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Rethinking Ernst Bloch
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 331

Rethinking Ernst Bloch

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-11-27
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  • Publisher: BRILL

This volume offers a critical re-assessment of the thought of Ernst Bloch, best known for his groundbreaking study The Principle of Hope and one of the most significant European thinkers and public intellectuals of the twentieth century. It explores Bloch’s life, work and reception; his debt to Marx and Hegel; his central concepts of hope and utopia; his affinities with philosophers such as Gramsci and Žižek; and his radical reframing of our understanding of history, society and culture. Above all, this volume examines the relevance of Bloch’s ideas today, in a world still shot through with economic inequality and social injustice. Contributors are: Agata Bielik-Robson, Ivan Boldyrev, Henk de Berg, Sam Dolbear, Vincent Geoghegan, Holger Glinka, Loren Goldman, Douglas Kellner, Cat Moir, Jan Rehmann, Nina Rismal, Johan Siebers and Peter Thompson

Principalities and Powers
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 264

Principalities and Powers

Principalities and Powers is an ambitious analysis of John Howard Yoder's complex sociological theory. Jamie Pitts' work transcends ideological boundaries, which have perplexed the many writers who have approached the legacy of John Howard Yoder after his death in 1997. Although there is much disagreement, a broad consensus is forming that his theology was, on the one hand, focused on the social and political meaning of the New Testament accounts of Jesus Christ and, on the other hand, sociologically reductive, hermeneutically tendentious and ecclesiologically ambiguous. Principalities and Powers proposes a revision of Yoder's theology that maintains its broadly sociological emphasis but corrects for its apparent methodological, political and metaphysical problems. Specifically, adjustments are made to his social theory to open it to spiritual reality, to hone its analytical approach, and to clarify its political import. To do so his preferred framework for social criticism, the theology of the principalities and powers, is examined in the context of his wider work and its critics, and then synthesized with concepts from Pierre Bourdieu's influential reflexive sociology.

Dignity in Adversity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 306

Dignity in Adversity

The language of human rights has become the public vocabulary of our contemporary world. Ironically, as the political influence of human rights has grown, their philosophical justification has become ever more controversial. Building on a theory of discourse ethics and communicative rationality, this book addresses the politics and philosophy of human rights against the background of the broader social transformations that are shaping the modern world. Rejecting the reduction of international human rights to the Trojan horse of a neo-liberal empire's bid for world power, as well as the conservative objections to legal cosmopolitanism as encroachments upon democratic sovereignty, Benhabib dev...

Support in Times of No Support
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 279

Support in Times of No Support

In the summer of 2018, the authors of the book stood in the Musée des Arts et Métiers in Paris. They marvelled at the Foucault pendulum, which made its circular movements on a long rope under the dome. Like Casaubon in Umberto Eco's book The Foucault Pendulum, the authors were amazed and wondered what could be at the ideal end of the thread pendulum. The fixed point that could give us support and security in an uncertain world and difficult times? What uncertainties, what times or even what threats are we actually talking about? Where can we find the fixed points, the safe spaces of our lives? This book deals with these and other questions. The authors found inspiration for the book in Umberto Eco. And so it is also a homage to Eco.

De Palerme À Penang
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 401

De Palerme À Penang

The articles collected here trace the intellectual journey of Christian Giordano, head of the Social Anthropology Institute at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. The reader will be transported to places Giordano has explored, loved, or merely visited, from Sicily to Malaysia, from Switzerland to Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Each article illustrates a facet of his work. The journey starts with biographical sketches and continues through different fields of Political Anthropology (Citizenship, Multiculturalism, Ethnicity, Rural Studies, Trust, Postcolonial Studies, Honour). It ends with reflections on the use and abuse of Anthropology.

