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An overview of Freud's perceptions of and experiences with literature provides the foundation upon which a closer examination of the lives and works of Doermann, David, and Salten is built. As part of this examination, a significant work by each writer is studied from a psychoanalytic perspective."--BOOK JACKET.
Um die nächste Generation auf die Zukunft vorzubereiten, reicht ein funktionales Bildungsverständnis nicht mehr aus. Zur Persönlichkeitsentwicklung muss der Literaturunterricht heutzutage kompetenzorientiert Wissen vermitteln. Zugleich geht es um die Frage: Wie sollen wir leben? Die Bedrohung des Planeten Erde durch fortschreitende Naturzerstörung hat bereits globale Ausmaße angenommen. Der vorliegende Band wendet sich an alle literarisch Interessierten, die als Studierende oder Lehrkräfte aller Schulformen des Faches Deutsch die Vielfalt des kulturökologischen Zugangs der Literaturvermittlung kennen lernen möchten. Die Beiträge unterbreiten didaktisch reflektierte Vorschläge, wie spannender Unterricht gestaltet werden kann, um Kinder und Jugendliche zu begeistern und um ihre Weltsicht zu erweitern.
This eyewitness account by one of Sigmund Freud's earliest students has been rediscovered for twenty-first-century readers. Isidor Sadger's recollections provide a unique window into the early days of the psychoanalytic movement and also illuminate Freud's own struggles: his delight in wit, his attitudes toward Judaism, and his strong opinions concerning lay, nonmedical psychoanalysts. As a student, Sadger attended Freud's lectures from 1895 through 1904. Although Sadger was not part of Freud's inner circle, he was a participant observer of Freud's early years as teacher, therapist, and clinician. In 1930, Sadger published the biography Sigmund Freud: Persönliche Erinnerungen, but with the rise of Nazism and World War II, the book was almost lost to the world of psychoanalytic history. Recollecting Freud is a long-lost personal account that provides invaluable insights into Freud and his social, cultural, and intellectual context.
Vollständig überarbeitet, aktualisiert und deutlich erweitert, liegt die zweite Auflage des Killy Literaturlexikons nun abgeschlossen vor. Damit wird ein renommiertes Standardwerk der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft für Wissenschaftler, Studenten und Literaturliebhaber unserer Zeit in neuer Qualität vorgelegt. Erstmals erschienen in den Jahren 1988 bis 1993, ist der Killy heute ein in Fach- und Literaturkreisen bekanntes und renommiertes Nachschlagewerk, das bio-bibliografische Artikel zu allen wichtigen deutschsprachigen Autoren vom Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart präsentiert. Die knapp 8.000, gut lesbaren Artikel bieten umfassende Einführungen zu den vorgestellten Autoren und bestec...
La celebre storia del capriolo che perde la mamma è entrata nell'immaginario culturale dell'Occidente come favola per bambini grazie al successo della trasposizione cinematografica di Walt Disney nel 1942. Ma a ben leggere l'opera dello scrittore ebraico-ungherese Felix Salten, in Bambi non c'è mai stata l'intenzione di rivolgersi a giovanissimi: come scrive nella sua introduzione Massimiliano De Villa "l'infanzia è uno stadio da superare, cui non si desidera fare ritorno, una fase da attraversare sulla via della maturità. Proprio per questo - come recita il sottotitolo - si tratta della Storia di una vita". Bambi è un romanzo di formazione a tratti triste, a tratti spietato, un viaggio...
A look at neglected aspects of the early career of one of the premier poets of the German language.
The Design Dialogue anthology is a remarkable exploration of the decisive role of Jewish patrons, professionals, architects, designers and authors in shaping modern Viennese architecture, design, and material culture. Leading cultural historians, museum curators, art historians, and architects present cutting edge research examining how famous and less known protagonists created new cultural languages, identifications and networks, engaged in social debates, and contributed to the cultural renewal of Vienna, a major capital in Central Europe, between 1800 and 1938.
The Encyclopedia of Modern Jewish Culture is an extensively updated revision of the very successful Companion to Jewish Culture published in 1989 and has now been updated throughout. Experts from all over the world contribute entries ranging from 200 to 1000 words broadly, covering the humanities, arts, social sciences, sport and popular culture, and 5000-word essays contextualize the shorter entries, and provide overviews to aspects of culture in the Jewish world. Ideal for student and general readers, the articles and biographies have been written by scholars and academics, musicians, artists and writers, and the book now contains up-to-date bibliographies, suggestions for further reading, comprehensive cross referencing, and a full index. This is a resource, no student of Jewish history will want to go without.
Walt Disney, best known as a filmmaker, had perhaps a greater skill as a reader. While many would have regarded Felix Salten's Bambi and Carlo Collodi's Pinocchio as too somber for family-oriented films, he saw their possibilities. He appealed to his audience by selecting but then transforming familiar stories. Many of the tales he chose to adapt to film became some of the most read books in America. Although much published research has addressed his adaptation process--often criticizing his films for being too saccharine or not true to their literary sources--little has been written on him as a reader: what he read, what he liked, his reading experiences and the books that influenced him. This collection of 15 fresh essays and one classic addresses Disney as a reader and shows how his responses to literature fueled his success. Essays discuss the books he read, the ones he adapted to film and the ways in which he demonstrated his narrative ability. Exploring his literary connections to films, nature documentaries, theme park creations and overall creative vision, the contributors provide insight into Walt Disney's relationships with authors, his animation staff and his audience.
Diese biographische Enzyklopädie stellt mehr als 6.000 Personen aus Medien, Publizistik und Presse vor, die vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart im deutschen Kulturraum tätig waren. Die breit angelegte Auswahl bietet neben Journalisten und Verlegern auch Herausgeber, Kritiker, Pressefotografen, Illustratoren, Karikaturisten, Druckereibesitzer, Fachleute für Lesezirkel und Vertrieb sowie Zeitungswissenschaftler. Die Artikel informieren über Lebensdaten, biographischen Hintergrund, Ausbildung sowie beruflichen Werdegang der aufgenommenen Personen. 207 ausführliche Artikel wurden von Experten verfasst und namentlich gekennzeichnet. Ein Register deutschsprachiger Printmedien, das verdeutlicht, für welche Zeitungen oder Zeitschriften die aufgenommenen Persönlichkeiten gearbeitet haben, erschließt die Einträge.