This book presents the main concepts and tools for the adoption of a biopsychosocial approach to psychotropic substances use and abuse management, prevention and treatment. It aims to provide resources for the design and implementation of health strategies and public policies to deal with psychotropic substances use in a way that fully recognizes the complex articulations between its biological, psychological and social aspects, taking these three dimensions into account to develop both health and social care policies and strategies aimed at psychotropic substance users. The book is organized in five parts. Part one presents a historical overview of psychotropic substances use throughout hum...
To understand the pharmacology of psychedelics is to understand the essence of what makes us human. Genís Oña makes an informative, entertaining and understandable approach to the science of psychedelics. José Carlos Bouso, PhD, Scientific Director, ICEERS. Discover the pharmacology of psychedelics. Delve into the cutting edge of scientific research on the impact of psilocybin, MDMA, DMT, mescaline and LSD on the brain. With this guide you will learn the keys to the effects of psychedelics, capable of producing significant changes in the processes of perception, thought and consciousness. An illustrated guide to understanding the science behind new psychedelic-assisted therapies for treating mental health issues. This essential guide will be of interest to all psychonauts eager to immerse themselves in the pharmacology of the most popular psychedelic molecules, to all medical and mental health professionals, and to all people interested in learning the essentials of the neuroscience of psychedelic molecules and how they affect our brains.
New Era - New Religions examines new forms of religion in Brazil. The largest and most vibrant country in Latin America, Brazil is home to some of the world's fastest growing religious movements and has enthusiastically greeted home-grown new religions and imported spiritual movements and new age organizations. In Brazil and beyond, these novel religious phenomena are reshaping contemporary understandings of religion and what it means to be religious. To better understand the changing face of twenty-first-century religion, New Era - New Religions situates the rise of new era religiosity within the broader context of late-modern society and its ongoing transformation.
Explores the potential of psychedelics as medicine and the intersections of politics, science, and psychedelics • Explores the tumultuous history of psychedelic research, the efforts to restore psychedelic therapies, and the links between psychiatric drugs and mental illness • Offers non-technical summaries of the most recent, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies with MDMA, psilocybin, LSD, and ayahuasca • Includes the work of Rick Doblin, Stanislav Grof, James Fadiman, Julie Holland, Dennis McKenna, David Nichols, Charles Grob, Phil Wolfson, Michael and Annie Mithoefer, Roland Griffiths, Katherine MacLean, and Robert Whitaker Embracing the revival of psychedelic research and the d...
For 125 years, physicians have relied on Manson's Tropical Diseases for a comprehensive clinical overview of this complex and fast-changing field. The fully revised 24th Edition, Dr. Jeremy Farrar, along with an internationally recognized editorial team, global contributors, and expert authors, delivers the latest coverage on parasitic and infectious diseases from around the world. From the difficult to diagnose to the difficult to treat, this highly readable, award-winning reference prepares you to effectively handle whatever your patients may have contracted. - Covers all of tropical medicine in a comprehensive manner, general medicine in the tropics, and non-clinical issues regarding publ...
• Examines the main pharmacological properties of psychedelic substances, including LSD, DMT, psilocybin, ayahuasca, mescaline, ketamine, ibogaine, salvia, and MDMA • Explains the physiological mechanisms behind visionary effects, including what is happening in the brain and how each psychedelic is processed by the body • Shares safe strategies for using psychedelics, including harm-reduction techniques, and looks at where the future of psychedelic therapies is likely to go With the widespread legalization of marijuana and the increasing use of psychoactives in controlled therapy settings, further research and understanding of psychedelics is now possible. Yet while individual accounts...
What is the future of religion given the responses of young people? What impact do existing religious forms have on youth? What kind of spirituality and religion are young people creating for themselves? Religion and Youth presents an accessible guide to the key issues in the study of youth and religion, including methodological perspectives. It provides a key teaching text in these areas for undergraduates, and a book of rigorous scholarship for postgraduates, academics and practitioners. Offering the first comprehensive international perspective on the sociology of youth and religion, this book reveals key geographical and organisational variables as well as the complexities of the engagem...