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First-hand accounts of cures, conversions and other miracles!
"When Pierre Jovanovic was a reporter for Quotidien de Paris, he had just finished an interview and was driving home on a Silicon Valley freeway when he was suddenly hurled to the side of the car by a mysterious force. Seconds later, a bullet crashed through the windshield and buried itself in the back of the passenger's seat. Highway patrolmen told him that if he hadn't moved, he would have been killed instantly." "Shaken and curious, he began to compare notes with other journalists, many of whom were war-zone survivors. Most had had some kind of comparable experience of being snatched from death by an unseen hand." "Pierre began to interview authorities on near-death experience: Melvin Mor...
Let the Holy Spirit lead you to the Living Water that feeds our well of faith. When asked about his spiritual gifts of healing, bilocation, prophecy, and stigmata, Padre Pio replied, “You know, they are a mystery to me, too.” While you might think he is just being modest, he is actually getting at the heart of how the Holy Spirit works in every Christian’s life. We can’t fully understand why God gives us certain gifts, but as we walk with Christ, we can engage with this mystery and journey towards holiness. In Welcoming the Holy Spirit with Padre Pio, Susan De Bartoli shares stories and wisdom from the life of this humble monk to show how we can use our unique spiritual gifts to love...
Faith, Science and the Supernatural takes a novel and refreshing stance on Christianity. In this fascinating overview of Eva F. Bálint's beliefs, she explains how religion, despite common belief, does have a place in the realm of science and that there is far more to religion and faith than blindly following the Bible. Once a clergy with the Church of Sweden, Eva F. Bálint was stripped of her status because of her forward ways of thinking. This book summarises her thoughts, her beliefs and her combination of science and religion - two things which in the past have been diametrically opposed! A must read for anyone with a spiritual yet practical mind.
Die seit 1971 wieder erscheinende, interdisziplinäre, internationale Rezensionsbibliographie IBR ist eine einmalige Informationsquelle. Die Datenbank weist über 1,1 Millionen vornehmlich die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften berücksichtigende Buchrezensionen in 6.000 vorwiegend europäischen wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften nach. 60.000 Eintragungen kommen jedes Jahr hinzu, bieten dem Benutzer Daten zum rezensierten Werk und zur Rezension.
"Possiamo credere o non credere, ma con Natuzza e Padre Pio ci troviamo davanti a un mistero di grande fascino, capace di dare pace e serenità a chiunque. Non c'è stato nessuno c he, dopo aver incontrato l'uno o l'altra, sia rimasto come prima." LUIGI RENZO Vescovo di Mileto-Nicotera-Tropea È sorprendente scoprire quanti punti in comune ci siano tra i due grandi mistici Padre Pio e Natuzza Evolo. Due persone umili che cercano Dio non nei discorsi dei filosofi ma nella propria esperienza di vita, d'amore e di sofferenza, nel proprio modo di "portare la Croce". Pio e Natuzza sono stati perseguitati dalla Chiesa, accusati di pazzia, e ad entrambi è stato poi riconosciuto il dono della biloc...
Each vol. includes an annual bibliography; 1915-20 consist of bibliography only.