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Buku ini menggali mengenai peran dan relevansi Pendidikan Kristen dalam Era Society 5.0 yang serba digital dan terkoneksi. Dalam dunia yang terus berkembang dengan kemajuan teknologi yang pesat, Pendidikan Kristen perlu menemukan cara-cara baru untuk mempertahankan dan mengembangkan pengajaran nilai-nilai Kristiani yang kaya dan mendalam. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan yang holistik, buku ini mengeksplorasi bagaimana Pendidikan Kristen dapat beradaptasi dengan perubahan sosial dan teknologi yang terjadi dalam Society 5.0. Ia menyoroti pentingnya mengintegrasikan prinsip-prinsip Kristen dalam pendidikan untuk menghasilkan generasi muda yang tangguh, berdaya saing, dan berakar pada nilai-nilai Kristiani. Dengan pendekatan yang inklusif dan aplikatif, buku ini memberikan wawasan dan inspirasi bagi pendidik Kristen, pengembang kurikulum, dan pemimpin gereja dalam menjawab tuntutan Era Society 5.0. Tujuannya adalah membantu membentuk generasi muda yang kuat, kreatif, dan berpegang pada prinsip-prinsip Kristiani di dunia yang semakin kompleks dan terkoneksi ini.
Buku ini hadir sebagai sumbangan pemikiran dalam memahami peran agama dalam proses pemulihan pasca-konflik. Dalam konteks global yang semakin kompleks, konflik sosial yang bersifat agama menjadi salah satu isu yang memerlukan perhatian serius. Melalui pemahaman yang mendalam tentang hubungan antara agama, konflik, dan pembangunan sosial, diharapkan pembaca dapat menangkap esensi peran agama sebagai jembatan perdamaian dalam masyarakat yang beragam.
Antologi: Didaktik Teologi Praktika di Era Disrupsi (Teori dan Praktia) merupakan kumpulan karya terbaik q5 orang dosen tetap Program Studi Teologi dan Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Kristen di berberapa Sekolah Tinggi Teologi dan Sekolah Tinggi Agama Kristen di Indonesia. Antologi ini sangat bermanfaat untuk Mata Kuliah Praktika dan dapat menjadi referensi dalam mengajar baik kepada Dosen maupun Mahasiswa. Adapun pokok kajian sebagai berikut: - Keteladanan Pemuda Kristen Berdasarkan Kitab Pengkhotbah 11:9-12:8 - Model Pelayanan Rasul Paulus Menurut Kitab 2 Korintus 11:7-33 - Eskatologi Menurut Kitab Ibrani - Mediasi Menangani Masalah Sosial Pada Era Society 5.0 Berdasarkan Surat Filemon - P...
The Universitas Kuningan International Conference on Social Science, Environment and Technology (UNISET) will be an annual event hosted by Universitas Kuningan. This year (2020), will be the first UNISET will be held on 12 December 2020 at Universitas Kuningan, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia. “Exploring Science and Technology to the Improvement of Community Welfare” has been chosen at the main theme for the conference, with a focus on the latest research and trends, as well as future outlook of the field of Call for paper fields to be included in UNISET 2020 are: Social Sciences, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Electrical Engineering, Material Sciences and Engineering, Food and Agriculture Technology, Informatics Engineering and Technologies, Medical and Health Technology. The conference invites delegates from across Indonesian and South East Asian region and beyond, and is usually attended by more than 100 participants from university academics, researchers, practitioners, and professionals across a wide range of industries.
Climate-Smart Landscapes: Multifunctionality in Practice is about a 'landscape approach' to achieving multiple climate, social, development and environmental objectives. It builds on climate-smart landscapes as a growing platform and pathway towards achieving multi functionality. This book in 27 chapters draws strongly from practices, methods, examples and considerations for applying landscape approaches to achieve multifunctional outcomes and in particular, address the complex challenge of climate change.
We are delighted to introduce the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Progressive Education (ICOPE) 2020 hosted by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Lampung, Indonesia, in the heart of the city Bandar Lampung on 16 and 17 October 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we took a model of an online organised event via Zoom. The theme of the 2nd ICOPE 2020 was “Exploring the New Era of Education”, with various related topics including Science Education, Technology and Learning Innovation, Social and Humanities Education, Education Management, Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Teacher Professional Development, Curriculum and Instructions, A...
Renowned for its unconventional thinking, Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics continues to be a refreshing alternative for students and lecturers of strategic management specifically looking for ‘something different’. Stacey challenges the conceptual orthodoxy of planned strategy, focusing instead on the influence of more complex and unstable forces in the development of strategy. This book explores and challenges ways of thinking about strategy and organisational dynamics and raises questions about systemic and responsive processes, utilising insights from the complexity sciences. The purpose of this book is to assist people to make sense of their own experience of life in organisations, to explore their own thinking and to pay attention to and so what they do. Ideal for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate study, this critically detailed account deals with up-to-the minute issues, raising the challenge of complexity within practice and theory. As such it remains unique amongst strategic management text books.
A trio of eminent Old Testament scholars--Francis Brown, R. Driver, and Charles Briggs--spent over twenty years researching, writing, and preparing "The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon." Since it first appeared in the early part of the twentieth century, BDB has been considered the finest and most comprehensive Hebrew lexicon available to the English-speaking student. Based upon the classic work of Wilhelm Gesenius, the "father of modern Hebrew lexicography," BDB gives not only dictionary definitions for each word, but relates each word to its Old Testament usage and categorizes its nuances of meaning. BDB's exhaustive coverage of Old Testament Hebrew words, as well as its unparalleled usage of cognate languages and the wealth of background sources consulted and quoted, render BDB and invaluable resource for all students of the Bible.
In recent years, FAO has carried out extensive assessments of the forest tenure situation in the four regions of Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America and Central Asia, including its impact on sustainable forest management and poverty reduction. The experiences and lessons learned from these assessments, complemented by numerous studies carried out by other organizations, provide a rich information base on different tenure systems and on the successes and challenges of tenure reform processes.