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This is the first feminist and postcolonial analysis of Galician cultural nationalism and its relation to the Spanish state and Spanish centralism.
Nineteenth-century national movements perceived the nation as a community defined by language, culture and history. Part of the infrastructure to spread this view of the nation were institutions publishing literary and scientific texts in the national language. Starting with the Matica srpska (Pest, 1826), a particular kind of society was established in several parts of the Habsburg Empire – inspiring each other, but with often major differences in activities, membership and financing. Outside of the Slavic world analogues institutions played a similar key role in the early stages of national revival in Europe. The Matica and Beyond is the first concerted attempt to comparatively investiga...
Home de inmensa cultura, lector infatigábel, enérxico polemista, auténtica enciclopedia galega, Manuel Murguía combinou a militancia galeguista e progresista para ser un dos grandes xornalistas, o historiador da nación galega por excelencia, un conflitivo funcionario, a cabeza visíbel do rexionalismo e o primeiro presidente da Academia Galega. Compartiu con Rosalía de Castro tres décadas intensas, unha familia, moitos proxectos e á memoria e grandeza dela dedicou, cos seus erros e acertos, unha morea de esforzos. Ademais de centos de artigos, escribiu un conxunto de libros que superan as 7000 páxinas. Entre eles os cinco tomos da Historia de Galicia complementados co monumental Gal...
In the summer of 2008, the twelfth in a series of biennial conferences on the Literature of Region and Nation was held at Aberdeen University in the North-East of Scotland. Over fifty scholars, representing no fewer than twenty different countries, convened for the occasion; and twenty-two of the papers presented are included in this volume. As at previous conferences in the series, the papers range widely in approach, in subject-matter and in geographical coverage: readers of this book will find explorations of literature from all five continents. The papers are arranged thematically: the central concepts of region and nation are examined in the first section; and subsequent sets of papers go on to consider literary and pictorial representations of places and peoples, literature of diaspora and exile (a keynote topic of the conference), the use of language (particularly non-standard languages) in literary texts, and artistic interactions between cultures. All the papers have been peer-reviewed, and some extensively revised. The collection demonstrates the vitality of scholarship in the field of regional literary studies.
Malia os tímidos avances que se produciron nas primeiras décadas do século XX, non foi nada doado para as mulleres a incorporación aos espazos públicos. As irmandiñas non foron unha excepción e a súa proxección pública foi abondo limitada se a comparamos coa dos compañeiros, mais o seu compromiso e actividades non foron en absoluto irrelevantes. Quer no activismo inicial tras o nacemento das Irmandades, quer nos coros e agrupacións teatrais, na actividade intelectual no Seminario de Estudos Galegos, no desenvolvemento editorial galego, na actividade política, no espallamento do ideal galeguista e republicano, na defensa da lingua, na escrita... Alí estaban as mulleres galegas c...
Premio de Novela Blanco Amor 1998. O libro que gañou o Premio Blanco Amor de 1998 presenta intrigas e aventuras na época da Ilustración, persoas e pobos arrastrados polos conflitos entre as grandes potencias navais, debates aínda hoxe non resoltos. Sen dúbida, unha gran novela e unha peza máis na recuperación da memoria colectiva. Alén da desventura está o pracer da lectura dun libro especial.