanese capita...
Setiap orang tentu menginginkan rezeki yang berkecukupan sehingga berbagai cara pun dilakukan. Sebagian orang menggunakan "jalan pintas", namun ada juga yang memasrahkannya kepada Allah Swt. Golongan kedua biasanya mengandalkan Shalat Dhuha sebagai wasilahnya. Padahal, banyak ibadah sunnah lain yang manfaatnya juga tak kalah jauh dibanding Shalat Dhuha. Buku ini menyajikan ulasan mengenai berbagai Shalat dan puasa Sunnah yang dapat memudahkan mengalirnya rezeki yang tak terputus dari Allah Swt. Didukung dengan pemaparan cara praktik "ritual-ritual" tersebut. Selain itu, buku ini juga mengupas faedah-faedah lain yang bisa diperoleh dari amalan-amalan sunnah tersebut. So, segeralah miliki buku ini, dan jadilah orang yang selalu dikejar rezeki.
Bisnis Anda sedang mengalami masa sulit, seret, bahkan terancam bangkrut? Jangan putus asa…! Coba deh lakukan cara yang satu ini! Bersama buku ini, Anda akan diajak untuk melakukan bisnis sesuai dengan syariat Islam, yaitu melaksanakan Shalat Hajat sebagai pengiring usaha. Dengan Shalat Hajat, usaha Anda akan dibantu langsung oleh Allah Swt. Tidak percaya?? Coba saja praktikkan sekarang juga. Selling point: 1. Dasar Hukum Dilaksanakannya Shalat Hajat 2. Tata Cara Melakukan Shalat Hajat 3. Doa-Doa agar Bisnis Lancar 4. Kisah-Kisah Inspiratif tentang Keajaiban Shalat Hajat.
This is the first systematic literary study of one of the masterpieces of classical Arabic literature, the fourth/tenth century Kitâb al-aghânî (The Book of Songs) by Abû I-Faraj al-Isbahânî. Until now the twenty-four volume Book of Songs has been regarded as a rather chaotic but priceless mine of information about classical Arabic music, literature and culture. This book approaches it as a work of literature in its own right, with its own internal logic and coherence. The study also consistently integrates the musical component into the analysis and proposes a reading of the work in which individual anecdotes and poems are related to the wider context, enhancing their meaning.
The contributors to this wide-ranging work of scholarship and analysis include mentors, colleagues, friends, and students of the late Magda al-Nowaihi, an outstanding scholar of Middle East studies whose diverse interests and energy inspired numerous colleagues. The book's first part is devoted to Arabic elegy, the subject of an unfinished work by al-Nowaihi from which this volume takes its title. Included here is a previously unpublished lecture on elegy delivered by al- Nowaihi herself. Other contributors examine this poetic form in both classical and modern contexts, from a number of angles, including the partial feminization of the genre, making this volume perhaps the most comprehensive...