Excellent bibliographical work about Allama Muhammad Iqbal in the Arabic scripts (Urdu, Persian, Arabic and so on) has been published by the Iqbal Academy, Lahore. Our publication covers only what appeared in the Roman script: English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Polish, Czech, Portuguese, Swedish, Finnish, Turkish, and Russian. Many books have some kind of bibliographical list, and we have tried to include all that material in the present publication. With the generous support of the Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan, the Iqbal Foundation Europe at the KULeuven, Belgium, has endeavoured to combine meticulous and patient work in libraries with the most modern search on intern...
This Book Presents A Survey Of Human, Institutional And Documentary Sources Pertaining To Islamic Studies In India. It Covers A Wide Spectrum Of Reference Books, Journals, Doctoral Researches, Cities Of Historical Importance, Research Guides In Universities, Scholars, Authors And Institutions Including Colleges, Universities, Libraries, Publishing And Distributing Agencies.
Includes revised issues of each edition.
Khuda Buksh, the Pioneer of Life Insurance in Bangladesh is the story of a wizard of insurance who believed passionately in a cause and dedicated his life to it. Buksh chose to serve humanity by sparking a movement in life insurance from 1935-1973 in three countries--India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh--even during political unrest. Revealing a forgotten era in the history of Bangladesh and Pakistan, this biography showcases how Buksh worked tirelessly to establish a life insurance business while overcoming religious and cultural prejudices against the industry. Furthermore, his passion, devotion, and unique sales strategies led him to train, motivate, and manage thousands of salesmen during his...
While writing about Irrfan, it is impossible to speak in the past tense. Even though some people are not physically present in this world, they remain present in our thoughts and emotions. When you think about them even for a moment, you can see their image emerging right in front of you. I first met Irrfan in the last months of 1990. I met him with his partner Sutapa Sikdar during their meeting with my cousin Alka Srivastava and her husband Ishaan Trivedi. Irrfan had come to Mumbai aiming to test his talent. While reading this book, you will discover Irrfan's clarity of thought. He was clear from the very beginning that after completing NSD he would work in films. Films were his target and ...
Veer Sagar successfully converted from CEO to entrepreneur when he was 55, founding Selectronic, a pioneer of the back-office revolution in India. In this candid and unique book, a blend of self-help and memoir, Sagar takes you on his entrepreneurial journey. He illustrates his principles with stories from his life to help you develop the traits and responsibilities of an accomplished leader: to think out of the box, create successful teams, and nurture talent and innovation. Sagar provides tips on how to make leading less daunting, including how to have difficult conversations with your bosses and peers and accept the vulnerability necessary to do good work, to enable you to set up and manage your own business. Think of Failure is not an Option as a motivational pep talk from your smartest friend and a must-read for anyone looking to build a successful career.