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  • Language: it
  • Pages: 245


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-08-30
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  • Publisher: De Agostini

*** Ora un grande film su Netflix *** Una scuola esclusiva, un principe alla ricerca del vero amore e un segreto così scottante che rischia di bruciare qualunque sentimento. Il primo volume di una saga royal che ha fatto il giro del mondo. Lena non è come le altre ragazze. Non ama la popolarità né le vite di perfezione raccontate dai social. Sa bene che la realtà non può essere ritoccata dai filtri, e che le scelte sbagliate si pagano sempre. È per questo che si è trasferita a Oslo: per lavare via le colpe e frequentare una scuola dove la discrezione è tutto. La discrezione è la ragione per cui anche Karl è stato iscritto alla Elisenberg, sebbene niente in lui potrebbe mai passare...

Women in Battle
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 257

Women in Battle

Freedom. Equality. Sisterhood. WOMEN IN BATTLE is the book for anyone who wants to learn as much as possible about the history of feminism in as short a time as possible. Presented as a graphic novel and spanning 150 years of recent history, WOMEN IN BATTLE celebrates the fight for women's rights all over the world. Topics include the suffragette movement, female world leaders, abortion and contraception, gay marriage and #MeToo. Slowly but surely we are making progress. We need only dare to be heard.

A History of Elementary Social Studies
  • Language: en

A History of Elementary Social Studies

A History of Elementary Social Studies: Romance and Reality recounts the history of elementary social studies in the United States, beginning with its mid-nineteenth century antecedents. The book reflects on the global and national issues that influenced the origins and development of elementary social studies.

My Belly
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 82

My Belly

Why are women so ashamed of certain parts of their bodies? And why are our feelings about our midsections so hard to navigate? These are the questions that animate My Belly, an unflinching and funny portrait of one woman’s obsession with a seemingly innocent body part. Hilde Otsby is a critic, a thinker, and an acclaimed author. At the start of My Belly, she is on tour promoting her latest work about the culture and science of memory. As she poses for a photographer from the London Times, she silently worries about how her belly will look on the front page of the Arts section. Later, she realizes how ridiculous this is: she’s being celebrated for an intellectual achievement, and yet all ...

The Key to Creativity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 330

The Key to Creativity

Readers of Stolen Focus and Quiet will appreciate this wide-ranging and passionate investigation into creativity: Why and when it strikes us, and how to transform workplaces, classrooms, and societies for creativity to flourish. After a cycling crash leaves her head spinning, journalist Hilde Østby finds herself suddenly bursting with creative energy—which makes her wonder: What’s the secret to human creativity? Where do ideas come from? And most importantly: in a society that praises productivity and pace, how can we nurture, rather than suppress, our creative impulses? Using Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland as her inspiration, Østby takes readers tumbling down the rabbit hole of id...

De droomprins
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 161

De droomprins

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-02-06
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  • Publisher: Van Goor

Soms moet zelfs een prinses kikkers kussen om de ware te vinden... Vier maanden nadat Margrethe tijdens het Halloweenfeest naar het ziekenhuis moest, durft ze nog steeds aan niemand te vertellen wat er die nacht is gebeurd. Haar tweelingbroer Kalle heeft geen tijd voor haar en ze mist iemand die ze in vertrouwen kan nemen. Maar een zeventienjarige prinses kan zich niet zomaar in iemands armen storten. Toch? Royalteen – Droomprins is het meeslepende tweede deel van de door Netflix verfilmde serie. Perfect voor fans van American Royals en Rood, wit & koningsblauw.

Fair Society, Healthy Lives
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 74

Fair Society, Healthy Lives

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013
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  • Publisher: Olschki


Royalteen (3). Kiss the Enemy
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 298

Royalteen (3). Kiss the Enemy

Nach Geheimnissen und Royal Romance der Coming-of-Age-Reihe Royalteen: Wie geht es weiter mit den norwegischen Freund:innen? Als ein Video von Tess viral geht, in dem zu sehen ist, wie sie Popstar TÖS mitten ins Gesicht schlägt, verstehen Tess' Freund:innen die Welt nicht mehr. Wie konnte die sonst so erwachsene Tess so etwas tun? Tess gerät erst in Erklärungsnot - und wird dann für ihren Einsatz gegen Rassismus von allen und auf Social Media gefeiert. Ãœber Nacht avanciert sie zum krassen Social-Media-Sternchen, ergattert einen Platz in einer Reality Show und ihre Meinung zu Alltagsrassismus ist überall gefragt. Als sich dann auch noch der tolle und attraktive Jugendpolitiker Jonas fÃ...

Diseases of Wild Waterfowl
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 318

Diseases of Wild Waterfowl

Management of wild waterfowl has become increasingly intensive. Many birds now hatch in managed nesting cover or in artificial nesting structures, use man-made wetlands, and winter on crowded refuges while consuming a grain diet The water they use is often limited in supply and may contain residues from its many prior users. Unfortunately, intensified management often results in new problems, among which disease is important There are many similarities between the current form of management used for some waterfowl and that used in domestic animals. In both, the objective is to maintain a healthy, productive population. Dealing with health problems in waterfowl will benefit from combining the...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 127


Looks at the history of selbu knitting and provides instructions and patterns for creating a variety of mittens and gloves.