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With both achievements and persistent challenges over the last few decades, ensuring food security remains a priority for policymakers and development efforts in Indonesia. Setting aside some backsliding resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia’s poverty reduction journey has come a long way since the Asian financial crisis to less than 10% by 2019. Likewise, meaningful progress has been seen in daily calorie consumption and a declining stunting rate. But despite these gains, many challenges are evident. On the production side, agriculture struggles to promote productivity, community livelihood, and sustainability—a challenge made more pronounced by increased extreme weather event...
Diwarnai berbagai pencapaian dan tantangan dalam beberapa dasawarsa terakhir, ketahanan pangan masih menjadi prioritas para pembuat kebijakan dan upaya-upaya pembangunan di Indonesia. Terlepas dari penurunan capaian akibat pandemi COVID-19, kemiskinan di Indonesia telah berkurang secara sangat signifikan sejak krisis finansial Asia, mencapai kurang dari 10% pada 2019. Kemajuan juga dapat dilihat dalam hal peningkatan konsumsi kalori harian dan penurunan tingkat stunting. Namun, banyak tantangan masih menghadang. Di sisi produksi, sektor pertanian kesulitan untuk memperbaiki produktivitas, penghidupan masyarakat, dan keberlanjutan–sebuah tantangan yang kian diperparah oleh fenomena cuaca ek...
Homestay 101 adalah buku sarat informasi bagi peminat program homestay mancanegara. Tak sekadar berbagi tip terkait pengurusan visa, apa yang harus dibawa, estimasi uang saku, dan pilihan pakaian sesuai musim, buku ini juga membeberkan informasi penting seputar etika tinggal bersama host parents, mengatasi kelebihan bagasi, bergaul dengan anak kecil agar tak mati gaya, bahkan tip antipanik saat menggunakan toilet kering. Lupakan bahan bacaan yang serius dan kaku. Buku ini hadir dalam bahasa renyah nan lincah, dibalut racikan humor segar yang akan memancing senyum dan gelak tawa Anda. Ingin seolah-olah menjadi salah satu anggota rombongannya? Nikmati jurnal perjalanan yang sarat akan curahan rasa dan pengalaman seru selama mengikuti program Homestay. Penasaran? Grab this book and have a smile or two. Enjoy the rideerr...the read!
Di era digital yang serba cepat ini, desa-desa di Indonesia memiliki peluang emas untuk bertransformasi dan berkembang. Buku “Membangun Desa dengan Revolusi Digital” mengungkap potensi besar teknologi modern dalam memberdayakan masyarakat desa, memperkuat perekonomian lokal, dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Melalui kisah sukses dan studi kasus inspiratif, buku ini menunjukkan bagaimana inovasi digital dapat diterapkan untuk mengatasi berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi desa-desa kita. Dilengkapi dengan panduan praktis dan strategi yang mudah diimplementasikan, buku ini menjadi sumber daya berharga bagi para pemimpin desa, pengusaha lokal, dan semua yang terlibat dalam pembangunan pedesaan. Penulis menggali berbagai aspek teknologi, mulai dari infrastruktur digital hingga aplikasi praktis dalam sektor pertanian, pendidikan, dan kesehatan. Dengan pendekatan yang komprehensif dan aplikatif, pembaca akan mendapatkan wawasan mendalam tentang cara memanfaatkan revolusi digital untuk menciptakan perubahan positif yang berkelanjutan di desa-desa Indonesia.
Handbook of Energy, Volume I: Diagrams, Charts, and Tables provides comprehensive, organized coverage on all phases of energy and its role in society, including its social, economic, political, historical, and environmental aspects. While there is a wealth of information about energy available, it is spread across many books, journals, and websites and it tends to target either a particular form of energy or a specific audience. Handbook of Energy provides a central repository of information that meets diverse user communities. It focuses on visual, graphic, and tabular information in a schematic format. Individuals and researchers at all educational levels will find the Handbook of Energy to be a valuable addition to their personal libraries. - Easy-to-read technical diagrams and tables display a vast array of data and concepts
Six short stories drawn from history record black Americans' struggle for freedom during the days of slavery, chronicling the lives of a blues singer, a cowboy, two lovers forced apart when the girl is sold, and a traveler on the Underground Railroad.
This book seeks to give form to a theology that hyphenates two traditions that have not only been in constant conflict during most of their historical encounters but are also presented as opposite blocks in the threatening ‘clash of civilizations’ at the beginning of the third millennium: Islam and Christianity. Based on experiences of dialogue between the three Abrahamic faiths, this book analyzes historical and contemporary processes of interreligious dialogue between Christians and Muslims in order to arrive at a concept of dialogue as ‘mutual emulation.’ It shows how, in their theologies of religious others, Judaism, Christianity and Islam have based their images of others on the...
This Handbook offers a comprehensive overview of the latest research from leading scholars on the international political economy of energy and resources. Highlighting the important conceptual and empirical themes, the chapters study all levels of governance, from global to local, and explore the wide range of issues emerging in a changing political and economic environment.
This book focuses on the emergence of different forms of civic and political activism in Turkey. It has taken into account different components of active citizenship, specifically looking at the development of civic and political forms of activism that bridge the realms of conventional and non-conventional participation. Focusing on the effects of the 2013 Gezi Park protests—which originated in Istanbul but spread throughout the country—this book reflects on how this experience might re-orient current on civic and political participation in Turkey. Specifically focusing on the main dynamics of non-conventional forms of civic and political activism, this volume attempts to understand the ...