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In this collection of work, the contributing authors tackle the topic of non-formal education from a variety of disciplines, such as computer science, psychology, education, science education, literacy, music, art, and social studies by sharing original perspectives, and proposing novel educational approaches. The book chapters present insights into designing and carrying out non-formal education activities, operational management strategies related to non-formal education, activating and creating the well-being of participants in non-formal education activities, and implementing active learning. The current volume appeals to a wide audience, including teachers, parents, students, and education specialists, as well as researchers and community members working with youth and children. Moreover, this volume appeals to an international audience, as the contributing authors are from various countries, including the USA, Indonesia, Italy, Romania, and Spain. The interdisciplinary and global perspective presented in the current volume makes it not only valuable for the educational field, but unique, compared to similar publications in the field.
The education division is a prominent part of the public health profession. It focuses on educating individuals and communities to promote health and prevent disease. The educators are drawn from a diverse range of disciplines and defined as professionally prepared individuals who serve in a variety of roles using appropriate educational strategies and methods to facilitate the development of policies, procedures, interventions, and systems conducive to the health of individuals.This unique volume in the Global Science Education Series describes some of the challenges faced by this profession in helping the audience to understand public health and solve health issues. Key Features: Aids researchers in designing an evaluation study in CPE for health professions and related fields Presents data on how public health practice comprises of individuals working together toward promoting population health Covers continuing professional education in the US and how it can be adopted globally Discusses the Kirkpatrick’s four-level evaluation model at length Demonstrates how questionnaires are preferable in evaluating CPE programs due to their cost effectiveness and being user friendly
Hark, Hark! Hear the Story of a Science Educator highlights some compelling ideas on science teaching and learning through the author’s journey and includes evolution and revolution in the growth of scientific knowledge. The book discusses views of McComas et al. and Lederman et al. on the nature of science, as well as the learning theories of Piaget (1926), Vygotsky (1978), and Marton (1981). The three theories of learning frame methods in teaching science. The author is well known in the science education research community for her groundbreaking work in student conceptions and conceptual change, particularly as related to phenomenography. Key Features: Helps science educators explore ne...
The field of ethics in science aims to improve the way the audience perceives science, and this unique workbook discusses the areas of ethics and scientific misconduct. It provides assessments and exercises for learners to work through in groups or alone. Completion of the workbook but especially the assessment and tests will earn the learner a certificate for scientific misconduct training compiled by the author, and the certificate is available from the author's own website. This volume is a companion to the author's published volume, Ethics in Science: Ethical Misconduct in Scientific Research, Second Edition and will appeal to undergraduates, graduates and even high school students. Feat...
This unique volume provides the reader with an outline of ancient Egyptian civilization, history and culture. It reviews the ancient Egyptian understanding of human health and disease, medical and herbal treatments for various conditions based on primary sources found in ancient papyri. The reader will also gain an insight into the influence of ancient Egyptian medical knowledge on later civilizations including ancient Greek and Islamic scholars in the middle ages. There are two chapters that focus on the ancient Egyptian understanding and treatments of cardiovascular disease as well as a description of herbal medicines used by medical practitioners and pharmacologists. Key Features: Describes influence of ancient Egyptian medical and pharmaceutical knowledge of subsequent civilizations Explores ancient Egyptian pharmacology and herbal medicine Review of the most significant ancient Egyptian papyri documenting medical knowledge and practice Concise overview of ancient Egyptian history, culture, medical knowledge Summary of ancient Egyptian understanding of cardiovascular diseases and treatments
The subject of chemistry is widely acknowledged as being conceptually challenging, and regarded with a perceived elitism. This book aims to address this dilemma by breaking down the fundamentals of organic chemistry and its importance in medicine, so that readers with any or no background education in chemistry can access the material and gain an appreciation and understanding for the subject. The text is written in a clear and concise manner, using appropriate figures, to explain how the medicine we are so familiar with is designed and produced. Undergraduate students, medical and nursing students, and general audiences will benefit from the accessible format and enjoyable read. Key Features: User-friendly text dealing with the chemical sciences for the non-scientist Public understanding of science at the interface of biology and chemistry is in high demand The book serves to introduce organic chemistry and its relevance to medicine Describes the foundational principles of chemistry without losing the systematic rigor of the subject
This book completes a scientific life trilogy of books following on from the Hows (i.e. skills) and the Whys is now the Whats of a scientific life. Starting with just what is science, then on to what is physics, what is chemistry and what is biology the book discusses career situations in terms of types of obstacles faced. There follow examples of what science has achieved as well as plans and opportunities. The contexts for science are dependencies of science on mathematics, how science cuts across disciplines, and the importance of engineering and computer software. What science is as a process is that it is distinctly successful in avoiding or dealing with failures. Most recently a radica...
