The Great Maya Droughts
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 492

The Great Maya Droughts

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2000
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  • Publisher: UNM Press

Proposes a long sought solution to the mystery of the collapse of the Maya civilization: a series of severe droughts during the ninth and tenth centuries which brought famine, thirst, and death to the Maya lowlands.

Watching Vesuvius
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 335

Watching Vesuvius

This work explores the question of Vesuvius as an object of study in the early modern science of volcanism from the investigations and opinions of humanists and naturalists in the late Renaissance to the early 18th-century philosophizing on volcanoes and the development of geology later in the century.

Caribbean Tsunami Hazard - Proceedings Of The Nsf Caribbean Tsunami Workshop
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 362

Caribbean Tsunami Hazard - Proceedings Of The Nsf Caribbean Tsunami Workshop

This book aims to present the overall existing tsunami hazard in the Caribbean Sea region, a region which is typically only associated with hurricanes. It initially presents an overview of all of the existing tsunami-causing factors found in the region: earthquakes, sub-aerial and submarine landslides, and submarine explosions. This is followed by field evidence of recent and pre-historic tsunami events, which gives credibility to all of this effort. The next section is a description of the tsunami hazard mitigation efforts being carried out locally and in collaboration with national and international programs. The final part is dedicated to the presentation of related recent research results.

The End of the Dinosaurs
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 242

The End of the Dinosaurs

The End of the Dinosaurs gives a detailed account of the great mass extinction that rocked the Earth 65 million years ago, and focuses on the discovery of the culprit: the Chicxulub impact crater in Mexico. It recounts the birth of the cosmic hypothesis, the controversy that preceded its acceptance, the search for the crater, its discovery and ongoing exploration, and the effect of the giant impact on the biosphere. Other mass extinctions in the fossil record are reviewed, as is the threat of asteroids and comets to our planet today. The account of the impact and its aftermath is suitable for general readers. The description of the crater geology is in enough detail to interest students of the earth sciences. A detailed index and bibliography are included.

The World of Pompeii
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 705

The World of Pompeii

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009-06-02
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This well-illustrated volume, written by experts, is an all-embracing survey of The World of Pompeii, the town of Herculaneum and the many urban and rural villas.

We Are Arya,Bali Indonesia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 681

We Are Arya,Bali Indonesia

  • Categories: Art

WE ARE ARYĀ Who did you mean by ARYĀ ....? Arya has become associated with "Race Hierarchy" which considers whites, blondes, blue eyes more superior to other skin nations and It serves as a "Powerful" propaganda tool in the historical reality that has taken place, however ... it is not factual To this day ... the word Aryā is loaded with all kinds of connotations "Negative" and is largely due to the Nazi "ideology" which claims to be the Arya ... Nazi misguided and propaganda, has damaged the image of Aryān ... eliminating thousands of humans with just one word "racism" ... We have entered and fallen into the abyss of destruction due to the political policies of a nation ... to the point...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 257


Volcanoes around the world have their own legends, and many have wrought terrible devastation, but none has caught the imagination like Vesuvius. We now know that immense eruptions destroyed Bronze Age settlements around Vesuvius, but the Romans knew nothing of those disasters and were lulled into complacencyÑmuch as we are todayÑby its long period of inactivity. None of the nearly thirty eruptions since AD 79 has matched the infamous cataclysm that destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum within hours. Nearly two thousand years later, the allure of the volcano remainsÑas evidenced by its popularity as a tourist attraction, from Shelley and the Romantics to modern-day visitors. Vesuvius has loom...

SuaraGEA / Edisi 2014 vol. 1
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 33

SuaraGEA / Edisi 2014 vol. 1

Majalah SuaraGEA merupakan majalah berbasis keilmuan geologi dengan tujuan menyampaikan informasi mengenai keilmuan geologi untuk masyarakat umum. Tema yang dibawa pada edisi kali ini adalah tentang bahaya dan bencana geologi.

New Publications of the Geological Survey
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 602

New Publications of the Geological Survey

  • Type: Book
  • -
  • Published: 1984
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  • Publisher: Unknown


New Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 646

New Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2000
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  • Publisher: Unknown
