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Delo je bibliografski pregled slovenske zgodovinopisne publicistike objavljene v tujih jezikih v obdobju od leta 1918 do vključno leta 1993. Objavljeno je bilo ob priložnosti 18. mednarodnega kongresa zgodovinskih ved, ki je bil leta 1995 v Montrealu. Bibliografija je razdeljena na štiri dele. Prvi, splošni del, se nanaša na objave zgodovinskih virov in zgodovinsko vedo kot tako; drugi del prikazuje objave po zgodovinskih obdobjih; v tretjem delu je bibliografija razvrščena po predmetih oz. temah; četrti del prinaša bibliografijo o Slovencih v sosednjih deželah in v emigraciji. Bibliografija ima na koncu tudi imensko kazalo avtorjev, ki pripomore k večji preglednosti in uporabnosti.
This book focuses on the social voids that were the result of occupation, genocide, mass killings, and population movements in Europe during and after the Second World War. Historians, sociologists, and anthropologists adopt comparative perspectives on those who now lived in ‘cleansed’ borderlands. Its contributors explore local subjectivities of social change through the concept of ‘No Neighbors’ Lands’: How does it feel to wear the dress of your murdered neighbor? How does one get used to friends, colleagues, and neighbors no longer being part of everyday life? How is moral, social, and legal order reinstated after one part of the community participated in the ethnic cleansing of another? How is order restored psychologically in the wake of neighbors watching others being slaughtered by external enemies? This book sheds light on how destroyed European communities, once multi-ethnic and multi-religious, experienced postwar reconstruction, attempted to come to terms with what had happened, and negotiated remembrance. Chapter 7 and 13 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
Last winter, a man tried to break Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain sculpture. The sculpted foot of Michelangelo’s David was damaged in 1991 by a purportedly mentally ill artist. With each incident, intellectuals must confront the unsettling dynamic between destruction and art. Renowned art historian Dario Gamboni is the first to tackle this weighty issue in depth, exploring specters of censorship, iconoclasm, and vandalism that surround such acts. Gamboni uncovers here a disquieting phenomenon that still thrives today worldwide. As he demonstrates through analyses of incidents occurring in nineteenth- and twentieth-century America and Europe, a complex relationship exists among the evolution of...
Zbornik prinaša prispevke mednarodne konference, ki je rezultat aplikativnega projekta Mapiranje urbanih prostorov slovenskih mest v zgodovinskem okviru: Nova Gorica in njeni konteksti (L6-8262), ki ga financirajo ARRS, Mestna občina Nova Gorica in SAZU. Prispevki v zborniku na primerih mest, ki so bila v 20. stoletju na novo zgrajena na področju Sovjetske zveze, Nemčije, Italije, Baltskih držav, Irana in Slovenije, kritično presojajo Atensko listino, ki je na 4. kongresu CIAM-a (Congrès internationaux d'architecture moderne) leta 1933 utemeljila načela funkcionalističnega mesta, v ospredje razmislekov pa zbornik postavlja Novo Gorico. Prispevki so razvrščeni v sedem tematskih sklopov, ki naslavljajo vrsto do sedaj redko tematiziranih vidikov: nastanek in utemeljitev funkcionalističnega mesta, središče funkcionalističnih novih mest in identiteta mesta, enoličnost ali raznolikost modernistične stanovanjske arhitekture, pozabljena in propadajoča industrijska dediščina, sakralna arhitektura v novih funkcionalističnih mestih, spomeniki v javnem prostoru modernističnih mest, mapiranje in vizualizacija mestnega prostora.
One of Latin America's most famous historical figures, Simón Bolívar has become a mythic symbol for many nations, empires, and revolutions, used to support wildly diverse--sometimes opposite--ideas. From colonial Cuba to Nazi-occupied France to Soviet Slovenia, the image of "El Libertador" has served a range of political and cultural purposes. Here, an array of international and interdisciplinary scholars shows how Bolívar has appeared over the last two centuries in paintings, fiction, poetry, music, film, festivals, dance traditions, city planning, and even reliquary adoration. Whether exalted, reimagined, or fragmented, Bolívar's body has taken on a range of different meanings to represent the politics and poetics of today's national bodies. Through critical approaches to diverse cultural Bolivarianisms, this collection demonstrates the capacity of the arts and humanities to challenge and reinvent hegemonic narratives and thus vital dimensions of democracy.
Želja po izdaji druge knjige Cerkve na Kočevskem nekoč in danes je tlela od izida prve oktobra 1993. Potomci kočevskih Nemcev v Sloveniji, Avstriji in ZDA so želeli, da bi se popisale še cerkve v Črmošnjiško-Poljanski dolini in okoliških krajih, ki v prvi knjigi niso bili obdelani. Danes so kočevski Nemci edina manjšina v Sloveniji in na njenem obrobju, ki ima popisane in v knjigah predstavljene vse cerkve in pokopališča, na črmošnjiškem območju pa tudi znamenja.
A human being is a symbolic creature and, to the same extent, an active inventor of otherness. Europe and Turkey, The West and the Balkans, are infinitely exploitable symbols. Any symbol, inherently polysemic and socially construed, is continuously contested and negotiated. The image of ‘the Turk’ as a ruthless plunderer is still vivid in European collective memory. Although it occasionally still verges on ethnic mythology, it clearly belongs to a past where, along with the plague and famine, this name used to be mentioned in prayers more frequently than that of God itself. In the past, the name ‘Turk’ implied the negative of the European self-image. ‘The Turk,’ assuming the role...