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Works for Organ by the American expatriate composer, conductor, and organist David Francis Urrows presents a substantial part of his contributions to modern organ music repertory. From straightforward works written for beginners (Four Brief Pieces, ), to service pieces (1521-2021, and parts of the Suite for Organ) and concert pieces for advanced performers (In Nomine, and the Partita: Nun komm', der Heiden Heiland), they are arranged here in order of difficulty. Comprising twelve movements of varying lengths, each is different in terms of mood, genre, and requirements for organ size and stop list (some are for manuals only, or with optional pedal.) Students, teachers, and church and concert organists will all find something new in this volume of lyrical and often exciting works that reflect a personal reinvention of much of the great organ music of the past four centuries. Notes and registration suggestions are provided as well.
This book reveals the story of François Ravary, Jesuit missionary, musician, and organ builder. The mastermind behind the construction of the bamboo organs of nineteenth-century Shanghai, Ravary’s unpublished letters from China present a vivid picture of the excitement and crises surrounding the Roman Catholic mission in the often-violent integration of global space of this time. Focusing on an individual life, this study adds needed perspective to histories of the treaty-port era. By shifting the inquiry towards a nuanced, empirical, and refocused evaluation of the landscape, Ravary is revealed as a humanist in the Christian tradition, curious about Chinese society and culture, as well as the force behind China’s first brass band, first school orchestra, and other landmarks of Sino-European musical convergence. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in nineteenth-century China studies, cultural histories, and the diffusion of Western art practices.
Incompletion is an essential condition of cultural history, and particularly the idea of the fragment became a central element of Romantic art. Through its resistance to classicist ideals it continued being of high relevance to the various strands of modernist and contemporary aesthetics. The fourteen essays in this volume, based on the 2017 Stockholm conference of the International Association for Word and Music Studies (WMA), for the first time address incompletion in a wide range of literary and musical texts, from Baudelaire and Flaubert through Tolstoy and Henry James to Bachmann, Jelinek and Janet Frame, from Nietzsche and Chopin through Russolo and Puccini to Rihm and Kurtàg. Two fur...
In this volume, the first panoramic study of music in the apocalyptic mode, an international and trans-disciplinary array of scholars and composers explore the resonance of the ancient biblical Revelation of John across the centuries in musical works as diverse as El Cant de la Sibil·la, the Dies Irae, cantatas and oratorios by Bach and Telemann, Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen, Schoenberg’s Second String Quartet, African American Spirituals, Messiaen’s Quatuor pour la fin du temps, Christian “ApokRock,” Hip-hop, Grimes’s album Miss Anthropocene, and the songs of Bob Marley and Bob Dylan. This innovative volume will engage scholars, students, and all those interested in the intersection of music, religion, history, and popular culture.
Introduction -- Musical contrast in Albert Camus' L'étranger -- Musical counterpoint in Albert Camus' L'étranger -- Musical qualities in Samuel Beckett's En attendant Godot -- Silence in John Cage and Samuel Beckett : 4' 33" and En attendant Godot -- John Cage's collaboration of words and music in the song books -- The edited performance : Glenn Gould's solitude trilogy -- Musical and verbal counterpoint in two short films about Glenn Gould.
‘Retro’ is not only a pervading phenomenon in today’s Western culture but has informed cultural history for some centuries and thus gives momentousness to the subject of the present volume, namely literary texts and musical compositions which, for various reasons and with multiple functions, ‘make it old’.
A new edition of the comprehensive resource linking hymns and anthems to lectionary readings. The final volume in a three-volume series of planning guides for church musicians and clergy, this resource identifies hymns and anthems that are connected to the scripture appointed for Sundays and feast days. In addition to identifying hymns and anthems appropriate for each Sunday of the church year, this volume also offers suggestions about where in the liturgy each selection can best be used. Featuring hymns from hymnals authorized for use in the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Moravian Church in America, as well as anthems from a variety of sources, Liturgical Music for the Revised Common Lectionary helps liturgical planners add musical variety to services and links congregational and choral singing to the lectionary.
A groundbreaking interdisciplinary volume exploring the phenomenon of the "Westernization" of contemporary Chinese music
Strange as it may seem, Cervantes’s novel Don Quixote, Marc Forster’s film Stranger than Fiction, Shakespeare’s play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Pere Borrell del Caso’s painting “Escaping Criticism” reproduced on the cover of the present volume and Mozart’s sextet “A Musical Joke” all share one common feature: they include a meta-dimension. Metaization – the movement from a first cognitive, referential or communicative level to a higher one on which first-level phenomena self-reflexively become objects of reflection, reference and communication in their own right – is in fact a common feature not only of human thought and language but also of the arts and media in gene...
A third section on description in music provides a perspective on yet another medium.The volume, which is the second one in the series 'Studies in Intermediality?, is of relevance to students and scholars from various fields: intermedial studies, literary and film studies, history of art, and musicology.ContentsPreface IntroductionWerner WOLF: Description as a Transmedial Mode of Representation: General Features and Possibilities of Realization in Painting, Fiction and Music Description in Literature and Related (Partly) Verbal MediaAnsgar NUNNING: Towards a Typology,