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Detektif Bahasa Penulis : Rifan Bilaldi Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm No. QRCBN : 62-39-6185-970 Terbit : Juni 2022 Sinopsis : Buku ini merupakan kumpulan 40 artikel yang berkaitan dengan hal-hal tentang bahasa Indonesia, yang berisi fenomena bahasa, gramatika bahasa, kejadian berbahasa di masyarakat, dialek bahasa, dan kesenjangan bahasa yang sering terjadi di masyarakat. Fenomena dan permasalahan berbahasa tidak luput dari kesalahan. Hampir setiap hari, saya menemukan banyak kesalahan berbahasa, kesalahan tanda baca, pengistilahan unik, permasalahan dalam pertuturan, dan masih banyak lagi, yang dimulai dari penggunaan kata tidak baku, kalimat tidak efektif, hingga penyakit berbahasa. Oleh karena itu, dengan adanya buku ini dapat membuat masyarakat mempelajari hal-hal tentang bahasa Indonesia yang sekiranya belum banyak diketahui. Buku ini, “dari masyarakat, untuk masyarakat” Email : WA di 081287602508 Happy shopping & reading Enjoy your day, guys
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the first edition of the 2019 International Conference on Advances in Education, Humanities, and Language (ICEL). The aim of ICEL (International Conference on Advances in Humanities, Education and Language) is to provide a platform for researchers, professionals, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Education, humanities, and Language. The theme of ICEL 2019 was “Mainstreaming the Influences on Higher Order of Thinking Skills in Humanities, Education, and Language in Industrial Revolution 4.0”. The technical program of ICEL 2019 consisted of...
Örütağda Yabancı Konuşmacılara Endonezce Öğretimi (BIPA) 1 müfredatını esas alarak hazırladığımız dizimizde birinci kitapta 14 konuya yer verdik. Milli Eğitim, Kültür, Araştırma ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı (Kemendikbudristek) Lisan Geliştirme ve Kurgulama Kurumu (Badan Bahasa) BIPA müfredatını 2018’de hizmete soktu. Bakanlık bu konuda şu bilgiyi veriyor: ”BIPA örütağ çevrim içi taşınabilir (portal online) gelişmiş müfredatı karşılıklı işbirliği ilkesiyle çeşitli tarafların katılımını içeren hizmetleri temin eder. Lisan Geliştirme ve Kurgulama Kurumu BIPA program ve müfredatı, yararlanıcı ve paydaşlarının çeşitli kaynaklardan ür...
This book studies the political and institutional project of Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya, the official translation of the Qurʾān into Indonesian by the Indonesian government. It investigates how the translation was produced and presented, and how it is read, as well as considering the implications of the state’s involvement in such a work. Lukman analyses the politicisation of the Qurʾān commentary through discussion of how the tafsīr mechanism functions in this version, weighing up the translation’s dual constraints: the growing political context, on the one hand, and the tafsīr tradition on the other. In doing so, the book pays attention to three key areas: the production phase, the textual material, and the reception of the translation by readers. This book will be of value to scholars with an interest in tafsīr studies, modern and Southeast Asian or Indonesian tafsīr sub-fields, the study of Qurʾān translations, and Indonesian politics and religion more broadly.
This book is about website translation procedures and assessments especially for English - Indonesian language pair.
Being able to do advocacy on health issues is a competency needed by graduates of higher education. Unfortunately, based on research, the role of advocating is considered less significant than other roles. Education in the health sector itself was also identified as providing only limited opportunities to be able to facilitate the achievement of this role. Exposure to advocacy learning requires experience initiation and service exposure in the community so that students get a broad understanding of how advocacy can be carried out. Students are expected to be able to deeply appreciate the various social determinants to develop global health advocacy skill. One of the outcomes of formal global health advocacy is policy brief. There are various ways, challenges, and innovations in encouraging students to write policy brief. Duta Wacana Christian University School of Medicine with World Nations International collaborated in implementing the Global Health Advocacy Course. This course is expected to facilitate students to understand global health advocacy and then encourage students to make policy brief on that theme.
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the first edition of Workshop Environmental Science, Society, and Technology. This Workshop has brought researchers, developers and practitioners around the world who are leveraging and developing of Environmental for Society and Technology for life. We strongly believe that Workshop Environmental Science, Society, and Technology provides a good forum for all researcher, developers and practitioners to discuss all science and technology aspects that are relevant to Digital Society. We also expect that the future Workshop will be as successful and stimulating, as indicated by the contributions presented in this volume.
Secara ringkas buku ini membahas mengenai kebijakan dan perencanaan bahasa, politik bahasa Indonesia. Di dalamnya juga membahas mengenai pedoman kaidah, tata tulis ilmiah dalam berbagai selingkung. Selain itu, juga turut disinggung mengenai pembelajaran sastra (fiksi, puisi, dan drama) serta dibumbui dengan pedoman penerjeman, baik ideologi, teknik-metode, sampai evaluasi terjemahan. Terakhir, dibahas pula mengenai BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing). Penerbit Garudhawaca.
Buku Evaluasi Pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia disusun meliputi: (1) Hakikat Evaluasi, (2) Penilaian Pembelajaran, (3) Prinsip-Prinsip Evaluasi, (4) Penilaian Berbasis HOTS, (5) Penilaian Kebahasaan dan Kesastraan, (6) Penilaian Keterampilan Berbahasa, (7) Penilaian Apresiasi Sastra, dan (8) Uji Kemahiran Berbahasa. Pembaca diharapkan berkompeten; a. Mampu membedakan konsep evaluasi, penilaian, pengukuran, dan tes. b. Mampu mendeskripsikan sejarah kebijakan ujian nasional di Indonesia, penilaian proses pembelajaran, penilaian hasil pembelajaran, dan mekanisme penilaian pembelajaran. c. Mampu merumuskan prinsip-prinsip penilaian. d. Menerapkan penilaian berbasis HOTS. e. Mengembangkan instrumen penilaian keterampilan kebahasaan dan kesastraan. f. Mengembangkan instrumen penilaian keterampilan berbahasa. g. Mengembangkan instrumen penilaian apresiasi sastra. h. Menguasai uji kemahiran berbahasa Indonesia.
Buku ini dimaksudkan agar pembaca, khususnya mahasiswa calon guru bahasa Indonesia, memiliki keterampilan dalam menganalisis kesalahan berbahasa Indonesia sebagai modal bagi mereka untuk menjadi polisi bahasa, dokter bahasa, dan hakim bahasa. Untuk mencapai maksud tersebut, buku ini memberikan sejumlah materi pokok menyangkut: (1) kesalahan bahasa dan belajar bahasa; (2) kesalahan dan kekeliruan dalam berbahasa Indonesia; (3) analisis kontrastif dan analisis kesalahan; (4) prosedur analisis kesalahan; (5) bahasa Indonesia baku sebagai tolok ukur kesalahan; (6) ragam kesalahan; (7) kemungkinan faktor penyebab kesalahan berbahasa; dan (8) teknik mengoreksi kesalahan bahasa Indonesia. Kedelapan materi pokok tersebut dikemas sedemikian rupa, sehingga setelah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan buku ini, mahasiswa siap menjadi polisi bahasa, dokter bahasa, dan hakim bahasa.