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This volume brings together a number of researchers working on generative syntax and semantics, language acquisition and phonology to explore various theoretical frameworks, ranging from generative grammar and formal semantics to more descriptive approaches. The contributions gathered here investigate various aspects in the syntax, semantics, phonology and acquisition of Romanian in comparison with other (mainly Romance) languages. The book will be of interest to linguists who are keen on keeping up with the latest advances in the field of Romance studies, as well as those whose research bears on languages such as Hungarian, German, and Maltese, among others.
Atlasul lingvistic pe regiuni. Sinteză ne oferă o imagine cuprinzătoare a dacoromânei actuale, fiind un instrument util în aprofundarea problematicii repartiţiei dialectale a dacoromânei. În acelaşi timp, oferă posibilitatea unor cercetări comparative, întrucât cuprinde toate punctele din reţeaua Atlasului Lingvistic Român (ALR) şi permite analiza evoluţiei în timp a faptelor lingvistice. Rețeaua Noului Atlas Lingvistic pe Regiuni (NALR) este de trei ori mai deasă decât cea din ALR. Aceasta a fost îmbogățită în ALRR. Sinteză cu 200 de puncte din Atlasul Lingvistic Moldovenesc. Ne-am propus în demersul nostru să valorificăm acest material lingvistic de o importanţă deosebită pentru geografia lingvistică românească, urmărind raporturile dintre subunităţile dacoromânei atât din punct de vedere sincronic, cât şi diacronic. Am pornit de la imaginea de ansamblu a dacoromânei analizând în detaliu faptele de limbă manifestate la nivel regional astfel încât să identificăm acele fenomene care dobândesc dimensiuni semnificative la nivel naţional.
This second volume on the Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman (DÉRom) contains forty new lexicographical articles as well as an extensive theoretical section which discusses various questions pertaining to the methods, problems and implications of comparative reconstruction in Romance linguistics (phonology, semantics, grammar, geolinguistics and cartography).
Volumul de față este dedicat, așa cum spune și titlul, lingvistei, profesoarei, colegei și prietenei Rodica Zafiu, personalitate și promotoare a școlii bucureștene de lingvistică, vreme de mai bine de un deceniu directoare a Departamentului de lingvistică a Facultății de Litere, autoare a unor cărți de referință și a numeroase studii de specialitate cu deschidere internațională, caracterizate, toate, prin cercetare minuțioasă, sincronică și diacronică, prin racordare la ultimele studii în domeniu și, mai ales, printr-o optimistă obiectivitate. Diversitatea domeniilor pe care le cuprinde acest volum reflectă diversitatea preocupărilor științifice ale sărbătoritei, iar numărul mare de autori și contribuții arată aprecierea, prietenia și recunoștința pe care le avem cu toții pentru omul de carte Rodica Zafiu, model științific și uman de echilibru și de înțelegere rafinată a mecanismelor de funcționare a limbii, în evoluția și complexitatea lor.
The third volume of the DÉRom contains about forty new lexicographical articles, documenting mainly hereditary Protoromance etyma, but also Gallic borrowings. The theoretical section gathers chapters discussing questions such as the Idioromance infrastructure of the DÉRom, polysemy, synonymy, and the substrates of Protoromance.
The Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman (DÉRom) presents the first attempt at etymologizing the ancestral vocabulary of the Romance languages since the publication of Meyer-Lübke’s REW. Deviating from practices commonly accepted and applied in etymological research, the DÉRom adopts a method that has so far, due to the extensive documentation of written Latin, been dismissed as being little viable for Romance Studies: the comparative analysis of grammar, used to reconstruct proto-Romance lexemes. This volume contains some 250 articles, written and revised by 40 specialists in Romance linguistics based in twelve countries, as well as a detailed presentation of the theoretical groundwork of this project.
This fourth edition of Colloquial Romanian has been completely updated to make learning Romanian easier and more enjoyable than ever before. Written by experienced teachers of Romanian, this course offers a step-by-step approach to spoken and written Romanian. No previous knowledge of the language is required. What makes this new edition of Colloquial Romanian you best choice in language learning? lively dialogues reflecting life in contemporary Romania a range of stimulating exercises with full answer key clear grammar notes and summary extensive English-Romanian and Romanian-English glossaries. Audio material to accompany the course is available to download free in MP3 format from Recorded by native speakers, the audio material features the dialogues and texts from the book and will help develop your listening and pronunciation skills.
This fourth edition of Colloquial Romanian has been completely updated to make learning Romanian easier and more enjoyable than ever before. Written by experienced teachers of Romanian, this course offers a step-by-step approach to spoken and written Romanian. No previous knowledge of the language is required. What makes this new edition of Colloquial Romanian you best choice in language learning? lively dialogues reflecting life in contemporary Romania a range of stimulating exercises with full answer key clear grammar notes and summary extensive English-Romanian and Romanian-English glossaries. Audio material on CDs or in MP3 format is available to purchase separately or comes included in the great value Colloquial Romanian pack. Recorded by native speakers, this material will help develop your listening and pronunciation skills. For the eBook and MP3 pack, please find instructions on how to access the supplementary content for this title in the Prelims section.
This volume brings together selected papers from the 48th annual Linguistics Symposium on Romance Languages, held at York University in Toronto, Canada, in April 2018. It presents original research on a wide variety of Romance languages both past (Latin, Old Catalan, Old Iberian Romance, Old Spanish, Old Portuguese, and West-Iberian Medieval Latin) and present (Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, French, Picard, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish) along with a number of contemporary dialects, including Basque Country Spanish, Dominican Spanish, Maine French, Neapolitan, and Picardie French. Divided into four sections — Interfaces, Bridging issues at the CP-TP-vP levels, Bridging issues at the PP-DP levels, and Bridging issues in linguistics — the volume gives researchers and advanced students access to contemporary issues and novel ideas bridging across various areas of Romance linguistics (e.g., morphology, syntax, semantics, phonology, sociolinguistics, first and second language acquisition).