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Engaging feminist hermeneutics and philosophy in addition to more traditional methods of biblical study, Salty Wives, Spirited Mothers, and Savvy Widows demonstrates and celebrates the remarkable capability and ingenuity of several women in the Gospel of Luke. While recent studies have exposed women's limited opportunities for ministry in Luke, Scott Spencer pulls the pendulum back from a negative feminist-critical pole toward a more constructive center. Granting that Luke sends somewhat "mixed messages" about women's work and status as Jesus' disciples, Spencer analyzes such women as Mary, Elizabeth, Joanna, Martha and Mary, and the infamous yet intriguing wife of Lot -- whom Jesus exhorts his followers to "remember" -- as well as the unrelentingly persistent women characters in Jesus' parables.
The striving of Hellenistic Judaism to lay claim to its own epoch and the struggle of early Christianity to ground its pluriform beliefs in that same world represent the governing themes of this volume, dedicated to Thomas H. Tobin, S.J.
Over 15 years in the making, an unprecedented one-volume reference work. Many of today's students and teachers of literature, lacking a familiarity with the Bible, are largely ignorant of how Biblical tradition has influenced and infused English literature through the centuries. An invaluable research tool. Contains nearly 800 encyclopedic articles written by a distinguished international roster of 190 contributors. Three detailed annotated bibliographies. Cross-references throughout.
Of all the New Testament writings Luke-Acts focuses particular attention on rich and poor, possessions and poverty. The Poor and Their Possessions is a new edition of a Cambridge doctoral dissertation that has long been out of print. The author’s exploration of Luke’s thinking is of special importance for Christian preachers, so much effort has gone into making it accessible and readable. Who are the poor? Why are they favored? Did Jesus have a program of social reform? Is renunciation of possessions demanded of all Christians? What guidance does Luke give on the use of possessions? Did the early church have a community of possessions? To whom was Luke’s material targeted? What was its purpose? These and other questions find their answers in the book. Besides its clear argument, this book is a treasure store of careful study of some difficult but important passages from Luke and Acts.
In The Lukan Lens on Wealth and Possessions: A Perspective Shaped by Reversal and Right Response, Rachel Coleman offers a detailed look at Luke’s wealth ethic. The long-debated question of how Luke understands the relationship between followers of Jesus and material possessions is examined with careful exegesis and keen literary and theological sensitivity. The twin motifs established in Luke’s introductory unit (Luke 1:5–4:44)—reversal and right response—provide the hermeneutical lenses that allow the reader to discern a consistent Lukan perspective on wealth in the life of disciples. With an engaging style and an eye to the contemporary church, the book will appeal to both scholars and pastors.
William Herzog shows that the focus of the parables was not on a vision of the glory of the reign of God but on the gory details of the way oppression served the interests of the ruling class. The parables were a form of social analysis, as well as a form of theological reflection. Herzog scrutinizes their canonical form to show the distinction between its purpose for Jesus and for evangelists. To do this, he uses the tools of historical criticism, including form criticism and redaction criticism.
In this substantial study Darrin W. Snyder Belousek offers a comprehensive and critical examination of penal substitution, the most widely accepted evangelical Protestant theory of atonement, and presents a biblically grounded, theologically orthodox alternative. Attending to all of the relevant biblical texts and engaging with the full spectrum of scholarship, Belousek systematically develops a biblical theory of atonement that centers on restorative -- rather than retributive -- justice. He also shows how Christian thinking on atonement correlates with major global concerns such as economic justice, capital punishment, "the war on terror," and ethnic and religious conflicts. Thorough and clearly structured, this book demonstrates how a return to biblical cruciformity can radically transform Christian mission, social justice, and peacemaking.
In seeking to develop a hermeneutic for doing ethics on a narrative base, Via here focuses on Mark's ethics and suggests ways in which they interrelate with other significant motifs in the Gospel: eschatology, revelation, faith, and the messianic secret. Via maintains that the middle of Mark's plot presents the paradoxical position of the disciple who is placed in the overlapping of the kingdom of God and the age of hardness of heart. Here is a bold attempt to integrate several agendas in interpretation--iterary criticism, biblical studies, constructive theological ethics--so as to draw out the implications of Mark's narrative for faith and conduct in the real world.
God as Father in Luke-Acts argues that 'Father' is the central image for God in Luke-Acts by tracing a line of continuity in the portrayal of God as Israel's merciful, faithful, and authoritative Father from the Old Testament to Luke-Acts and its Second Temple Jewish milieu. The fulfillment of the promises to Abraham, David, and Israel in Jesus is best understood as the fatherly actions of Israel's God. Furthermore, the striking similarities between God as Father and Augustus as Pater Patriae undermine the assertion of the Lukan view of the Roman Empire as highly polemical.