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This book is devoted to the broad subject of flavor physics, embracing the question of what distinguishes one type of elementary particles from another. The articles range from the forefront of formal theory (treating the physics of extra dimensions) to details of particle detectors. Although special emphasis is placed on the physics of kaons, charmed and beauty particles, top quarks, and neutrinos, the articles also dealing with electroweak physics, quantum chromodynamics, supersymmetry, and dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking. Violations of fundamental symmetries such as time reversal invariance are discussed in the context of neutral kaons, beauty particles, electric dipole moments, and parity violation in atoms. The physics of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix and of quark masses are described in some detail, both from the standpoint of present and future experimental knowledge and from a more fundamental viewpoint, where physicists are still searching for the correct theory
Like inanimate matter, biological matter is condensed, though it may be more complex. However, a living cell is a chemically open system with biological functions that are often a nonstationary, nonlinear type of collective phenomena driven by chemical reactants, e.g. ATP, GTP, ligands and receptors. The living cell and many of its subsystems are hence lyotropic systems, depending on various reactant concentrations rather than the temperature. Nonlocal and local correlations of the interacting molecules become the prerequisites for signal transduction.This book constitutes the proceedings of the workshop entitled “Biological Physics 2000”.
Within the General Systems Theory (GST) approach, it is possible to focus on "emergent" systemic properties (typically occurring in open, adaptive, anticipatory and chaotic systems), by stressing their specificity and their lack of reducibility into further components. In other words, emergence underlies the processes allowing the establishing of systemic properties. Research on emergence deals with experimental detection, modeling and simulation of processes giving rise to the occurrence of macroscopic (often complex and unexpected) behaviors in complex systems consisting of a large number of components. Actually such a theoretical and experimental effort relies on analytical methods, such ...
This textbook, pitched at the advanced-undergraduate to beginning-graduate level, focuses on mathematical topics of relevance in contemporary physics that are not usually covered in texts at the same level. Its main purpose is to help students appreciate and take advantage of the modern trend of very productive symbiosis between physics and mathematics. Three major areas are covered: (1) linear operators; (2) group representations and Lie algebra representations; (3) topology and differential geometry.The following are noteworthy features of this book: the style of exposition is a fusion of those common in the standard physics and mathematics literatures; the level of exposition varies from quite elementary to moderately advanced, so that the book is of interest to a wide audience; despite the diversity of the topics covered, there is a strong degree of thematic unity; much care is devoted to detailed cross-referencing so that, from any part of the book, the reader can trace easily where specific concepts or techniques are introduced.
Viiltäjä-Jackin paluu nykypäivän Turkuun Max Mannerin rikosromaanissa Aavesärky raa’at viiltelymurhat tempaavat rikosylikonstaapeli Harri Hirvikallion keskelle kummallista tapahtumaketjua, eikä hän enää tiedä, mihin uskoa ja kehen luottaa. Kaksi julmaa viiltelysurmaa on työllistänyt Turun rikospoliisia Harri Hirvikallion palatessa töihin virkavapaaltaan. Krp:n tutkittaviksi siirtyneet murhat ovat tapahtuneet lähes päivälleen vuoden välein. Syytettynä on poliisille entuudestaan tuttu rikollinen, ja oikeudenkäyntiprosessi on alkamassa, mutta todisteet eivät vakuuta Hirvikalliota ja hänen kollegoitaan. Edellisestä murhasta on jälleen kulunut vuosi, ja monen mielessä kytee paha aavistus kolmannesta verityön uhrista. Max Mannerin neljännessä Hirvikallio-dekkarissa rikosylikonstaapeli Harri Hirvikallion on oltava viiltäjän veistä nopeampi. Taitavasti naamioituvan tappajan jäljillä ei voi koskaan olla varma, kenen kasvoja katsoo silmästä silmään.