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Living and Learning with Feminist Ethics, Literature, and Art
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 297

Living and Learning with Feminist Ethics, Literature, and Art

This transdisciplinary collection investigates relations of "living and learning with" as compelling forms of engagement and care between humans, nonhumans, and more-than-humans. Through academic and creative writings, contributors address the need for sustainable relationships between various feminist positions, focussing on Indigenous and Black knowledges, queer and trans artistic interventions, and anti-racist methodologies. They pursue crucial conversations on intersecting oppressions, intersubjectivities, voices, and positionalities. Rooted in feminist literary and artistic practices, the volume explores urgent ongoing transnational issues and will benefit scholars in literature, Indigenous studies, intercultural studies, and gender studies. Contributors: Kim Anderson, Alexandre Baril, Sissel M. Bergh, Marie Carrière, Élise Couture-Grondin, Junie Désil, Amanda Fayant, Mylène Yannick Gamache, Libe García Zarranz, Dominique Hétu, Larissa Lai, Amina Lalor, Sheri Longboat, Brittany Luby, Stephanie Oliver, Anne Quéma, Veronika Schuchter, Erin Soros, Erin Wunker

Comparative Literature for the New Century
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 349

Comparative Literature for the New Century

Since its beginning, Comparative Literature has been characterized as a discipline in crisis. But its shifting boundaries are its strength, allowing for collaboration and growth and illuminating a path forward. In Comparative Literature for the New Century a diverse group of scholars argue for a distinct North American approach to literary studies that includes the promotion of different languages. Chapters by senior scholars such as George Elliott Clarke, E.D. Blodgett, and Sneja Gunew are placed in dialogue with those by younger scholars, including Dominique Hétu, Maria Cristina Seccia, and Ndeye Fatou Ba. The writers, many of whom are multilingual, discuss problems with translation, iden...

All the Feels / Tous les sens
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 353

All the Feels / Tous les sens

All the Feels / Tous les sens presents research into emotion and cognition in Canadian, Indigenous, and Québécois writings in English or French. Affect is both internal and external, private and public; with its fluid boundaries, it represents a productive dimension for literary analysis. The emerging field of affect studies makes vital claims about ethical impulses, social justice, and critical resistance, and thus much is at stake when we adopt affective reading practices. The contributors ask what we can learn from reading contemporary literatures through this lens. Unique and timely, readable and teachable, this collection is a welcome resource for scholars of literature, feminism, philosophy, and transnational studies as well as anyone who yearns to imagine the world differently. Contributors: Nicole Brossard, Marie Carrière, Matthew Cormier, Kit Dobson, Nicoletta Dolce, Louise Dupré, Margery Fee, Ana María Fraile-Marcos, Smaro Kamboureli, Aaron Kreuter, Daniel Laforest, Carmen Mata Barreiro, Ursula Mathis-Moser, Heather Milne, Eric Schmaltz, Maïté Snauwaert, Jeanette den Toonder

Cautiously Hopeful
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 231

Cautiously Hopeful

If feminism has always been characterized by its divisions, it is metafeminism, a term coined by Lori Saint-Martin, that defines and embraces that disorder. As a carefully devised reading practice, metafeminism understands contemporary feminist literature and theory as both recalling and extending the tropes and politics of the past. In Cautiously Hopeful Marie Carrière brings together seemingly disparate writing by Anglo-Canadian, Indigenous, and Québécois women authors under the banner of metafeminism. Familiarizing readers with major streams of feminist thought, including intersectionality, affect theory, and care ethics, Carrière shows how literary works by such authors as Dionne Bra...

