"The Jewish tradition has important perspectives, history and wisdom that can contribute significantly to crucial contemporary healthcare deliberations. This book is an attempt to show how numerous classic Jewish texts and ideas have significant things to say about some of the most urgent debates in the world of medicine today, with the potential to significantly expand and benefit the field of bioethics. But this book is not only about applying classical Jewish values to bioethical dilemmas. It seeks to develop an approach that is primarily informed by personal and communal obligations and social responsibilities. Jewish values focus on requirements, obligations, and commandments, and has t...
Since the discovery of HIV-l as the etiologic agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the early 1980s, remarkable progress has been made in both the basic understanding of the biological processes leading to AIDS and an accelerated effort in finding new treatments. As is often the case in rapidly advancing fields, most of the scientific discussions are best handled in specialized groups. The effort to organize a meeting on advances in molecular biology and targeted treatment for AIDS was an experiment of sorts to gather experts in selected areas of overlapping interests where advances in basic biology and its application in the development of new drugs could be discussed. Of ne...
Each number is the catalogue of a specific school or college of the University.
The VIIIth Annual International Spring Symposium on Health Sciences held at the George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C., attracted over three hun dred fifty scientists from twenty-five countries. The leading scientific experts in the field reported on recent biomedical advances in aging. They provided an up-to-date account of the molecular, genetic, nutritional, and immunological mechanisms associated with the aging process and approaches to intervention and treatment of the major disorders associated with the aging process, including Alzheimer's disease. A unique aspect of this meeting was a concurrent one-day hearing of the U.S. Senate Sub-Committee on Aging, organized by the Alliance for Aging Research. The theme for the hearing was "Advances in Aging Research." Seven scientists attending our aging sym posium were asked to testify. They were Drs. Carl Cotman (University of California-Irvine), Trudy Bush (Johns Hopkins University), Takashi Makinodan (University of California-Los Angeles), William Ershler (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Gino Doria (ENEA, Rome), Mr. Dan Perry (Director of the Alliance for Aging Research), and myself.
Advances in the Biosciences 9 is a collection of presented papers on the International Conference on Prostaglandins, held in Vienna, Austria on September 25 to 28, 1972. The book consists of 114 chapters of various topics in the field of prostaglandins. The meeting touches on several main topics such as new active analogs of prostaglandins; effect of aspirin and indomethasin and other compounds relative to the study of the role of the prostaglandins in the living organism; and the evaluation of the various analytical methods for the determination of the extremely minute amounts of prostaglandin occurring in the living organism. Biologists, pharmacologists, endocrinologists, physicians, biochemists, and medical technologists will find the contents of this book invaluable.