This book includes the scientific results of the fourth edition of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Optimization which took place at December 30–31, 2021, via ZOOM. The conference objective was to celebrate “Compassion and Wisdom” with researchers, scholars, experts and investigators in Intelligent Computing and Optimization worldwide, to share knowledge, experience, innovation—marvelous opportunity for discourse and mutuality by novel research, invention and creativity. This proceedings encloses the original and innovative scientific fields of optimization and optimal control, renewable energy and sustainability, artificial intelligence and operational research, economics and management, smart cities and rural planning, meta-heuristics and big data analytics, cyber security and blockchains, IoTs and Industry 4.0, mathematical modelling and simulation, health care and medicine.
This book highlights the recent research on hybrid intelligent systems and their various practical applications. It presents 58 selected papers from the 20th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2020) and 20 papers from the 12th World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC 2020), which was held online, from December 14 to 16, 2020. A premier conference in the field of artificial intelligence, HIS - NaBIC 2020 brought together researchers, engineers and practitioners whose work involves intelligent systems, network security and their applications in industry. Including contributions by authors from 25 countries, the book offers a valuable reference guide for all researchers, students and practitioners in the fields of science and engineering.
In the past several years, artificial intelligence (AI) has upended and transformed the private and public sectors. AI techniques have shown significant promise in securing sensitive data and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. In medical practices, AI can enhance patient confidentiality through advanced encryption methods. Similarly, in business environments, AI-driven security protocols can protect against cyber threats and unauthorized access, safeguarding both intellectual property and customer information. By leveraging AI for these purposes, organizations can not only enhance their operational efficiency but also build trust and credibility with their stakeholders. AI Techni...
This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the International Conferences ICCASA and ICTCC 2019, held in November 2019 in My Tho, Vietnam. The 20 revised full papers presented were carefully selected from 33 submissions. The papers of ICCASA cover a wide spectrum in the area of context-aware-systems. CAS is characterized by its self- facets such as self-organization, self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization, self-protection used to dynamically control computing and networking functions. The papers of ICTCC cover formal methods for self-adaptive systems and discuss natural approaches and techniques for computation and communication.
This book is essential for anyone interested in understanding and implementing sustainable transportation practices, as it provides comprehensive insights into the challenges, advancements, and policies related to sustainable mobility. Sustainable transportation refers to any means of transportation that is “green” and has a low impact on the environment. The goal of sustainable transportation is to balance our current and future needs. As per the United Nations Brundtland Commission (WCED, 1987), sustainable mobility can be defined as “mobility that satisfies the needs of present generations without compromising future generations”, but in the modern era, we are compromising the nee...
This proceedings book covers the theory, design and applications of computer networks, distributed computing and information systems. Today’s networks are evolving rapidly, and there are several developing areas and applications. These include heterogeneous networking supported by recent technological advances in power wireless communications, along with silicon integration of various functionalities such as sensing, communications, intelligence and actuations, which is emerging as a critically important disruptive computer class based on a new platform, networking structure and interface that enables novel, low-cost and high-volume applications. However, implemeting these applications has...
This is an open access book.The First International Conference on Innovation in information technology and business (ICIITB) will be taking place in Muscat, Oman, on November 9th and 10th, 2022. The Conference will be carried out in a hybrid format, allowing world-scattered academicians, researchers, and industry professionals to participate in this unique Conference for Oman and the GCC region. The participants of the Conference will get an opportunity to contribute to the contemporary implementation of cutting-edge research and development in the area of artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning, and the IoT in the business environment. The participants will get a first-of-a-kind networking and knowledge sharing opportunity to be a part of an event in Oman, that will gather recognized researchers from the GCC, Europe, the USA, and other parts of the World. Select research papers will also be published in a Springer-published Conference proceedings.
This book includes papers in the research area of artificial intelligence, robotics and automation, IoT smart agriculture, data analysis and cloud computing, communication and technology, and signal and natural language processing. The book is a collection of research papers presented at the First International Conference on Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond (IC4IR 2021) organized by University Grants Commission of Bangladesh in association with IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter and Bangladesh Computer Society during December 10–11, 2021.
The book highlights how technologies including artificial intelligence and machine learning are transforming renewable energy technologies and enabling the development of new solutions. It further discusses how smart technologies are employed to optimize energy production and storage, enhance energy efficiency, and improve the overall sustainability of energy systems. This book: Discusses artificial intelligence-based techniques, namely, neural networks, fuzzy expert systems, optimization techniques, and operational research Showcases the importance of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the energy market, demand analysis, and forecasting of renewable energy applications Illustra...