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Examines both mined and synthetic diamonds and diamond films. The text offers coverage on the use of diamond as an engineering material, integrating original research on the science, technology and applications of diamond. It discusses the use of chemical vapour deposition grown diamonds in electronics, cutting tools, wear resistant coatings, thermal management, optics and acoustics, as well as in new products.
Diamond-based composites, with their advantages of hardness, high Young's modulus and the like, have demonstrated new and unusual features, such as stability to high temperatures and pressure shocks and a large internal surface that can be controlled to offer customised electrical, magnetic and optical properties, leading to efficient filters, absorbents, sensors and other tools for environmental control and monitoring. The current book covers the synthesis of materials, their characterization and properties, trends in high pressure and high temperature technologies, low pressure technologies, basic principles of DBC material science, and future developments in electronics, optics, industrial tools and components, biotechnology, and medicine. Wide band-gap materials are considered, ranging from molecular clusters, nanophase materials, growth, processing and synthesis. The processing of composite based materials can be classified into six basic methods: in situ growth, high pressure/high temperature catalytic conversion; mix and sinter (c-BN plus metal-ceramic polymer mix); direct sintering; direct polymorphic conversion; shock detonation; and SHS sintering.
Translation based on the original, handwritten diary entitled: Tung-pei chieh shou chiao she jih chi. Includes index.
This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "Selected Papers from 2017 International Conference on Micro/Nanomachines" that was published in Micromachines
創新才能逆轉 推動市場的一股龐大新力量正在興起。這股新力量,以舊世界中所未見的商業模式運作。箇中之最如臉書,這個平台吸引了每月約五億人上去,製造了三百億的分享內容。除了分享,新力量模式還可向群眾募資;最近一位發明家在Kickstarter 集資網上,向62,000 位投資者募得了1,300 萬美元。更別說,這股新力量還可以集結大家生產的東西,像是YouTube。相對於舊力量掌控商品、不斷要求顧客消費的模式,新力量是來自群眾的參與、協力合作。這些新力量對舊力量造成極大的威脅,因為群眾在新力量模式中,完成了許...
領導有術 「真誠」近來成為領導人的黃金定律。領導人試圖展現自己的真實面貌,不遮掩自己的優缺點,藉此呈現出親和作風,並爭取追隨者的支持。而那些隨著新職務變換領導風格的人,反而被譏為「變色龍」,伴隨而來的評語多半是不夠真誠、沒有原則。真誠領導真的毫無瑕疵,變色龍風格又真的一無可取嗎? 以研究領導行為著名的歐洲工商管理學院講座教授荷蜜妮亞.伊巴拉,在近期研究中,發現許多轉換新職的領導人,因為堅持原貌,不惜暴露自己的脆弱,導致部屬對他們喪失信心,最後退出原本看好的職涯。領...
邁進數位競爭新時代 10月對《哈佛商業評論》全球繁體中文版而言,真是豐收的月份,一場場知識的盛宴在本月舉行。競爭力大師麥可.波特應我們所屬的遠見天下文化出版集團之邀,再度來到台灣。他敏銳地觀察到,台灣朝野近來對自身的競爭力相當憂心,提出了台灣仍擁有的優勢,以及應補強的弱勢,相當發人深省。另外,我們也邀請到本刊英文版的總編輯殷阿笛(Adi Ignatius)來台,他與鈺創科技董事長盧超群、清大科技管理所講座教授史欽泰、政大財務管理學系教授周行一對談「企業創新與轉型」,對台灣企業應如何...