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The NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Quantum Chemistry of Polymers; Solid State Aspects" lIIas held at the MARITIM Congress Hotel Braunlage/Harz in the Federal Republic of Germany from July 25 - August 5, 1983. We lIIish to express our deep gratitude to the NATO Scientific Affairs Division, the main sponsor of the Institute, and to the National Foundation for Cancer Research, Bethesda, Maryland for their substantial support. We sincerely thank Dr. Craig Sinclair, Director of the NATO Advanced Study Institutes program as lIIell as the IIIhole Advanced Study Institute/Advanced Research Workshop Advisory Board of the NATO Scientific Affairs Division, IIIho have honored us by holding their exte...
Hematology encompasses the physiology and pathology of blood and of the blood-forming organs. In common with other areas of medicine, the pace of change in hematology has been breathtaking over recent years. There are now many treatment options available to the modern hematologist and, happily, a greatly improved outlook for the vast majority of patients with blood disorders and malignancies. Improvements in the clinic reflect, and in many respects are driven by, advances in our scientific understanding of hematological processes under both normal and disease conditions. Hematology - Science and Practice consists of a selection of essays which aim to inform both specialist and non-specialist readers about some of the latest advances in hematology, in both laboratory and clinic.
The incidence of allergies is increasing worldwide. Beside the well-established symptomatic treatments and subcutaneous immunotherapies, formerly known as de- or hyposensitization, a new form of treatment, local immunotherapy, has been developed in recent years. Local immunotherapy, though still controversially discussed, promises to be a curative, noninvasive, and easily applicable treatment for allergies. This volume summarizes the most current information on local immunotherapy compiled by internationally renowned specialists. In the methodology section, general aspects of local immunotherapy are presented including its history, allergen resorption and biodistribution, mechanisms of oral ...
This book is a collection of invited papers (previously published in special issues of the Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology) written by internationally recognized researchers actively working in the field of plasma surface modification. It provides a current, comprehensive overview of the plasma treatment of polymers. In contrast to plasm
O livro que temos o prazer de apresentar é fruto de um notável trabalho coletivo de acadêmicos que empreendem uma ampla reflexão acerca do impacto da atual lei de defesa da concorrência, após o seu primeiro quinquênio de vigência. O objetivo do livro é justamente o de suscitar uma ampla e profunda reflexão sobre a evolução da defesa da concorrência no país, apontando os êxitos alcançados e os aperfeiçoamentos que necessitam ser implementados. O livro foi divido em seis partes, sendo a primeira composta de artigos que efetivam a análise histórica da defesa da concorrência no Brasil, com ênfase na reflexão sobre a efetividade do conteúdo e execução de suas normas, bem ...
Enlarged to describe more than a decade of advances in the immunotherapy of allergic diseases and asthma, this Third Edition contains the most recent studies on the mechanisms, manufacture, and standardization of various allergen groups and their utilization in the treatment of allergic diseases-containing 8 new chapters detailing various pharmacoe
Topic Editor Dr. Monteiro is the co-founder of Inatherys. Topic Editor Dr. Zarrin declares no conflict of interest with regard to the Research Topic theme.
The history of physics furnishes many examples of how a simple semiem pirical method, essentially based on intuitive considerations, may prove to be much more successful than a rigorous theoretical approach. A pertinent example is the method of atom-atom potentials, which treats the intermolec ular interactions between polyatomic molecules in terms of pairwise inter actions between their constituent atoms. Despite a few conceptual short comings, the method provides a fairly reliable practical means of handling, on a microscopic level, a wide range of problems that arise in the solid-state physics and chemistry of organic compounds. This monograph is an attempt to generalize the experience ga...
Researchers and clinicians relate their experience with immunotherapy using antigens, which has remained important throughout the enormous advances in immunology over the past 30 years. Among the topics are a historical perspective, outdoor and indoor allergens, venoms, the preparation and administration of extracts, and reactions and other adverse effects. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Written between 1914 and 1921, Ulysses has survived bowdlerization, legal action and bitter controversy. Capturing a single day in the life of Dubliner Leopold Bloom, his friends Buck Mulligan and Stephen Dedalus, his wife Molly, and a scintillating cast of supporting characters, Joyce pushes Celtic lyricism and vulgarity to splendid extremes.