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A difusão dos estudos da Geopolítica no século XIX tem sido complementada desde o século XX por uma ampla propagação da área das Relações Internacionais, o que repercute em um convergente diálogo epistêmico no século XXI, no âmbito das pesquisas científicas e das atuações profissionais, para descrever e prescrever linhas de ação sobre as agendas empíricas contemporâneas no mundo. Destarte, o objetivo do presente livro é discutir agendas que têm adquirido crescente relevância empírica, partindo de estudos de casos multitemáticos em distintos territórios no globo os quais tomam como referência uma leitura pautada por plurais recortes teórico-metodológicos que valor...
O objetivo da presente obra, intitulada “Segurança Pública em Roraima: Estudos de Caso da Polícia Civil”, é refletir sobre a realidade da Segurança Pública com base em um conjunto de reflexões alicerçadas na reflexão sobre a realidade empírica Polícia da Civil roraimense com base em uma série de contribuições dos profissionais envolvidos. A construção deste livro somente foi possível em função de uma iniciativa da Associação dos Delegados de Polícia Civil do Estado de Roraima (ADEPOL/RR) que resultou em uma oficina prática para escrita dos estudos de casos, mediada pelo prof. Dr. Elói Martins Senhoras no mês de março de 2023, contando com a participação de mai...
A Segurança Pública trata-se de um objeto de estudo e de ação que parte da percepção coletiva das relações sociais até se chegar à instrumentalização políticas públicas, o qual se manifesta por evolução empírica e teórica de movimentos incrementais e ruptivos que são reflexivos às transformações da humanidade, sendo assim apreendido como um fenômeno complexo que reflete as especificidades dos avanços e dilemas de cada sociedade. Partindo da ampla capacidade dialógica de um campo epistêmico relativamente aberto à pluralidade dialógica e operacional, o presente livro “Segurança Pública: Agendas Temáticas” apresenta uma instigante agenda de diferenciados estud...
Women, Business and the Law 2020, the sixth edition in a series, analyzes laws and regulations affecting women's economic inclusion in 190 economies. The Women, Business and the Law Index, composed by eight indicators structured around women's interactions with the law as they begin, progress through and end their careers, aligns different areas of the law with the economic decisions women make at various stages of their lives. The indicators are: Mobility, Workplace, Pay, Marriage, Parenthood, Entrepreneurship, Assets, and Pension.The report updates all indicators as of September 1, 2019, and builds evidence around the linkages between legal gender equality and women's economic inclusion. By examining the economic decisions women make as they go through different stages of their working lives and the pace of reforms over the past 2 years, Women, Business and the Law makes an important contribution to research and policy discussions about the state of women's economic opportunities and empowerment. While celebrating the progress made, the data and analysis emphasize the work still to be done to ensure economic empowerment for all.
A presente obra trata-se de um constructo intelectual de homenagem em vida à geógrafa, professora e pesquisadora, Dra. Altiva Barbosa da Silva, mulher e mãe que muito habilmente concilia a delicadeza de uma leve e generosa vivência ao brilhantismo de uma dedica carreira profissional no campo da educacional da Geografia. Matriarca do pensamento geográfico no estado de Roraima, a ilustríssima Dra. Altiva Barbosa da Silva é cortejada neste livro por um conjunto de pesquisadores que partilharam de sua vívida presença, marcada pelo diálogo e um carinhoso respeito profissional, repercutindo sempre em um dinâmico enriquecimento ímpar na vida e de suas formações acadêmicas e profissio...
A previously untranslated classic of Portuguese feminist literature originally published in 1978, Carvalho's Empty Wardrobes introduces English-speaking readers to a forgotten and underappreciated woman writer a la recent publishing sensations Lucia Berlin, Natalia Ginzburg, Ingeborg Bachmann, Silvina Ocampo, and Armonia Somers. Empty Wardrobes is a tightly plotted, highly entertaining read, that, thanks to an ingenious detached narrative technique (one that makes the plot all the more fun to revisit and rethink), is both darkly humorous and devastatingly true.
Women, Business and the Law 2021 is the seventh in a series of annual studies measuring the laws and regulations that affect women’s economic opportunity in 190 economies. The project presents eight indicators structured around women’s interactions with the law as they move through their lives and careers: Mobility, Workplace, Pay, Marriage, Parenthood, Entrepreneurship, Assets, and Pension. This year’s report updates all indicators as of October 1, 2020 and builds evidence of the links between legal gender equality and women’s economic inclusion. By examining the economic decisions women make throughout their working lives, as well as the pace of reform over the past 50 years, Women, Business and the Law 2021 makes an important contribution to research and policy discussions about the state of women’s economic empowerment. Prepared during a global pandemic that threatens progress toward gender equality, this edition also includes important findings on government responses to COVID-19 and pilot research related to childcare and women’s access to justice.
Yoshiro thinks he might never die. A hundred years old and counting, he is one of Japan's many 'old-elderly'; men and women who remember a time before the air and the sea were poisoned, before terrible catastrophe promted Japan to shut itself off from the rest of the world. He may live for decades yet, but he knows his beloved great-grandson - born frail and prone to sickness - might not survive to adulthood. Day after day, it takes all of Yoshiro's sagacity to keep Mumei alive. As hopes for Japan's youngest generation fade, a secretive organisation embarks on an audacious plan to find a cure - might Yoshiro's great-grandson be the key to saving the last children of Tokyo?
Notable International Crime Novel of the Year – Crime Reads / Lit Hub From a prize-winning Turkish novelist, a heady, political tale of one man’s search for identity and meaning in Istanbul after the loss of his memory. A blues singer, Boratin, attempts suicide by jumping off the Bosphorus Bridge, but opens his eyes in the hospital. He has lost his memory, and can't recall why he wished to end his life. He remembers only things that are unrelated to himself, but confuses their timing. He knows that the Ottoman Empire fell, and that the last sultan died, but has no idea when. His mind falters when remembering civilizations, while life, like a labyrinth, leads him down different paths. From the confusion of his social and individual memory, he is faced with two questions. Does physical recognition provide a sense of identity? Which is more liberating for a man, or a society: knowing the past, or forgetting it? Embroidered with Borgesian micro-stories, Labyrinth flows smoothly on the surface while traversing sharp bends beneath the current.
In this poignant novel, a man guilty of a minor offense finds purpose unexpectedly by way of his punishment—reading to others. After an accident—or “the misfortune,” as his cancer-ridden father’s caretaker, Celeste, calls it—Eduardo is sentenced to a year of community service reading to the elderly and disabled. Stripped of his driver’s license and feeling impotent as he nears thirty-five, he leads a dull, lonely life, chatting occasionally with the waitresses of a local restaurant or walking the streets of Cuernavaca. Once a quiet town known for its lush gardens and swimming pools, the “City of Eternal Spring” is now plagued by robberies, kidnappings, and the other myriad ...