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Mangrove forest ecosystem in estuaries plays an important role for the life of living things in waters and land, in which mangrove ecosystem can function as a barrier to ocean waves, a source of fuel and food, recreation, fauna habitat and the richest carbon stock storage, especially in the tropics. Thus, this book aims to identify and inventory the environmental conditions of the waters in the mangrove forest in Kayan-Sembakung Delta, North Kalimantan Province. This book contains a description of the study of fish species found in the waters of Kayan-Sembakung Delta. It is hoped that this will provide an overview of the potential for diversity at the species level and become a database for better fisheries resource management strategies in North Kalimantan. Therefore, this book is present as a source of scientific reference that can be used as reference material for students, lecturers, and researchers who study aquatic biodiversity in coastal area and peat ecosystem.
Mangrove crabs are a fishery commodity that has an important economic value. The high demand for crabs has led to a higher rate of the catching of wild crabs in the mangrove forests of North Kalimantan. If these activities are carried out in a non-sustainable manner without efforts to develop seed production, there will be an inevitable decline in the wild crab population in the future. Traditional pond farms in general are only used for the cultivation of shrimp and milkfish. Recently, due to a decrease in environmental capacity in traditional pond farms, there has been a decrease in the production of aquaculture. Thus, it is necessary to have an alternative crop to optimize the utilization of aquaculture ponds; namely, by cultivating mud crabs in them. This will help to break the recent disease cycles that have been plaguing the local shrimp farming businesses.
Kepiting bakau merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis penting. Tingginya permintaan kepiting menyebabkan semakin tingginya penangkapan kepiting di alam. Apabila usaha penangkapan dilakukan secara berkelanjutan tanpa upaya pengembangan produksi benih maka akan terjadi penurunan populasi kepiting di masa yang akan datang. Pemanfaatan tambak tradisional secara umum hanya untuk budi daya udang dan bandeng. Saat ini dikarenakan turunnya daya dukung lingkungan di tambak tradisional, menyebabkan menurunnya hasil produksi budi daya. Maka perlu adanya alternatif lain untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan tambak budi daya yaitu dengan budi daya kepiting bakau dalam proses pengelolaan tambak. Hal ini akan dapat memutuskan siklus penyakit yang selama ini menyebabkan kegagalan dalam budi daya udang. Buku ini mengungkap tentang bagaimana cara mengelola tambak tradisonal menjadi lahan budi daya yang baik dan memanfaatkan lahan tersebut secara optimal untuk mengembangkan beberapa usaha budidaya kepiting bakau.
Ekosistem hutan mangrove di kawasan estuari berperan penting bagi kehidupan makhluk hidup di perairan dan daratan, dimana ekosistem mangrove dapat berfungsi sebagai penahan gelombang laut, sumber bahan bakar, sumber pangan, rekreasi, habitat fauna serta penyimpan cadangan karbon terkaya, terutama di daerah tropis. Sehingga, buku ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi dan inventarisasi kondisi lingkungan perairan pada hutan mangrove di Delta Kayan Sembakung, Provinsi Kalimantan Utara. Buku ini berisi uraian tentang kajian jenis-jenis ikan yang ditemukan di perairan Delta Kayan Sembakung. Hal ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran tentang potensi keanekaragaman pada level spesies dan menjadi basis data untuk strategi pengelolaan sumber daya perikanan di Kalimantan Utara yang lebih baik.
"This atlas provides the first truly global assessment of the state of the world's mangroves. Written by the leading expert on mangroves with support from the top international researchers and conservation organizations, this full color atlas contains 60 full-page maps, hundreds of photographs and illustrations and a comprehensive country-by-country assessment of mangroves. Included are the first detailed estimates of changes in mangrove forestcover worldwide and at regional and national levels, an assessment of these changes and a country-by-country examination of biodiversity protection. The book also presents a wealth of global statistics on biodiversity, habitat area, loss and economic value which provide a unique record of mangroves against which future threats and changes can be evaluated. Case-studies, written by regional experts, provide insights into regional mangrove issues, including primary and potential productivity, biodiversity, and information on present and traditional uses and values and sustainable management."--Pub. desc.
This publication is intended to guide managers of feedmills and the feed industry as a whole.