Since 1997, the walls of law around Hong Kong have come under attack. This book examines the strategies of resistance.
The story of Hong Kong and the rise of China in an era of globalisation, authoritarian power and democratic defiance.The recent protests and crackdown in Hong Kong shook the world. A prosperous city with its freedoms enshrined by international treaties and conventions, Hong Kong is a unique part of the People's Republic of China. Its passage from a British colony to Chinese rule was a joint diplomatic accomplishment. But since then its people have struggled for democracy against dictatorship. In The Gate and the Wall, Michael Sheridan, who served for two decades as a foreign correspondent in Asia, provides a vivid modern history of Hong Kong from China's break with Maoism in 1977--its first ...
In the years since it was established on 1 July 1997, Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal has developed a distinctive body of new law and doctrine with the help of eminent foreign common law judges. Under the leadership of Chief Justice Andrew Li, it has also remained independent under Chinese sovereignty and become a model for other Asian final courts working to maintain the rule of law, judicial independence and professionalism in challenging political environments. In this book, leading practitioners, jurists and academics examine the Court's history, operation and jurisprudence, and provide a comparative analysis with European courts and China's other autonomous final court in Macau. It also makes use of extensive empirical data compiled from the jurisprudence to illuminate the Court's decision-making processes and identify the relative impacts of the foreign and local judges.
We never create anything, We discover and reproduce. The Twelfth International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems has a distinguished theme. It is concerned with bridging the gap between the academic and the industrial worlds of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Expert Systems. The academic world is mainly concerned with discovering new algorithms, approaches, and methodologies; however, the industrial world is mainly driven by profits, and concerned with producing new products or solving customers’ problems. Ten years ago, the artificial intelligence research gap between academia and industry was very broad. Recently, this ga...
How does the internet really work? This book explains the technology behind it all, in simple question and answer format.
This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides information about the concepts, planning, and design of IBM WebSphere® Application Server V8.5 environments. The target audience of this book is IT architects and consultants who want more information about the planning and design of application-serving environments, from small to large, and complex implementations. This book addresses the packaging and features in WebSphere Application Server, and highlights the most common implementation topologies. It provides information about planning for specific tasks and components that conform to the WebSphere Application Server environment. Also in this book are planning guidelines for Websphere Application Server and Websphere Application Server Network Deployment on distributed platforms. It also includes guidelines for WebSphere Application Server for IBM z/OS®. This book contains information about migration considerations when moving from previous releases. This book has been updated with the new features introduced with WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5.
If one were forced to use a single key word to describe the decade of the 1980's, a very prominent one would be "technology. " Leading the forefront of tech nology advancement were breakthroughs in electronics. Devices that were uncommon or unknown in 1980 became commonplace, and almost indispens able, by 1989. This trend has continued into the 1990's and it does not seem to be abating in any way. Microwave ovens, video recorders, telephone answer ing machines, compact disc players, computers, and a host of smaller or less sophisticated devices now appear in most households. The development of small and inexpensive computers, i. e. , personal computers, has placed computing resources within ...
'THOSE WHO TELL STORIES RULE SOCIETY.'' PLATO.... So who today are our principal storytellers? Not philosophers, but filmmakers. For those who know both the enormous entertainment potential and the culture-shaping power of film, this book will stir mind and imagination. For great stories freight world-sized ideas, ideas worthy of contemplation and conversation. Great cinema inspires wonder. But another philosopher, Aristotle, reminds us that wonder is the true source of philosophy. So perhaps Plato or Aristotle might have a shot at ruling society, even today - if they took an interest in film. These fourteen essays offer wonderful reflection on classic and contemporary films following severa...