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Logistics is key to a country’s trading opportunities. Poor trade logistics performance, measured in the cost and complexity of importing and exporting, precludes many countries from diversifying their economies and can hamper trade, growth and employment. This is acutely relevant for developing countries, where a frail logistics environment, i.e., the combination of logistics infrastructure and services, is often a factor in weak trade. While trade consists of imports and exports, exports are crucial to a country’s development due to their potential to increase income and employment. Supply chain delays increase transportation costs and hence product costs, thus decreasing the competiti...
In the context of the advancing digitalization of logistics processes, blockchain technologies are gaining in importance. Within the scope of sustainable logistics networks, they contribute to cross-stakeholder transparency and support the tracking and verification of products and processes to improve social and environmental parameters. The goal of this work is to develop a holistic management model to help users understand blockchain technologies in the context of their logistics network and to assess the mindful adoption of these technologies to specific problems. In addition, the model should enable the conclusion of expected impacts on participating actors within the logistics network w...
This book was created in the spirit of learning from nature in the field of professional purchasing. It describes real-world purchasing problems faced by companies as well as individuals and presents natural hands-on solutions that apply scientific approaches. The book answers what the core of purchasing could be, the inner structure of it or in other words the natural way. Nature masters effectiveness based on immanent laws and ensures efficiency by best results for minimal invest. Especially in complex and ambiguous situations, purchasers benefit from this book by understanding the broader context with the help of recent scientific research. Focusing on the problems that purchasers face in managerial practice rather than oversimplified generalizations, the book features step-by-step explanations, allowing readers to find tailored solutions to address challenges in key purchasing areas. The book was written in collaboration and with the help of experts in purchasing and logistics, biology, law and economics, human resource development, media and sports, and merges perspectives from theory and practice to provide natural strategies for purchasers.
Future logistics managers will face a multitude of complex tasks and they will be required to develop efficient management concepts at short notice. University teaching – as well as further education – has the ability to prepare those logistics managers for future tasks by enabling them to transfer theoretical knowledge to practical problems. To contribute to more practice-oriented teaching approaches, the Competence Center for International Logistics Networks at the Chair of Logistics at Berlin University of Technology conducted 10 on-site case studies at leading manufacturing companies in the consumer goods, automotive, and machinery industries, as well as at logistics service provider...
The Lloyd’s Register of Yachts was first issued in 1878, and was issued annually until 1980, except during the years 1916-18 and 1940-46. Two supplements containing additions and corrections were also issued annually. The Register contains the names, details and characters of Yachts classed by the Society, together with the particulars of other Yachts which are considered to be of interest, illustrates plates of the Flags of Yacht and Sailing Clubs, together with a List of Club Officers, an illustrated List of the Distinguishing Flags of Yachtsmen, a List of the Names and Addresses of Yacht Owners, and much other information. For more information on the Lloyd’s Register of Yachts, please click here:
This volume showcases the presentations and discussions delivered at the 2018 POMS International Conference in Rio. Through a collection of selected papers, it is possible to review the impact and application of operations management for social good, with contributions across a wide range of topics, including: humanitarian operations and crisis management, healthcare operations management, sustainable operations, artificial intelligence and data analytics in operations, product innovation and technology in operations management, marketing and operations management, service operations and servitization, logistics and supply chain management, resilience and risk in operations, defense, and tourism among other emerging Operations Management issues. The Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) is one of the most important and influential societies in the subject of Production Engineering and, as an international professional and academic organization, represents the interests of professionals and academics in production management and operations around the world.
The Lloyd’s Register of Yachts was first issued in 1878, and was issued annually until 1980, except during the years 1916-18 and 1940-46. Two supplements containing additions and corrections were also issued annually. The Register contains the names, details and characters of Yachts classed by the Society, together with the particulars of other Yachts which are considered to be of interest, illustrates plates of the Flags of Yacht and Sailing Clubs, together with a List of Club Officers, an illustrated List of the Distinguishing Flags of Yachtsmen, a List of the Names and Addresses of Yacht Owners, and much other information. For more information on the Lloyd’s Register of Yachts, please click here:
The Lloyd’s Register of Yachts was first issued in 1878, and was issued annually until 1980, except during the years 1916-18 and 1940-46. Two supplements containing additions and corrections were also issued annually. The Register contains the names, details and characters of Yachts classed by the Society, together with the particulars of other Yachts which are considered to be of interest, illustrates plates of the Flags of Yacht and Sailing Clubs, together with a List of Club Officers, an illustrated List of the Distinguishing Flags of Yachtsmen, a List of the Names and Addresses of Yacht Owners, and much other information. For more information on the Lloyd’s Register of Yachts, please click here:
Trotz gegenüber einem Umfeld, das sie zu manipulieren versucht, veranlassen Annalisa Landmann in einer Handelsfirma als Werkstudentin zu beginnen. Ihre Schüchternheit, gepaart mit Naivität, läßt sie erneut zum Opfer werden. Sie verfällt dem Charme ihres Chefs und wird damit ganz zwangsläufig in den alltäglichen Lebenskampf eines Kleinbetriebes gegenüber Behörden und Konkurrenz gefangen. Die Beziehung zerbricht unter dem Druck der finanziellen Schwierigkeiten, in die das aufstrebende Unternehmen gerät. Geschockt steht Annalisa eines Tages ganz alleine da mit einem Danaer-Geschenk: Ihr Chef und Lebensgefährte verschwindet von einem Tag auf den anderen und hinterläßt ihr sein Unte...
Während im Erdgeschoss eines Reihenhauses der querschnittgelähmte Hausherr Jürgen Netzler sein Dasein fristet, entwickelt sich im Schlafzimmer eine Etage höher eine seltsame Liebesbeziehung. An einem Mittwochmorgen wird Jürgens Freund Timo im Badezimmer tot aufgefunden. Zum gleichen Zeitpunkt kollabiert Lisa Netzler, Jürgens Ehefrau, in ihrem Auto. Die Ursache für Timos Tod und Lisas Zusammenbruch: Atemnot, verursacht durch Bienenstiche. Führt der gelähmte Mann die Regie für das einmalige Schauspiel? Ein nervenkitzelndes, aufregendes Familiendrama mit überraschenden Wendungen.