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This book focuses on the need to develop sustainable supply chains - economically, environmentally and socially. This book is not about a wish list of impractical choices, but the reality of decisions faced by all those involved in supply chain management today. Our definition of sustainable supply chains is not restricted to so-called "green" supply chains, but recognises that in order to be truly sustainable, supply chains must operate within a realistic financial structure, as well as contribute value to our society. Supply chains are not sustainable unless they are realistically funded and valued. Thus, a real definition of sustainable supply chain management must take account of all relevant economic, social and environmental issues. This book contains examples from a wide range of real-life case studies, and synthesizes the learnings from these many different situations to provide the fundamental building blocks at the centre of successful logistics and supply chain management.
The second edition of Sustainable Business prepares future business leaders to tackle the most crucial social and environmental issues of our time. This engaging textbook provides students with a comprehensive, balanced introduction to integrating sustainable business policies into all core business functions and processes. The text employs a qualitative-based learning process to help students understand how leadership, finance, accounting, risk management, marketing, supply chain management, and operations can be adapted to meet the sustainability goals of the 21st century. Looking at sustainable business from the managerial viewpoint, the fully-updated new edition explains how and why busi...
Solar Cooling Technologies presents a detailed study of the potential technologies for coupling solar energy and cooling systems. Unifies all the various power based solar techniques into one book, investigates tri-generation schemes for maximization of cooling efficiency, especially for small scale applications and offers direct comparison of all possible technologies of solar cooling Includes detailed numerical investigations for potential cooling applications
These Case Studies were written from students at the EBC-university of applied sciences Düsseldorf. The students from 6th semester of the study "International Business Management" have visited the lecture "Case Studies in International Management".In this book Case studies from 8 different companies will be presented. The development of their enterprises, the position in the market and the strategies (Internationalisation, Merger, Sustainability). At the end of each Case Study are questions, so that other students can answer these questions and with the Case Study.
The book focuses on the context of social and political keitsdiskussion sustainability and the growing difficulties in road freight with the question of how rail services can be practically integrated into the value network of industrial and commercial enterprises. The integration of the material and information flows to the large number of legally independent actors is the focus.
Kniha pojednává o ekonomické stránce reverzní logistiky, přičemž hlavní pozornost je věnována různým druhům ztrát, které v tomto podnikovém systému vznikají, snižují jeho výkonnost a následně i konkurenceschopnost. Cílem publikace je definovat problematická místa omezující opětovné získávání hodnoty ze zpětných toků. Autoři kombinují teoretické poznatky z literární rešerše s empirickými zjištěními, která pocházejí z kvantitativního dotazování mezi zástupci podniků působících v ČR a také z případové studie konkrétního podniku.
This thesis investigates the competitive dynamics in the global insurance industry from 1999 to 2008. After reviewing the current state of the academic debate on interfirm rivalry, it derives a research agenda spanning different levels of analysis and phenomena of interest. Specifically, the thesis explores (1) how and why firms continuously adjust their strategic profiles in the presence of an industry's strategic group structure, (2) whether market shocks (namely 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina) temporarily change the decision-logic underlying competitive choices, and (3) whether stock markets respond differently to competitive moves that follow a clearly stated strategic rationale.
This open access book is interdisciplinary and provides cross-sectoral and multi-dimensional exploration of sustainable development and transportation in South Africa. Drawing on work from different disciplines, the book contributes not only to academia but also seeks to inform urban and regional policy with the view of contributing to the national aspirations of South Africa as espoused in the National Development Plan (NDP), 2030, National Spatial Development Framework (NSDF) Draft (2019), National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (NCASS) Draft (2019), Green Transport Strategy for South Africa (2018–2050), and National Transportation Plan (NATMAP), 2050. Adopting a multi-dimensional as...
Der Güterverkehr steht national und international vor großen Herausforderungen: Der Güterverkehrsmarkt entwickelt sich mit Blick auf die Umsetzung anspruchsvoller Logistikkonzepte von Industrie- und Handelsunternehmen stürmisch. Die Verkehrspolitik versucht, Interessen des Verkehrs mit Umwelt- sowie gesellschaftlichen Belangen abzugleichen. Indessen müssen Güterverkehrsunternehmen Effizienzsteigerungen trotz restriktiver Randbedingungen realisieren. Dieses Spannungsfeld greift das vorliegende Lehrbuch auf, indem es die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen den Güterverkehrsmärkten, der Verkehrspolitik und dem Management von Güterverkehrsunternehmen thematisiert. Im Zentrum stehen die wichtigsten Managementbereiche von Güterverkehrsunternehmen. Dabei liegt ein besonderes Augenmerk auf dem Güterverkehr in der Schweiz, in Deutschland und Österreich. Das Buch vermittelt Grundlagenkenntnisse zum Güterverkehr und richtet sich damit an Studierende auf Bachelor- und Masterstufe an Universitäten, Hochschulen und Berufsakademien. Ebenso werden Führungsnachwuchskräfte und Quereinsteiger im Güterverkehrsbereich angesprochen.
English summary: Walter Hansle examines the legal conflict which arises when strikes cause disruption to the public service sector and compromise general interests. The author uncovers the constitutional limitations which exist in this respect and considers public service provision in the context of governments' normative duties, as well as the right to strike against the backdrop of a modified fundamental rights doctrine. German description: Der Streik in der Daseinsvorsorge mit seinen erheblichen okonomischen und sozialen Implikationen erzeugt eine rechtliche Spannungslage zwischen dem Streikrecht auf der einen Seite und dem Bedurfnis nach Daseinsvorsorge auf der anderen Seite. Um diesen K...