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Trust in the Catholic Reformation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 347

Trust in the Catholic Reformation

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-06-08
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  • Publisher: BRILL

In Trust in the Catholic Reformation, Thérèse Peeters shows how trust and distrust affected reform attempts in the post-Tridentine Church, while offering a multifaceted account of day-to-day religiosity in seventeenth-century Genoa, a city that has largely been overlooked in Anglophone scholarship. The book addresses diverse aspects of early modern Catholicism among lay people and members of the clergy. The author replaces the traditional view of the Catholic Reformation as a top-down process with one that considers individual agency, highlighting how strategies for gaining and maintaining trust – as well as the processes by which trust could be lost or denied – determined the success or failure of various efforts at reforming the Church.

The Early Modern Dutch Press in an Age of Religious Persecution
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 225

The Early Modern Dutch Press in an Age of Religious Persecution

This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read at Oxford Scholarship Online and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. For victims of persecution around the world, attracting international media attention for their plight is often a matter of life and death. This study takes us back to the news revolution of seventeenth-century Europe, when people first discovered in the press a powerful new weapon to combat religiously inspired maltreatments, executions, and massacres. To affect and mobilize foreign audiences, confessional minorities and their advocates faced an acute dilemma, one tha...

The Oxford Handbook of Dutch Politics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 881

The Oxford Handbook of Dutch Politics

The Oxford Handbook of Dutch Politics provides a comprehensive longitudinal overview of the state of the art of academic research on the Dutch political system: its origins and historical development, its key institutions, main fault lines, pivotal processes, and key public policy dynamics. In each of the chapters, researchers take stock of what - if anything - has changed over time, how scholars have conceptualized and studied these dynamics, and what key factors can account for the developmental patterns found to be at play. Notwithstanding its considerable degree of constitutional and institutional stability, Dutch politics has seen considerable step changes and occasional upheavals acros...

Civic Continuities in an Age of Revolutionary Change, c.1750–1850
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 340

Civic Continuities in an Age of Revolutionary Change, c.1750–1850

This open access book explores the role of continuity in political processes and practices during the Age of Revolutions. It argues that the changes that took place in the years around 1800 were enabled by different types of continuities across Europe and in the Americas. With historians of modernity tending to emphasise the rise of the new, scholarship has leaned towards an assumption that existing modes of action, thought and practice simply became extinct, irrelevant or at least subordinate to new modes. In contrast, this collection examines continuities between early modern and modern political cultures and organization in Europe and the Americas. Shifting the focus from political modernization, the authors examine the continued relevance of older, often local, practices in (post)revolutionary politics. By doing so, they aim to highlight the role of local political traditions and practices in forging and enabling political change. The book argues that while political change was in fact at the centre of both the old and new polities that emerged in the Age of Revolutions, it coexisted with, and was indeed enabled by, continuities at other levels.

Serving the Chain?
  • Language: en

Serving the Chain?

"In the nineteenth century, when the principal cultural, political, and financial institutions of the Netherlands were established, slavery was still very much part of the nation's global imperial structures. Dutch families, institutions, and governments are increasingly interested in the role their predecessors played in this history of colonialism and enslavement. This book is a history of De Nederlandsche Bank in which particular attention is paid to its links with slavery, both as a factor in the economy and as a subject of political debate. Because De Nederlandsche Bank served the Dutch ministery of Colonies and consequently followed Dutch trade interests, the bank's history intersects with the history of slavery. The investigation in this book focuses not only upon DNB's formal involvement but also on the private involvement of its directors. In addition, it examines whether the bank and its directors played any role in the abolition of slavery."

State Communication and Public Politics in the Dutch Golden Age
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 433

State Communication and Public Politics in the Dutch Golden Age

State Communication and Public Politics in the Dutch Golden Age describes the political communication practices of the authorities in the early modern Netherlands. Der Weduwen provides an in-depth study of early modern state communication: the manner in which government sought to inform its citizens, publicise its laws, and engage publicly in quarrels with political opponents. These communication strategies, including proclamations, the use of town criers, and the printing and affixing of hundreds of thousands of edicts, underpinned the political stability of the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic. Based on systematic research in thirty-two Dutch archives, this book demonstrates for the first time how the wealthiest, most literate, and most politically participatory state of early modern Europe was shaped by the communication of political information. It makes a decisive case for the importance of communication to the relationship between rulers and ruled, and the extent to which early modern authorities relied on the active consent of their subjects to legitimise their government.