The Finding Guide to AIAA Meeting Papers
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 196
Canadian Literature and Medicine
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 229

Canadian Literature and Medicine

Canadian Literature and Medicine breaks new ground by formulating a series of frameworks with which to read and interpret a national literature derived from the very fabric of that literature – in this case Canadian. Canadian literature is of particular interest because of its consideration of coloniality, Indigeneity, and coincident development alongside a nascent socialized medical system currently under threat from neoliberalism. The first chapters of the book carefully track the development of Canada’s socialized medical system as it manifests in the imaginations of the nation’s poets and authors who depict care. Reciprocal flows are investigated in which these poets and authors are quoted in policy documents. The archive-based methodology is sustained in subsequent chapters that rely upon a unique interdisciplinary mix of medical history, philosophy of medicine, medical policy, theory inherent to the field of Canadian literature (focusing in particular on the garrison mentality as a form of aesthetic protest and the feminist ethics of care), and Indigenous ways of knowing.

Citizenship and Belonging in France and North America
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 265

Citizenship and Belonging in France and North America

The first decades of the new millennium have been marked by major political changes. Although The West has wished to revisit internal and international politics concerning migration policies, refugee status, integration, secularism, and the dismantling of communitarianism, events like the Syrian refugee crisis, the terrorist attacks in France in 2015-2016, and the economic crisis of 2008 have resurrected concepts such as national identity, integration, citizenship and re-shaping state policies in many developed countries. In France and Canada, more recent public elections have brought complex democratic political figures like Emmanuel Macron and Justin Trudeau to the public eye. Both leaders...

Populäre Heimat / La petite patrie populaire
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 233

Populäre Heimat / La petite patrie populaire

Der Begriff ,Heimat‘ ist ebenso ein typisch deutscher wie das Genre ‚Heimatroman‘, in der ländliche Regionen nostalgisch verklärt und als Idylle konstruiert werden. Wurde bereits im österreichischen Anti-Heimat-Roman der 1960er Jahre die traditionelle Gattung konterkariert, so lässt sich seit nunmehr zwei Jahrzehnten in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur eine neue Mode des regional situierten Erzählens beobachten. Die dort gebräuchlichen Modi der Inszenierung von Heimat sind weit ausdifferenziert und reichen von der Weiterschreibung des traditionellen Heimatromans bis zur kritischen Brechung. Trotz der terminologischen Leerstelle des ,Heimatromans‘ lässt sich eine vergl...

Marketing Libraries in a Web 2.0 World
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 177

Marketing Libraries in a Web 2.0 World

Marketing the 21st century library and information organization to its new age customers using Web 2.0 tools is a hot topic. These proceedings focus on the marketing applications and (non- technical) aspects of Web 2.0 in library and information set ups. The papers in English and French are exploring and discussing the following aspects: General concepts of Web 2.0 and marketing of library and information organizations; How libraries are adopting Web 2.0 marketing strategies; Marketing libraries to clients in using Web 2.0 tools; International trends and Interesting cases of marketing through Web 2.0 tools.

La Littérature stéthoscope
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 247

La Littérature stéthoscope

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-04-22T00:00:00+02:00
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  • Publisher: Iggybook

Les deux champs disciplinaires de la littérature et de la médecine qui s'étaient progressivement éloignés au cours de l'histoire moderne font aujourd'hui l'objet d'un mouvement de convergence. Les écritures contemporaines s'emparent de la question du soin, en même temps que fleurissent les ateliers d'écriture pour les soignant·es et les soigné·es et que se développe l'apprentissage de la médecine narrative. Dans La littérature stéthoscope, des chercheur·es et des praticien·nes du soin interrogent lectures et pratiques du récit écrit, dans leur relation à la maladie, la défaillance physique ou mentale. La littérature est-elle parfois réparatrice et toujours d'accompagnement ? Quels liens naissent entre gestes d'écriture créative et gestes thérapeutiques ? Quel statut accorder au passage par la narration à l'hôpital, dans le cabinet médical, dans les cursus universitaires ? Selon les lieux et les expériences, les réponses font entendre des différences, mais toutes s'accordent sur l'intérêt de placer le texte de création au rang des instruments d'auscultation de la diversité des formes de vie.