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With technological advancements, fast markets, and higher complexity of systems, software engineers tend to skip the uncomfortable topic of software efficiency. However, tactical, observability-driven performance optimizations are vital for every product to save money and ensure business success. With this book, any engineer can learn how to approach software efficiency effectively, professionally, and without stress. Author Bartłomiej Płotka provides the tools and knowledge required to make your systems faster and less resource-hungry. Efficient Go guides you in achieving better day-to-day efficiency using Go. In addition, most content is language-agnostic, allowing you to bring small but...
Get up to speed with Prometheus, the metrics-based monitoring system used in production by tens of thousands of organizations. This updated second edition provides site reliability engineers, Kubernetes administrators, and software developers with a hands-on introduction to the most important aspects of Prometheus, including dashboarding and alerting, direct code instrumentation, and metric collection from third-party systems with exporters. Prometheus server maintainer Julien Pivotto and core developer Brian Brazil demonstrate how you can use Prometheus for application and infrastructure monitoring. This book guides you through Prometheus setup, the Node Exporter, and the Alertmanager, and ...
Learn how to effectively implement, manage, and optimize Prometheus for monitoring your systems Key Features Achieve high availability with Prometheus by using Thanos Integrate Prometheus into your broader observability stack with OpenTelemetry Tweak, tune, and debug Prometheus to reliably scale without limits Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook Book DescriptionWith an increased focus on observability and reliability, establishing a scalable and reliable monitoring environment is more important than ever. Over the last decade, Prometheus has emerged as the leading open-source, time-series based monitoring software catering to this demand. This book is your guide to...
In post-Cold War international relations, strategic partnerships are an emerging and distinct analytical and political category critical in understanding the dynamics of contemporary strategic cooperation between states and International Organizations. However, the idea of strategic partnerships has remained under-theorized and overshadowed by the alliance theory. Addressing this clear-cut gap in the International Relations/Foreign Policy Analysis literature, this book originally endeavors to theorize and empirically test the analytical model of strategic partnerships as a new form of sustainable international cooperation in times of globalized interdependence and turbulence.
W niniejszej książce partnerstwo strategiczne jest analizowane w kategoriach empirycznych i teoretycznych jako forma współpracy między państwami i organizacjami międzynarodowymi, uwarunkowana zmianami na poziomie systemu międzynarodowego po zakończeniu zimnej wojny. Jedną z niezaprzeczalnych zalet tej publikacji jest przede wszystkim rezygnacja z państwocentrycznego podejścia do partnerstwa strategicznego, jakie dominuje dotychczas w badaniach nad stosunkami międzynarodowymi. Po drugie, partnerstwo strategiczne jako forma współpracy między NATO, UE, ASEAN, Wspólnotą Andyjską a 14 państwami jest analizowane, z jednej strony, jako względnie nowy obszar praktyk w stosunkach międzynarodowych, a z drugiej — jako przedmiot myślenia teoretycznego i jako zaproponowany oryginalny model, który jest sugerowanym narzędziem do badania funkcjonowania partnerstw strategicznych. Prof. dr hab. Marek Pietraś
가장 효율적이고 실용적인 소프트웨어를 향한 여정 개발자들이여 ‘Go’ 하라! 기술 발전과 빠른 시장 변화, 늘어나는 시스템 복잡성으로 인해 개발자들은 ‘소프트웨어 효율성’이라는 불편한 주제를 피하곤 한다. 그러나 개발 비용을 줄이고 비즈니스에서 성공하려면 관찰 가능성에 기반한 성능 최적화가 필수다. 이 책은 어떤 개발자라도 소프트웨어 효율성을 효과적으로, 전문적으로 쉽게 다루도록 돕는 데 초점을 맞추었다. 이를 위해 필자는 더 빠른 시스템 성능을 구현하고 더 적은 자원을 소모하는 데 필요한 도 구와 지식을 구체적으로 제공한다.
This volume was first published by Inter-Disciplinary Press in 2015. How do humans conceive of, enact, embody, perform, control, commodify, proscribe and portray love and gender? How are our bodies, our identities, our beliefs, our representations of ourselves affected by love and gender – or perceptions of love and gender? What don’t we know? What don’t we talk about? Why? Have answers to all these questions changed over time? Across cultures? These and many other questions lie at the heart of this volume on the changing natures and intertwining of gender and love. Its contents encompass concepts of love within and of the self, in families and between specific family members, in sexual and intimate relationships, in spiritual practice, in communities, and seen through many different lenses and from a range of disciplines and approaches. Readers may be left with more questions than answers: we certainly hope so.
Don’t fly blind. Observability gives you actionable insights into your cloud native systems—from pinpointing errors, to increasing developer productivity, to tracking compliance. Observability is the difference between an error message and an error explanation with a recipe how to resolve the error! You know exactly which service is affected, who’s responsible for its repair, and even how it can be optimized in the future. Cloud Observability in Action teaches you how to set up an observability system that learns from a cloud application’s signals, logging, and monitoring, all using free and open source tools. In Cloud Observability in Action you will learn how to: Apply observabilit...
"Abortion access has been transformed by medication abortion pills. These pills have made safe abortion possible around the world, even in the most restrictive legal contexts. Abortion Beyond Borders follows these pills as they are moved by feminist activists from India into Ireland, Northern Ireland, Poland and the USA. It explores how medication abortion pills and the activists who supply them have changed abortion access, impacted politics, and catalyzed progressive reforms. Abortion Beyond Borders offers an unprecedented, up-close look into the global self-managed abortion movement"--
„Ta przeglądowa monografia jest książką trudną, nawet bardzo trudną. Niemniej jest ona istotnym wkładem w nowopowstającą dziedzinę filozofii, tj. topoontologię. Niewątpliwie wyzwaniem jest zmierzenie się z zaawansowanymi konstrukcjami, które przywołuje Bartłomiej Skowron. Nie waha się on balansować na granicy poznawalności. Kto jednak podejmie trud analizy owych problemów wraz z autorem, z pewnością dostrzeże, że zarówno koncepcje Skowrona, jak i dociekania omawianych przez niego krytycznie filozofów, rzucają nowe światło na wiele tradycyjnych problemów filozoficznych. Cierpliwość i wysiłek Czytelnika zaowocuje. Jestem tego pewien.” dr hab. Janusz Kaczmarek, prof. UŁ Słowa kluczowe: część, całość, jakości idealne, ufundowanie, jedność, przestrzeń, filozofia przestrzeni, topoontologia, topofilozofia, ontologia formalna, topologia, filozofia matematyczna, filozofia topologiczna, topologia osoby, topologia umysłu, matematyka w filozofii, mereologia, mereotopologia, fenomenologia, Benedykt Bornstein, Edmund Husserl, Roman Ingarden, Kurt Lewin, Rene Thom