Nearly three hundred illustrations and a text reveal the entire range of the Vatican's artistic holdings, replete with priceless masterworks from all periods.
The role of the portrait in India between 1560 and 1860 served as an official chronicle or eye-witness account, as a means of revealing the intimate moments of everyday life, and as a tool for propaganda. Yet the proliferation and mastery of Indian portraiture in the Mughal and Rajput courts brought a new level of artistry and style to the genre.
"Simon de Burton journeys through some of the most coveted cars of the twentieth century. From the Alfa Romeo 6C to the Ferrari F512M, the author has chosen eight cars from each decade, from the 1930s to the 1990s, his choices made from the perspective of the enthusiast and collector. All are 'milestone' cars, and all have risen substantially in value in the past five to ten years. They are not all necessarily the fastest, rarest or most valuable cars, but they are all highly significant and highly regarded. These are the cars that people should have bought when they were new and kept for the future."--Back cover