Judul : INTERVENSI KEPERAWATAN PADA IBU ANAK USIA TODDLER (SAAT BENCANA) Penulis : Ema Suriani, Meri Neherta, Ira Mulya Sari Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 100 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No ISBN : 978-623-497-997-8 SINOPSIS Promosi kesehatan pada anak usia Toddler sangat penting dilakukan selama bencana karena anak masih perlu didampingi dari orang tua dan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan sehari-hari, kesehatan dan keamanan masih perlu pemantauan khusus dari orang tua. Promosi kesehatan anak saat bencana dapat membantu orangtua dan relawan bencana dalam memahami cara menjaga agar anak tetap aman dan melakukan perawatan khusus pada saat kondisi bencana agar anak tetap sehat selama masa sulit ini. Dalam buku ini akan membahas promosi kesehatan untuk ibu yang mempunyai anak usia todler. Dengan memperhatikan promosi kesehatan anak selama bencana, dapat memastikan bahwa anak tetap sehat, aman dan nyaman selama masa sulit dari situasi bencana ini. Dalam buku ini akan membahas macam-macam promosi Kesehatan yang dibutuhkan pada anak usia Toddler seperti : Mencegah penyakit kulit dalam bencana, Mencegah Diarae pada balita, Mencegah Penyakit ISPA, Gizi Seimbang, Toilet Training.
Buku Ajar Promosi Kesehatan ini disusun sebagai buku panduan komprehensif yang menjelajahi kompleksitas dan mendalamnya tentang ilmu promosi kesehatan. Buku ini dapat digunakan oleh pendidik dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran di bidang ilmu promosi kesehatan dan diberbagai bidang Ilmu terkait lainnya. Buku ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai panduan dan referensi mengajar mata kuliah promosi kesehatan dan menyesuaikan dengan rencana pembelajaran semester tingkat perguruan tinggi masing-masing. Secara garis besar, buku ajar ini pembahasannya mulai dari konsep dasar promosi Kesehatan, upaya promosi kesehatan, area promosi kesehatan, strategi pendekatan promosi kesehatan, monitoring dan evaluasi promosi kesehatan, pengembangan media promosi, metode dan teknik promosi kesehatan, media promosi kesehatan, konsep perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, pemberdayaan masyarakat. Buku ini disusun secara sistematis dengan penjelasan yang jelas, contoh soal, dan latihan untuk memperkuat pemahaman. Buku ini merupakan pegangan yang ideal bagi mahasiswa dan pendidik untuk menguasai ilmu teori pembejalaran dengan baik.
Buku ini menyajikan berbagai konsep dasar keperawatan kritis. Adapun materi dari buku ini tidak saja diambil dari sumber pustaka yang ada saja, tetapi juga berdasarkan pengalaman penulis dan rekan-rekan serta pengalaman para pakar di bidang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Dengan demikian kami berharap, buku ini dapat berguna bagi mahasiswa, praktikan, dosen, peniliti bahkan praktisi sebagai pedoman dan pegangan untuk mengembangkan diri dalam upaya meluaskan wawasan tentang konsep dan praktik dalam melakukan asuhan keperawatan kritis.