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The Dynamics of the Linguistic System
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 422

The Dynamics of the Linguistic System

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020
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  • Publisher: Unknown

This book offers a model of language that can be characterized as functionalist, usage-based, dynamic, and complex-adaptive. Schmid argues that linguistic structure is not stable, but continually refreshed by usage, conventionalization, and entrenchment. This wide-ranging volume will be of interest to linguists from a wide range of fields.

The syntax of functional left peripheries
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 358

The syntax of functional left peripheries

This book provides a novel analysis for the syntax of the clausal left periphery, focusing on various finite clause types and especially on embedded clauses. It investigates how the appearance of multiple projections interacts with economy principles and with the need for marking syntactic information overtly. In particular, the proposed account shows that a flexible approach assuming only a minimal number of projections is altogether favourable to cartographic approaches. The main focus of the book is on West Germanic, in particular on English and German, yet other Germanic and non-Germanic languages are also discussed for comparative purposes.

Grammatical gaps: definition, typology and theory
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 232

Grammatical gaps: definition, typology and theory

Grammatiken sind (metaphorisch gesprochen) Anweisungen zum richtigen Gebrauch einer Sprache. Interessanterweise zeigen Grammatiken offenbar Lücken, die dadurch entstehen, dass für bestimmte Bereiche Regeln (bzw. Formen) ganz fehlen oder dass sich einzelne Regeln widersprechen und der daraus resultierende Konflikt deren Anwendung verhindert. Grammatische Lücken, auf deren Relevanz für eine 'realistische' Grammatiktheorie wohl zuerst Marga Reis hingewiesen hat, sind in den letzten Jahren schon vereinzelt in den Fokus der Forschung geraten. Das Sonderheft versammelt Arbeiten zu verschiedenen Arten von Lücken und zeigt damit, wie ertragreich und wichtig die Erforschung grammatischer Lücken...

Yiddish as a Mixed Language
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 304

Yiddish as a Mixed Language

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-11-14
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  • Publisher: BRILL

Yiddish has so far been mostly described as a linear, genetic descendant of German. This volume makes a case for the mixed character of the idiom and the formative role of the Slavic component in its creation and development.

Clause Structure and Word Order in the History of German
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 423

Clause Structure and Word Order in the History of German

This volume presents the first comprehensive generative account of the historical syntax of German. Leading scholars in the field survey a range of topics and offer new insights into multiple central aspects of clause structure and word order, including verb placement, adverbial connectives, pronominal syntax, and information-structural factors.

Dialectology meets Typology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 548

Dialectology meets Typology

In what ways can dialectologists and language typologists profit from each others' work when looking across the fence? This is the guiding question of this volume, which involves follow-up questions such as: How can dialectologists profit from adopting the large body of insights in and hypotheses on language variation and language universals familiar from work in language typology, notably functional typology? Vice versa, what can typologists learn from the study of non-standard varieties? What are possible contributions of dialectology to areal typologies and the study of grammaticalization? What are important theoretical and methodological implications of this new type of collaboration in the study of language variation? The 18 contributors, among them many distinguished dialectologists, sociolinguists and typologists, address these and other novel questions on the basis of analyses of the morphology and syntax of a broad range of dialects (Germanic, Romance, Balto-Slavic, Indo-Aryan).

Sprachenräume der Schweiz
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 629

Sprachenräume der Schweiz

Das vorliegende Handbuch bietet eine umfassende Darstellung der Vielfalt der in der Schweiz bis in jüngste Zeit mündlich und schriftlich verwendeten Sprachen und Dialekte und der räumlichen und sozialen Bedingtheit ihres Auftretens. Es bezieht sich nicht ausschliesslich auf die Schweiz als viersprachiges Land, sondern geht neue Wege, indem es darüber hinaus das Englische sowie Sprachen berücksichtigt, deren heutige Präsenz in der Schweiz auf Migration beruht. Auch historische Sprachen und Dialekte, die in der Schweiz und im liechtensteinischen Sprachraum gesprochen werden, sowie die drei Schweizer Gebärdensprachen werden behandelt. Mit Ausblicken über die Schweiz hinaus bietet das Handbuch eine erweiterte Perspektive auf die Räume, die die Sprachen der Schweiz einnehmen. So wird das traditionelle Verständnis von Vielsprachigkeit um neue Aspekte und aktuelle Entwicklungen ergänzt.

Language Change at the Interfaces
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 265

Language Change at the Interfaces

This volume offers an up-to-date survey of linguistic phenomena at the interfaces between syntax and prosody, information structure and discourse – with a special focus on Germanic and Romance – and their role in language change. The contributions, set within the generative framework, discuss original data and provide new insights into the diachronic development of long-burning issues such as negation, word order, quantifiers, null subjects, aspectuality, the structure of the left periphery, and extraposition. The first part of the volume explores interface phenomena at the intrasentential level, in which only clause-internal factors seem to play a significant role in determining diachronic change. The second part examines developments at the intersentential level involving a rearrangement of categories between at least two clausal domains. The book will be of interest for scholars and students interested in generative accounts of language change phenomena at the interfaces, as well as for theoretical linguists in general.

Empirical Approaches to the Phonological Structure of Words
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 284

Empirical Approaches to the Phonological Structure of Words

One of the basic grammatical categories in linguistics is the phonological word. But how are words made up in terms of their sounds? And how is the information on the sound structure of words used in the processing of words? The multidimensionality of the phonological word relates it to semantics, morphology, phonology and syntax. It is nevertheless a category that has only been an object of serious study since the prosodic turn in phonology and thus cannot be considered an established category of grammatical description. This volume brings together scholars interested in the complex relations of the phonological word, applying different empirical approaches.

The History of Negation in the Languages of Europe and the Mediterranean
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 312

The History of Negation in the Languages of Europe and the Mediterranean

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020
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  • Publisher: Unknown

This is the second book in a two-volume comparative history of negation in the languages of Europe and the Mediterranean. It identifies typical developments found repeatedly in the histories of different languages and explores their origins, as well as investigating the factors that determine whether change proceeds rapidly, slowly, or not at all.