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Family firm research has shown that the cooperative resolution of conflict between the incumbent entrepreneur and his successor is crucial for the survival of the family firm. Dispute resolution research suggests that a third party acting as mediator can provide valuable support to their efforts. Father to Son synthesizes insights from both lines of research to propose when, and how, mediation can contribute to the resolution of family firm succession conflicts. It offers a clear framework to guide family firm members, as well as their advisors, through the succession process.
Combining practitioner guidance with empirical research, this new textbook teaches negotiation as a skill that can be learned and mastered.
In 1727, the Pennsylvania Provincial Council passed a law requiring all "foreign" immigrants (i.e. those of non-British origin) to swear an oath of allegiance to the Crown. Lists of these immigrants were originally assembled for publication in the Pennsylvania Archives (Ser. 2, Vol. XVII), and they are reprinted here without change. This work, then, is an exhaustive list of "foreigners"-mostly Germans-who immigrated into the Province and, later, the State of Pennsylvania between the years 1727 and 1775 and again during the years 1786-1808. More to the point, it is a collection of ships' passenger lists, in many cases the lists being transcribed in entirety, with Captains' lists of passengers running up to the relatively late year of 1808. Along with the full name of the immigrant, including the names of all males over the age of sixteen, since that was the age they were obliged to take the oath, such information is given as name of ship, date of arrival, port of origin, and, in some instances, ages, names of wives, and names of children. An exhaustive index of surnames, running to more than 100 pages, contains about 35,000 references.
Unternehmen des Anlagen- und Projektgeschäfts bilden das Rückgrat der deutschen Industrie, da sie die typischen Investitionsgüter wie Verkehrsinfrastruktur, Produktionsanlagen und Maschinen erstellen. Das vorliegende Werk beleuchtet umfassend die unterschiedlichen Konzepte, Methoden und Problembereiche der Erstellung und Vermarktung von solchen Großprojekten, die sich maßgeblich von anderen Bereichen des Business-to-Business-Marketing unterscheiden. Sie eignen sich für klassische Industriebranchen ebenso wie für den organisationalen Dienstleistungsbereich. Neu in der 2. Auflage Alle Beiträge wurden grundlegend überarbeitet und ergänzt. Die Neuauflage trägt damit sowohl den neueren Entwicklungen in der Praxis als auch den Forschungsergebnissen der letzten Jahre Rechnung. Ausgetauscht wurden die Kapitel ‚Auftragsfinanzierung und Financial Engineering‘ und ‚Projektmanagement‘, neu hinzugekommen sind die Kapitel ‚Vertragsmanagement‘ und ‚Verhandlungsmanagement‘.