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A resource for the classroom that specifically addresses the missiological issues of the twenty-first century, this collection in honor of Charles E. Van Engen features contributions from practically all the leading lights of the missiology world. Scholars including Stephen Bevans, Roger Schroeder, van Thanh Nguyen, Mary Motte, Gerald Anderson, Scott Sunquist, and many others offer their insights and reflections, focusing on the impact of cultural and demographic changes on the nature and purpose of Christian mission. (Publisher).
A world-claiming theology of the church draws on ancient and modern thoughts. The author focuses on how the church can grow to become in reality "God's missionary people."
Announcing the Kingdom provides a comprehensive survey of the biblical foundation of mission. It investigates the development of the kingdom of God theme in the Old Testament, describing what the concept tells us about God's mission in creation, the flood, and the covenant with Abraham. It then describes God's mission through the nation of Israel during the exodus, at Mt. Sinai, and through the kings of Israel. The book then examines God's mission as Israel is sent into exile and the stage is set for the Messiah's coming. Finally, the book considers the fulfillment of the kingdom of God through Jesus Christ and the church. It examines Jesus' parables and ministry, his proclamation of God's kingdom among the nations, and the work of the Holy Spirit through the church. Announcing the Kingdom is the product of Arthur Glasser's more than thirty years of teaching and has been used by thousands of students at Fuller Theological Seminary. Now revised by Glasser's colleagues, this study provides mission workers and students with a new understanding of their calling and its biblical foundation.
Eighty percent of all new church members become part of a local congregation because of a previous relationship or friendship with another member of that congregation. Yet in spite of a number of excellent books written concerning relational evangelism, little seems to happen in actually motivating, training, and mobilizing church members to evangelize their neighbors, friends, businesses associates, and family members. That is, until You Are My Witnesses. This new book is designed to be used by small groups in local churches as an action-reflection training manual for those committed to be Christ's witnesses.
Missiology permeated with theological reflection. This volume is the culmination of Van Engen’s teachings, but takes us to an even deeper level. Since mission is first and foremost God’s mission, theological reflection must be permeated by missiological understanding and our missiology must be permeated with theological reflection. Mission theology is an activity of the Church of Jesus Christ seeking to understand more deeply why, how, when, where, and wherefore the followers of Jesus may participate in God’s mission, in God’s world.
Communicating God's Word in a Complex World reaches out to the growing number of missionaries, pastors, Bible translators and teachers, mission and theological educators and students dealing with communicating the gospel. This is increasingly difficult in today's pluralist and global contexts. What was God's message, and how has spreading that message changed through the generations? The answer to that question requires a hermeneutical process that seeks to understand the biblical text and the context in which it was originally presented. R. Daniel Shaw and Charles Van Engen say that contemporary proclaimers of God's word can model their approach after that of the writers of scripture, who reinterpreted and restated their received texts for their audiences. Thus, Gospel communication is impacted by the way humans know God. This, in turn, is informed by contexts. Communicating God's Word in a Complex World draws lessons from the biblical authors themselves as a guide for how best to present God's message.
Thoughtful and original contributions from twenty-one of the world's foremost missiologists, in a volume dedicated to Fuller Seminary's former dean Paul E. Pierson, outline an agenda for mission education that will provoke lively discussion for years to come. Fuller Theological Seminary's School of World Mission is the locus of some of the most creative thought and scholarly reflection on Christian mission in today's world. Edited by the School's dean and two professors, a score of authors respond to the question: How should missiological education be carried out to prepare men and women to work in the twenty-first century? Contributors: -Andrew F. Walls -Gerald H. Anderson -Paul G. Hiebert -Kenneth Mulholland -L. Grant McClung -Jerald D. Gort -Mary Motte -Michael James Oleksa -Tite Tienou -Samuel Escobar -Ken R. Gnanakan -Wilbert R. Shenk -Darrell Whiteman -Roger S. Greenway -Philip C. Stine -Stuart Dauermann -Ralph D. Winter -J. Dudley Woodberry -Viggo Sogaard -Charles Van Engen -Edgar J. Elliston
Essays on modern missions issues by Charles Van Engen, Paul Hiebert, and Ralph Winter, with responses from other missional leaders, edited by David Hesselgrave and Ed Stetzer.