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Corporate finance decisions showcase the responses of corporations to address challenges on both the demand and supply sides and the firm value chain. Corporate performance, strategies, and priorities have changed significantly since the pandemic. Understanding these changes and developing and implementing policy responses are crucial to success. Future Outlooks on Corporate Finance and Opportunities for Robust Economic Planning disseminates knowledge regarding corporate response during crises that contribute to a robust economic planning process. It examines the adjustments and strategic interventions that helped corporations mitigate challenges successfully. Covering topics such as corporate governance practices, global systemic risk interdependencies, and investment decisions, this premier reference source is an excellent resource for finance professionals, business executives and managers, financial officers, students and faculty of higher education, librarians, researchers, and academicians.
Bukuini merupakan rangkuman penelitian dengan kebaruan dalam menyintesis teori balancing dan teori contracting untuk menderivasi konsep hedging berbasis utang valuta asing Konsep hedging berbasis utang valuta asing diukur dengan sinkronisasi antara kebijakan hedging dengan derivatif valuta asing dan kebijakan hedging dengan foreign debt. Perusahaan publik yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia sangat minim dalam pengungkapan kebijakan hedging-nya Nilai nasional derivatif belum wajib diungkapkan sebagaimana ketentuan di pasar modal pada negara-negara maju Sebagian perusahaan publik menyatakan kebijakan hedging-nya adalah strategi natural hedging Penelitian-penelitian empiris sebelumnya menggu...
Pada umumnya, setiap orang pasti tahu pengertian fungsi Bank adalah tempat menabung, menyimpan uang atau harta benda penting, serta tempat dimana kita dapat meminjam sejumlah uang dengan persyaratan tertentu. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka Istilah Lembaga keuangan diartikan sebagai perusahaan yang berkombinasi dengan berbagai sumber daya ekonomi (resources) seperti alam, tenaga kerja, modal, dan manajemen (managerial skill) dalam memproduksi barang dan jasa untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Berdasarkan UU RI NO. 10 Tahun 1998: Bank adalah Badan usaha yg menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dalam bentuk simpanan dan menyalurkannya kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk kredit dan atau bentuk-bentuk lainnya d...
WIE IEEE Indonesia Section mempersembahkan Modul Pelatihan Women Againts Disruptive Information untuk menjadi pemicu terwujudnya masyarakat berliterasi tinggi yang siap menghadapi era post-truth. Kami mengucapkan selamat dan apresiasi kepada seluruh tim dan seluruh peserta yang telah berpartisipasi aktif sehingga modul Training of Trainers ini dapat terwujud dan diaplikasikan dalam keseharian kehidupan warga Indonesia Modern yang menjadi pemimpin di era keterbukaan informasi. (Prof. Riri Fitri Sari)
An essential guide to venture capital Studies have shown that venture capital backed entrepreneurial firms are on average significantly more successful than non-venture capital backed entrepreneurial firms in terms of innovativeness, profitability, and share price performance upon going public. Understanding the various aspects of venture capital is something anyone in any industry should be familiar with. This reliable resource provides a comprehensive view of venture capital by describing the current state of research and best practices in this arena. Issues addressed include sources of capital-such as angel investment, corporate funds, and government funds-financial contracts and monitoring, and the efficiency implications of VC investment, to name a few. Opens with a review of alternative forms of venture capital Highlights the structure of venture capital investments Examines the role venture capitalists play in adding value to their investee firms This informative guide will help you discover the true potential of venture capital.
Business ratios are the figures that provide management with targets and standards for their organisation. From earnings per share and cash flow to return on investment and sales to fixed assets ratios, this book guides managers through the key ratios at the heart of business practice. With over 33,000 copies sold, Key Management Ratios is a market classic . This new edition is re-packaged with a new jacket design to revitalise the Key Management brand and new two-colour internals make it more readable and visually appealing. Key Management Ratios is an antidote to any fear of finance. Drawing data from 200 companies worldwide, the book brings clarity and simplicity to its explanation of every measure and shows how they all link together to drive your business. From cash flow and profit to ROI and ROTA, its unique approach remains as classic as ever, bringing a simple and visual understanding to a complex subject.
This paper leverages the IMF’s Financial Access Survey (FAS) database to construct a new composite index of financial inclusion. The topic of financial inclusion has gathered significant attention in recent years. Various initiatives have been undertaken by central banks both in advanced and developing countries to promote financial inclusion. The issue has also attracted increasing interest from the international community with the G-20, IMF, and World Bank Group assuming an active role in developing and collecting financial inclusion data and promoting best practices to improve financial inclusion. There is general recognition among policy makers that financial inclusion plays a significant role in sustaining employment, economic growth, and financial stability. Nonetheless, the issue of its robust measurement is still outstanding. The new composite index uses factor analysis to derive a weighting methodology whose absence has been the most persistent of the criticisms of previous indices. Countries are then ranked based on the new composite index, providing an additional analytical tool which could be used for surveillance and policy purposes on a regular basis.