"Exotic Atoms in Condensed Matter" reviews the state of the art in this field, from meson factories to the basic interactions of muons in condensed matter. The application of muon- and pion-based analysis of solid state structural, magnetic and superconducting properties is discussed. The spectroscopic features of exotic atoms are reviewed together with their application to chemical analysis. Also, muon-catalyzed fusion is presented.
Glial Neuronal Signaling fills a need for a monograph/textbook to be used in advanced courses or graduate seminars aimed at exploring glial-neuronal interactions. Even experts in the field will find useful the authoritative summaries of evidence on ion channels and transporters in glia, genes involved in signaling during development, metabolic cross talk and cooperation between astrocytes and neurons, to mention but a few of the timely summaries of a wide range of glial-neuronal interactions. The chapters are written by the top researchers in the field of glial-neuronal signaling, and cover the most current advances in this field. The book will also be of value to the workers in the field of cell biology in general. When we think about the brain we usually think about neurons. Although there are 100 billion neurons in mammalian brain, these cells do not constitute a majority. Quite the contrary, glial cells and other non-neuronal cells are 10-50 times more numerous than neurons. This book is meant to integrate the emerging body of information that has been accumulating, revealing the interactive nature of the brain's two major neural cell types, neurons and glia, in brain function.
Vols. for 1963- include as pt. 2 of the Jan. issue: Medical subject headings.
Superconductors with high critical temperatures are extremely complex and it remains difficult to synthesize high quality samples. In this regard, the materials and crystallographic aspects, drawing together the fields of structural chemistry and physics, solid state chemistry and physics, and applications and properties, both for cuprate and organic superconductors, play a vital role in our understanding of the phenomenon. Among other things, the contributions to local structural elucidation contained in the present work will shatter the reader's prejudices concerning the idealized average structure.