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Hittisarjan avaus, jonka pohjalta on juuri tehty Netlix-elokuva! Maan tunnetuin poika ja suurta salaisuutta mukanaan kantava tyttö. Lukuisiin maihin myyty kuninkaallinen romanssi on tarina pelkojen voittamisesta ja yllättävästä rakkaudesta norjalaisessa eliittikoulussa. 17-vuotias Lena on juuri muuttanut Osloon, eikä oman paikan löytäminen upeassa eliittikoulussa ole helppoa. Lenalla on takanaan menneisyys juorukuningattarena ja kotona suuri salaisuus, josta kukaan uudessa koulussa ei saa tietää mitään. Mutta kun Lenan ja samaa koulua käyvän kruununprinssi Kallen elämät risteävät, Lena saa unohtaa toiveensa välttää liiallista huomiota. Miten paljastaa omat salaisuutensa,...
*** Ora un grande film su Netflix *** Una scuola esclusiva, un principe alla ricerca del vero amore e un segreto così scottante che rischia di bruciare qualunque sentimento. Il primo volume di una saga royal che ha fatto il giro del mondo. Lena non è come le altre ragazze. Non ama la popolarità né le vite di perfezione raccontate dai social. Sa bene che la realtà non può essere ritoccata dai filtri, e che le scelte sbagliate si pagano sempre. È per questo che si è trasferita a Oslo: per lavare via le colpe e frequentare una scuola dove la discrezione è tutto. La discrezione è la ragione per cui anche Karl è stato iscritto alla Elisenberg, sebbene niente in lui potrebbe mai passare...
Freedom. Equality. Sisterhood. WOMEN IN BATTLE is the book for anyone who wants to learn as much as possible about the history of feminism in as short a time as possible. Presented as a graphic novel and spanning 150 years of recent history, WOMEN IN BATTLE celebrates the fight for women's rights all over the world. Topics include the suffragette movement, female world leaders, abortion and contraception, gay marriage and #MeToo. Slowly but surely we are making progress. We need only dare to be heard.
Moving to a new town to escape her dark past, Amelia Collins is determined to keep her head down and finish her senior year. But her plan is proving difficult when she runs into Aiden Parker - the school's hottest bad boy. Initially she can't imagine anyone worse than Aiden - his good looks can't possibly excuse his bad attitude. But soon she'll realise there's more to him than meets the eye. Now, Amelia needs to find a way to survive senior year and not get distracted by Aiden - or his gorgeous best friend, and complete player, Mason. With new friends, rivalries, love triangles and hilarious pranks, she has enough to deal with - that is until her past comes back to haunt her . . .
Why are women so ashamed of certain parts of their bodies? And why are our feelings about our midsections so hard to navigate? These are the questions that animate My Belly, an unflinching and funny portrait of one woman’s obsession with a seemingly innocent body part. Hilde Otsby is a critic, a thinker, and an acclaimed author. At the start of My Belly, she is on tour promoting her latest work about the culture and science of memory. As she poses for a photographer from the London Times, she silently worries about how her belly will look on the front page of the Arts section. Later, she realizes how ridiculous this is: she’s being celebrated for an intellectual achievement, and yet all ...
Readers of Stolen Focus and Quiet will appreciate this wide-ranging and passionate investigation into creativity: Why and when it strikes us, and how to transform workplaces, classrooms, and societies for creativity to flourish. After a cycling crash leaves her head spinning, journalist Hilde Østby finds herself suddenly bursting with creative energy—which makes her wonder: What’s the secret to human creativity? Where do ideas come from? And most importantly: in a society that praises productivity and pace, how can we nurture, rather than suppress, our creative impulses? Using Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland as her inspiration, Østby takes readers tumbling down the rabbit hole of id...
This is part of a ten volume set of reference books offering authoritative and engaging critical overviews of the state of political science. This work explores the business end of politics, where theory meets practice in the pursuit of public good.
Management of wild waterfowl has become increasingly intensive. Many birds now hatch in managed nesting cover or in artificial nesting structures, use man-made wetlands, and winter on crowded refuges while consuming a grain diet The water they use is often limited in supply and may contain residues from its many prior users. Unfortunately, intensified management often results in new problems, among which disease is important There are many similarities between the current form of management used for some waterfowl and that used in domestic animals. In both, the objective is to maintain a healthy, productive population. Dealing with health problems in waterfowl will benefit from combining the...
Myös suosittuina Netflix-elokuvina! Kuka nykymaailmassa käyttää suurinta valtaa? Netflixistä tutun, eliittikoulun kuninkaallisia kuvaavan Royalteen-sarjan kolmannessa osassa päärooliin nousee somevaltiatar Tess. Meikkivinkkeihin aiemmin Instagramissa keskittynyt Tess kohoaa mielipidevaikuttajaksi sen jälkeen, kun hänen yhteenotostaan rasistisesti käyttäytyvän laulajan kanssa tulee valtakunnan uutinen. Mutta ymmärtääkö 17-vuotias varakkaan perheen tytär ja somejulkkis oikeasti mistä puhuu? Kun Tess lisäksi päätyy tutustumaan laulajaan, josta koko soppa lähti liikkeelle, hän joutuu miettimään tarkkaan, missä kulkevat yksityisyyden rajat. Romanttinen ja raikas Royalteen-sarja kuvaa norjalaisen eliittikoulun elämää ja Norjan kuningasperheen lasten ihmissuhteita. Sarjan kolmannessa osassa pohditaan kiinnostavalla tavalla nykyaikaista vallankäyttöä ja vaikuttamista. Anne Gunn Halvorsen on toimittaja ja kriitikko, joka on kirjoittanut useita tietokirjoja aikuisille. Randi Fuglehaug on toimittaja, kustannustoimittaja ja kirjailija, jolta on ilmestynyt teoksia laajasti eri kohderyhmille.