La Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia nel Cinquecento, al massimo dello splendore e all'inizio della decadenza. Si discute quindi di Palladio, di nobili e schiavi/contadini, di Vicenza e dei Veneti di oggi e di allora.
La Grande guerra provocava in Italia molteplici conseguenze anche sul piano della produzione editoriale e della circolazione di materiale da lettura. Da un lato, l’evento bellico si traduceva in nuove iniziative di pubblicazione rivolte al pubblico sia al pubblico civile sia militare, diffondendo una tipologia documentaria estremamente varia per contenuti, forme e autori. Erano in maggioranza volumi e opuscoli con finalità propagandistiche e patriottiche, ma si imponevano anche tematiche prima mai affrontate di natura medica, assistenziale, tecnologica e sociale. Dall’altro, la mobilitazione di bibliotecari e uomini di cultura portava alla costituzione di comitati per l’invio di libri e riviste ai giovani soldati feriti negli ospedali e a quelli dislocati in trincea al fronte, sebbene in gran parte analfabeti. Nell’insieme si tratta di due aspetti complementari che contribuiscono alla ricostruzione di uno spaccato editoriale e culturale poco noto di questo tragico periodo della nostra storia.
It is well established that memory for emotional information is generally better than for neutral information. This Research Topic comprises a set of papers focusing on memory and its relation with motivational and emotional processes, ranging from electroencephalographic evidences of emotional modulation of memory systems, to the role of neurotransmitters/neuromodulators (i.e. endocannabinoid, glucocorticoid, serotonin, noradrenergic, dopaminergic systems), and second messengers on emotional memory, and the specific involvement of cerebral areas on the relation between memory and motivational/emotional processes (i.e. prefrontal cortex, amygdala, accumbens). In particular, some of the topic...
Las historias personales de más de 20 "héroes" que desempeñaron un destacado papel durante la construcción, diseño y explosión de la mayor mina de la Primera Guerra Mundial en los Dolomitas, sobre la localidad de Cortina d'Ampezzo.
The aim of this book is to investigate the delicate relationship between female sanctity and madness, in a time-frame extending from medieval until contemporary times. Constellated by visions, ecstatic raptures, morbid rituals, stigmata and obsessions, the complex phenomenology of female mysticism appears in fact to be articulated and polymorphous, traversed by 'representations' that it seems possible to link to the wide spectrum of mental disorders, as well to the hagiographic stereotypes and anthropological implications. Male and female scholars from different disciplines (from history to philology, from anthropology to art history, from theology to literary criticism, from psychiatry to psychoanalysis) try to outline a thematic and problematic itinerary, intended to examine, step by step, potential pathological aspects and contexts of reference for the purpose of attempting to reconstruct the complex evolutionary trajectory of female mystical language.
The Court Cities of Northern Italy examines painting, sculpture, decorative arts, and architecture produced within the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries.
The Sexual/Political engages with contemporary political issues in sexuality through a survey of modern philosophy, psychoanalytic thought, 20th-century political theory, and more recent queer philosophies. The book investigates how the sexual has perturbed philosophical, political, and psychoanalytic thought and how this has fed into discrimination against the LGBTQI community. It analyses the social stigmas applied to public and private sexual acts and the psychopolitical processes leading to the prevalence of neo-fascist populism in Italy and the world. Tracing the history of sexuality through Freud, Marx, Fanon, and Foucault, among many others, Bernini considers why the sexual has always...