The 2004 Asian tsunami was the greatest natural disaster in recent times. Almost 230,000 people died. In response, governments in Asia and the broader international community announced large aid programs. The resulting assistance effort was one of the largest humanitarian programs ever organised in the developing world. This book discusses the lessons of the aid effort for disaster protection policy in developing countries.
"This book, which examines Ethiopia's food security strategy and the safety net program from different approaches and perspectives in the context of the development of a social protection policy, is a continuation of that tradition ... Ethiopia's safety net program is one of the largest and most influential social protection schemes in Africa and, as noted by several authors in this volume, provides important lessons beyond the Ethiopian context."--Back cover.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xvii LIST OF PARTICIPANTS xix PLENARY SESSIQNS KRIGE D.G., GUARASCIO M. and CAMISANI-CALZOLARI F.A. Early South African qeostatistical techniques in today's perspective ... 1 MATHERON G. The internal consistency of models in qeostatistics ... 21 MONESTIEZ P., HABIB R. and AUDERGON J.M. Estimation de la covariance et du varioqramme pour une fonction aleatoire a support arborescent : application a l'etude des arbres fruitiers ... 39 CHILES J.P. Modelisation qeostatistique de reseaux de fractures ... 57 BRUNO R. and RASPA G. Geostatistical characterization of fractal models of surfaces 17 RIVOIRARD J. Models with orthoqonal indicator residuals ... 91 OMRE H., HALVORSEN K.B. and...
This volume brings together leading researchers from a variety of disciplines to examine three areas: health disparities and inequity due to gender, the specific problems women face in meeting the highest attainable standards of health, and the policies and actions that can address them.
Novel Techniques for Analyzing and Combining Data from Modern Biological StudiesBroadens the Traditional Definition of Meta-AnalysisWith the diversity of data and meta-data now available, there is increased interest in analyzing multiple studies beyond statistical approaches of formal meta-analysis. Covering an extensive range of quantitative infor
This volume brings together selected contributions from geoENV 2008, the 7th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, held in Southampton, UK. It presents the state-of-the-art in geostatistics for the environmental sciences.
The contributors explore modes of social and psychological experience, the constitution of the subject, and forms of subjection that shape the lives of Basque youth, Indonesian artists, members of nongovernmental HIV/AIDS programmes in China and Zaire, and psychiatrists and their patients in Morocco and Ireland.
As multimedia applications have become part of contemporary daily life, numerous paradigm-shifting technologies in multimedia processing have emerged over the last decade. Substantially updated with 21 new chapters, Multimedia Image and Video Processing, Second Edition explores the most recent advances in multimedia research and applications. This edition presents a comprehensive treatment of multimedia information mining, security, systems, coding, search, hardware, and communications as well as multimodal information fusion and interaction. Clearly divided into seven parts, the book begins with a section on standards, fundamental methods, design issues, and typical architectures. It then f...