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Was there a meaningful stellar sign over Bethlehem? What did it look like to someone looking up at the night sky? Did wise men really come from the East seeking Israel’s Messiah sometime after the birth of Jesus? The biblical account of the wise men and the star that announced the coming of the Messiah of Israel has inspired and puzzled people for two millennia. Important aspects of Babylonian astronomy seem to be involved in understanding the star’s appearing. But in addition, The Lion Led the Way also explores the men and events from a profoundly Jewish perspective. The traditional Jewish names of stars and planets, Jewish symbols, as well as Jewish dates, all seem to be keys to unlocking the mystery of the famous star. The star of Bethlehem was not the brightest of the heavenly lights, nor was it the most spectacular starry manifestation of all time. However, it was part of the most meaningful set of celestial events in human history. The God of Israel is surprising. His ways are not our ways; his thoughts are not our thoughts. The star gives us a concrete example of God’s intervention in the universe. Book website:
A Jewish and Babylonian Perspective About the Star of Bethlehem The biblical account of the wise men and the star that announced the coming of the Messiah of Israel has inspired and puzzled people for two millennia. Important aspects of Babylonian astronomy seem to be involved in understanding the star’s appearing. But in addition, this short bookl also explores the men and events from a profoundly Jewish perspective. The traditional Jewish names of stars and planets, Jewish symbols, as well as Jewish dates, all seem to be keys to unlocking the mystery of the famous star. Who were the biblical Magi? Various wise men were important in the history of the vast region to the east of Judaea. Zoroastrian, Babylonian, Greek and even Jewish wise men all played a role there in several successive empires. A possible Jewish connection with the story of the biblical wise men has been long neglected. Tens of thousands of Jews lived in Mesopotamia and Iran when Jesus was born. As they came to understand the star, the Magi apparently made a connection between aspects of Babylonian astronomy and the Jewish messianic hope. Book website:
Was there a star announcing the coming of the Jewish Messiah at the end of the first millennium BC? Did "wise men" come from the east seeking the newly born king of the Jews? How can one be sure? MUL.BABBAR: The Messiah’s Star approaches the “Star of Bethlehem” from a Jewish and Babylonian perspective. Babylonian astronomy and royal symbolism seem to give clues about the star. However, the royal celestial signs related to the coming of the Messiah are also connected directly to Judaism and the Bible. The Messiah's star announced the coming of a great king, The Greatest of Kings, destined to rule the world. This book is an updated, improved, and expanded version of The Lion Led the Way by the same author.
Dwight Hutchison's historical novel, MUL.BABBAR, The White Star Over Bethlehem, shows how non-Jewish Babylonian astronomers and others could have shifted from their traditional ideas to believing in the Jewish Messiah. Relatively discreet events involving the synodic cycle of MUL.BABBAR (Jupiter) in the late first-century BC probably left plenty of ancient astronomers scratching their heads. The royal celestial events were at the heart of Babylonian astronomical science (but not at the heart of their astrology).
Une perspective juive et babylonienne concernant l’étoile de Bethléem Le récit biblique des Mages et de l’étoile qui a annoncé la venue du Messie d’Israël a inspiré et intrigué bien des personnes au cours de ces deux derniers millénaires. Des aspects importants de l’astronomie babylonienne semblent impliqués dans la compréhension de l’apparition de l’étoile. Ce livre tente également d’explorer l’histoire de ces hommes et de ces événements à partir d’une perspective juive. Les noms juifs traditionnels des étoiles et des planètes, les symboles juifs et même les dates juives semblent tous être des clés qui permettent de déchiffrer l’énigme de la célè...
La quantité, le toujours plus, le matérialisme, le règne de l'argent, la disparition de métiers traditionnels... C'est à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en 1944, que René Guénon constate que ce règne de la quantité a été à l'origine d'un déchirement du monde occidental qu'il avait prophétisé dans ses précédents ouvrages. L'humanité a vécu cette descente aux enfers, comme la pente descendante d'un cycle. L'autre partie du titre, Les signes des temps, renvoie au futur de ce monde de la quantité, à l'annonce prochaine de l'apocalypse du Nouveau Testament. Le titre complet de cet ouvrage, un des derniers majeurs de Guénon, met bien en relief la perspective de l'ensemble de son œuvre : selon son enseignement, la métaphysique traditionnelle est chose oubliée, ignorée en général, perdue à peu près entièrement dans le monde occidental, tandis qu’en Orient, elle est toujours l'objet d'une connaissance effective. Les Atemporels, une collection qui réunit des œuvres qui ne vieillissent pas, qui ont une date de publication mais pas de date de péremption. Car elles seront encore lues et relues dans un siècle. Préfacé par Pénélope Morin
This book investigates Jan Van Eyck's patronage by the Crown of Portugal and his role as diplomat-painter for the Duchy of Burgundy following his first voyage to Lisbon in 1428-1429, when he painted two portraits of Infanta Isabella, who became the third wife of Philip the Good in 1430. New portrait identifications are provided for the Ghent Altarpiece (1432) and its iconographical prototype, the lost Fountain of Life. These altarpieces are analysed with regard to King Joao I's conquest of Ceuta, achieved by his sons, who were hailed as an "illustrious generation." Strong family ties between the dynastic houses of Avis and Lancaster explain Lusitania's sustained fascination with Arthurian lo...
Quels sont les objets, lieux et allégories qui ont symbolisé ou symbolisent aujourd'hui encore le pouvoir ? Historiens, chercheurs, philosophes passent ici en revue les " petits mensonges " et les grands artifices dont usent tous les pouvoirs pour asseoir leur autorité : couronne royale, croix pectorale des dignitaires ecclésiastiques, cathédrales et palais voire nos bourses modernes, dédiées à ce nouveau pouvoir quasi-absolu qu'est l'économie... Ils décryptent également les différentes formes de contre-pouvoirs générées par la société civile pour le limiter ou le déjouer : la Réforme face à l'église catholique, les révolutions et manifestations face au politique, ou encore ce " quatrième pouvoir " que sont les médias.