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The impetus for this book is the shift in welfare policy in Western Europe from state responsibilities to individual and community responsibilities. The book examines the ways in which policies associated with advanced liberalism and New Public Management can be identified as influencing professional practices to promote personalisation, participation, empowerment, recovery and resilience. In examining the concept of ‘responsibilisation’ from the point of view of both the ‘responsibilised client and welfare worker’, the book breaks from the traditional literature to demonstrate how responsibilities are negotiated during multi-professional care planning meetings, home visits, staff me...
Hyvinvointityön tekijät kohtaavat erilaisissa haavoittavissa elämäntilanteissa olevia ihmisiä keskellä heidän arkeaan. Asiakkaat saattavat tarvita tukea mielenterveyden hallintaan, fyysisiin sairauksiin, raitistumisen, toipumisen ja kuntoutumisen haasteisiin tai vaikkapa vanhuuden mukanaan tuomiin vaikeuksiin. Teoksessa selvitetään, minkälaisia merkityksiä kodilla on haavoittuvuuden kohtaamisen, sanoittamisen, kokemisen ja lievittämisen paikkana. Hyvinvointityön siirtyminen laitoksista koteihin sisältää paljon mahdollisuuksia, kuten ihmisen itsemääräämisoikeuden ja yhteisöihin integroitumisen vahvistumisen. Toisaalta se saattaa kuitenkin tarkoittaa turvattomuutta, eristyneisyyttä, täyttämättömiä tarpeita ja kohtuutonta sinnittelyä arjessa. Teos on ajankohtainen puheenvuoro hyvinvointipalveluiden kehittämisestä ja hyvinvointityön tekemisen arjesta. Siinä on hyödynnetty etnometodologiaan ja ihmismaantieteeseen sitoutunutta vuorovaikutuksen tutkimusta. Aineistoina on käytetty kotikäyntien nauhoituksia, tutkijan kenttäpäiväkirjoja sekä työntekijä- ja asiakashaastatteluja.
Tämä tutkimukseen perustuva kokoomateos tarjoaa selkeän, monipuolisen ja käytännönläheisen yleiskatsauksen siitä, mihin suuntaan suomalainen sosiaali- ja terveysala on kehittymässä 2020-luvulla. Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon uudistus on jälleen hyvin ajankohtainen, kun keväällä 2019 kariutuneen uudistuksen perustalle ollaan rakentamassa uudenlaisia hyvinvointialueita tai sote-maakuntia ja monialaisia sosiaali- ja terveyskeskuksia. Kirjassa avataan monipuolisesti maamme sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen uudistumista kolmesta eri näkökulmasta. Teoksen ensimmäisessä osassa tarkastellaan sosiaali- ja terveysalaa makrotason eli palvelujärjestelmän uudistumisen näkökulmasta. Art...
The European reformations meant major changes in theology, religion, and everyday life. Some changes were immediate and visible in a number of countries: monasteries were dissolved, new liturgies were introduced, and married pastors were ordained, others were more hidden. Theologically, as well as practically the position of the church in the society changed dramatically, but differently according to confession and political differences. This volume addresses the question of how the theological, liturgical, and organizational changes changes brought by the reformation within different confessional cultures throughout Europe influenced the everyday life of ordinary people within the church and within society. The different contributions in the book ask how lived religion, space, and everyday life were formed in the aftermath of the reformation, and how we can trace changes in material culture, in emotions, in social structures, in culture, which may be linked to the reformation and the development of confessional cultures.
Explaining the fundamentals of mediation and moderation analysis, this engaging book also shows how to integrate the two using an innovative strategy known as conditional process analysis. Procedures are described for testing hypotheses about the mechanisms by which causal effects operate, the conditions under which they occur, and the moderation of mechanisms. Relying on the principles of ordinary least squares regression, Andrew Hayes carefully explains the estimation and interpretation of direct and indirect effects, probing and visualization of interactions, and testing of questions about moderated mediation. Examples using data from published studies illustrate how to conduct and report...
The book deals with the development of descriptive models of English grammar writing during the Early Modern English period. For the first time, morphology and syntax as presented in Early Modern English grammars are systematically investigated as a whole. The statements of the contemporary grammarians are compared to hypotheses made in modern descriptions of Early Modern English and, where necessary, checked against the Early Modern English part of the Helsinki Corpus. Thus, a comprehensive overview of the characteristic features of Early Modern English is complemented by conclusions about the descriptive adequacy of Early Modern English grammars. It becomes evident that comments by contemporary authors occasionally reflect the corpus data more adequately than the statements found in modern secondary literature. This book is useful for (advanced) university students, as well as for scholars of English and grammarians in general.
The future of English linguistics as envisaged by the editors of Topics in English Linguistics lies in empirical studies which integrate work in English linguistics into general and theoretical linguistics on the one hand, and comparative linguistics on the other. The TiEL series features volumes that present interesting new data and analyses, and above all fresh approaches that contribute to the overall aim of the series, which is to further outstanding research in English linguistics.
This book examines how interprofessional collaboration and service user participation are challenged in multi-agency meetings, demonstrating how collaborative and integrated welfare policy is contingent on the interactional practices of professionals and service users and providing examples of best practice.
Historical and Cultural Transformations of Russian Childhood is a collection of multidisciplinary scholarly essays on childhood experience. The volume offers new critical approaches to Russian and Soviet childhood at the intersection of philosophy, literary criticism, film/visual studies, and history. Pedagogical ideas and practices, and the ideological and political underpinnings of the experience of growing up in pre-revolutionary Russia, the Soviet Union, and Putin’s contemporary Russia are central venues of analysis. Toward the goal of constructing the "multimedial childhood text," the contributors tackle issues of happiness and trauma associated with childhood and foreground its fluidity and instability in the Russian context. The volume further examines practices of reading childhood: as nostalgic text, documentary evidence, and historic mythology. Considering Russian childhood as historical documentation or fictional narrative, as an object of material culture, and as embodied in different media (periodicals, visual culture, and cinema), the volume intends to both problematize but also elucidate the relationship between childhood, history, and various modes of narrativity.