Pandemics and Apocalypse in World Literature
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 244

Pandemics and Apocalypse in World Literature

Pandemics and Apocalypse rereads classical narratives of plague from the Bible (Exodus) and classical antiquity, both Greek (Homer, Thucydides, Sophocles) and Roman (Lucretius, Virgil, Ovid), through the Middle Ages (Dante, Boccaccio) and Modernity (Defoe, Manzoni, Artaud, Camus) as a basis for contemplating the significance of the recent Covid-19 pandemic. It concerns how we are to confront future pandemics and other inextricably related crises, notably those of an ecological nature. Responses to Covid-19 typically set everything on defeating this “enemy,” but actually we cannot eliminate viruses without eliminating ourselves. We need to see the pandemic as revealing us to ourselves in our inherently vulnerable condition as a first step to admitting the infinite openness to one another and to our Ground—physical and metaphysical—that alone can save our world by engendering a different attitude, open and engaged, to one another and to the Earth as sources of our collective life.

Historische Erfahrung und begriffliche Transformation
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 344

Historische Erfahrung und begriffliche Transformation

Der Band fragt erstmals in übergreifender Perspektive nach der Bedeutung der amerikanischen Exilerfahrung zwischen 1933 und 1945 für die Entwicklung der deutschsprachigen Philosophie. In 16 Beiträgen wird untersucht, wie das Leben in der amerikanischen Gesellschaft und der Blick auf die Katastrophe in der ehemaligen Heimat zu unterschiedlichen theoretischen Transformationen führten. Die Studien sind nach vier Sektionen gruppiert: (1) Logik und Wissenschaftstheorie, (2) Sozialphilosophie und Gesellschaftstheorie, (3) Rechtsphilosophie und politische Philosophie, (4) Kultur-, Religions- und Geschichtsphilosophie. Ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit wird damit ein Überblick über die Theori...

The Knights of Modernism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 277

The Knights of Modernism

According to the customary literary-historical and theoretical notion, the fact that the first modern novel represents a parody or travesty of the chivalric ideal merits no particular attention. Failing to become attuned to the real role of the chivalric ideal at the beginning of the era of the modern novel, commentators missed the chance to adequately review the role of chivalry at the end of that period. The modern novel did not only begin, but also ended with a travesty of the chivalric ideal. The deep need of a significant number of modernist writers to measure their own time according to the ideals of the high and late Middle Ages cannot, therefore, be explained by a set of literary-historical, spiritual-historical or social circumstances. The predilection of a range of twentieth century novelists for a distant feudal past suggests that there exists a fundamental poetic connection between the modern (or at least the modernist) novel and the ideals of chivalry.

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 403


Dieser Reiseführer präsentiert die Urlaubsregion in all ihrer Vielfalt, vom Pfälzerwald über die Weinstraße bis zur Rheinebene. Aktivurlauber finden zahlreiche Vorschläge für Wanderungen und Radtouren, Kulturinteressierte Anregungen für Stadtrundgänge und Besichtigungen. Aktuelle Reisetipps zu Unterkünften, Gastronomie und Kultur helfen bei der Reiseplanung und vor Ort. Die Pfalz kann neben einer Reihe bekannter Sehenswürdigkeiten mit landschaftlicher Vielfalt und zahlreichen Freizeitmöglichkeiten aufwarten. Der Dom zu Speyer, das Heidelberger Schloss und die Weinstraße locken viele Besucher an. In das Pfälzer Bergland und in den Pfälzerwald, das größte zusammenhängende Wal...

  • Language: it
  • Pages: 567


«Il tema» del numero 5 del 2019 di B@belonline, curato da Attilio Bruzzone, Guelfo Carbone e Elisabetta Colagrossi, raccoglie gran parte degli interventi di un convegno internazionale tenutosi tra Roma e Genova nel 2018 per celebrare il centenario della pubblicazione della prima edizione del Geist der Utopie. Abbiamo qui voluto restituire il dialogo a distanza tra queste due occasioni, generate dal comune intento di tornare a confrontarsi, sempre di nuovo, con quest’opera “esplosiva” del giovane Bloch, uno dei capolavori del pensiero politico utopico del secolo scorso. Dedichiamo questo numero a Remo Bodei, eccellente studioso del pensiero di Ernst Bloch (tra tanti altri temi), che ci ha lasciati in questo mese di novembre