Zeevarenden achter de tralies
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 106

Zeevarenden achter de tralies

Over krijgsgevangenschap in de vroegmoderne tijd is maar heel weinig geschreven. We weten in grote lijnen hoe staten geleidelijk het hele militaire domein monopoliseerden en hoe het militair recht zich ontwikkelde, maar over hoe de vele duizenden militairen hun gevangenschap trachtten te doorstaan en hoe hun familieleden met hun afwezigheid omgingen, is maar weinig bekend. Deze menselijke dimensie van de Engels-Nederlandse oorlogen van de zeventiende eeuw wordt door Gijs Rommelse vanuit een multidimensionaal perspectief onderzocht. De Republiek beschikte over voldoende financiële middelen om de Engelse krijgsgevangenen in ieder geval het bestaansminimum te bieden. De Nederlandse krijgsgevangenen in Engeland hadden het echter zwaar te verduren vanwege het tekortschieten van de Engelse staatsfinanciën. Honger en ziekte hadden vrij spel. Rommelse gaat niet alleen in op de rol van overheden, maar laat ook zien op welke manieren gevangenen probeerden te overleven, te ontsnappen of een uitwisseling te bewerkstelligen.

Denken over de trans-Atlantische slavernij en racisme
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 354

Denken over de trans-Atlantische slavernij en racisme

Ondanks het aantoonbare bestaan van racisme in vrijwel elk aspect van de Nederlandse samenleving zijn de pogingen tot het uitroeien hiervan nog altijd mager. In dit geschiedkundig betoog worden de aanpassingen van het racisme en de verstrengeling met het kapitalisme, de nationale geschiedschrijving en de nationale identiteitsontwikkeling helder en indringend uiteengezet. De auteur maakt hiervoor gebruik van de applied history-methode (of toegepaste geschiedenis) en verschillende vertelgenres.

  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 278


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-11-14
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  • Publisher: Prometheus

Politieke woorden scheppen macht. Sinds Pim Fortuyn Den Haag veroverde met De puinhopen van acht jaar Paars (2002) is er een hausse aan boeken geschreven door politici. Pieter Omtzigt stichtte een politieke partij vanuit zijn boek Een nieuw sociaal contract (2023). Dat had al een lange traditie. Sinds het pamflet Aan het volk van Nederland (1781) van Van der Capellen hebben politici als Thorbecke, Groen van Prinsterer en Kuyper via hun schrijven de politiek van hun tijd vormgegeven. Boeken, pamfletten of krantenartikelen kunnen ideeën en kiezers mobiliseren. In verkiezingstijd zetten politici zichzelf in de etalage. Oud-politici stellen in memoires hun nalatenschap veilig. Activisten rechtv...

Reilen en zeilen van de admiraliteit van Rotterdam in de jaren 1630-1640
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 116

Reilen en zeilen van de admiraliteit van Rotterdam in de jaren 1630-1640

De Republiek kende vijf admiraliteitscolleges. Deze instellingen hadden twee zeer uiteenlopende taken: de zorg voor de oorlogsvloot en de inning en het beheer van de belastingen. Een van deze colleges, de aadmiraliteit van de Maze, was in Rotterdam gevestigd. Dit boek schetst de taken en werkzaamheden van dit college in de jaren 1630-1640, de slotfase van de Tachtigjarige Oorlog. Twaalf Raden, onder wie enige tijd de gewiekste koopman, reder en burgemeester Joost van Coulster, vormden het bestuur van de admiraliteit. Zij werden dagelijks geconfronteerd met een groot aantal, vaak kleurrijke zaken. Dat varieerde van het bouwen, bemannen en bevoorraden van de oorlogsschepen, tot het heffen van ...