Communicating Process Architectures 2007
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 528

Communicating Process Architectures 2007

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2007
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  • Publisher: IOS Press

Deals with Computer Science and models of Concurrency. This title emphasizes on hardware/software co-design and the understanding of concurrency that results from these systems. It includes a range of papers on this topic, from the formal modeling of buses in co-design systems through to software simulation and development environments.

Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 2.1
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 944

Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 2.1

Provides an introduction to modern object-oriented design principles and applications for the fast-growing area of modeling and simulation Covers the topic of multi-domain system modeling and design with applications that have components from several areas Serves as a reference for the Modelica language as well as a comprehensive overview of application model libraries for a number of application domains

Model-based Process Supervision
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 489

Model-based Process Supervision

This book provides control engineers and workers in industrial and academic research establishments interested in process engineering with a means to build up a practical and functional supervisory control environment and to use sophisticated models to get the best use out of their process data. Several applications to academic and small-scale-industrial processes are discussed and the development of a supervision platform for an industrial plant is presented.

Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems 2006
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 437

Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems 2006

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2006-11-21
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  • Publisher: Elsevier

This volume contains the proceedings of Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems 2006: the 2nd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, organized in Alghero (Italy) on June 7-9, 2006. ADHS is a series of triennial meetings that aims to bring together researchers and practitioners with a background in control and computer science to provide a survey of the advances in the field of hybrid systems, and of their ability to take up the challenge of analysis, design and verification of efficient and reliable control systems. ADHS'06 is the second Conference of this series after ADHS'03 in Saint Malo. - 65 papers selected through careful reviewing process - Plenary lectures presented by three distinguished speakers - Featuring interesting new research topics

Communicating Process Architectures 2004
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 432

Communicating Process Architectures 2004

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2004
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  • Publisher: IOS Press

Communicating Process Architecture (CPA) describes an approach to system development that is process-oriented. It makes no great distinction between hardware and software. It has a major root in the theory of Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP). However, the underlying theory is not limited to CSP. The importance of mobility of both channel and process within a network sees integration with ideas from the ð-calculus. Other formalisms are also exploited, such as BSP and MPI. The focus is on sound methods for the engineering of significant concurrent systems, including those that are distributed (across the Internet or within a single chip) and/or software-scheduled on a single execution...

Modeling, Control and Optimization of Complex Systems
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 312

Modeling, Control and Optimization of Complex Systems

Modeling, Control And Optimization Of Complex Systems is a collection of contributions from leading international researchers in the fields of dynamic systems, control theory, and modeling. These papers were presented at the Symposium on Modeling and Optimization of Complex Systems in honor of Larry Yu-Chi Ho in June 2001. They include exciting research topics such as: -modeling of complex systems, -power control in ad hoc wireless networks, -adaptive control using multiple models, -constrained control, -linear quadratic control, -discrete events, -Markov decision processes and reinforcement learning, -optimal control for discrete event and hybrid systems, -optimal representation and visualization of multivariate data and functions in low-dimensional spaces.

Software Engineering for Robotics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 495

Software Engineering for Robotics

The topics covered in this book range from modeling and programming languages and environments, via approaches for design and verification, to issues of ethics and regulation. In terms of techniques, there are results on model-based engineering, product lines, mission specification, component-based development, simulation, testing, and proof. Applications range from manufacturing to service robots, to autonomous vehicles, and even robots than evolve in the real world. A final chapter summarizes issues on ethics and regulation based on discussions from a panel of experts. The origin of this book is a two-day event, entitled RoboSoft, that took place in November 2019, in London. Organized with...

Bond Graph Methodology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 673

Bond Graph Methodology

Nowadays, engineering systems are of ever-increasing complexity and must be c- sidered asmultidisciplinary systems composed of interacting subsystems or system components from different engineering disciplines. Thus, an integration of various engineering disciplines, e.g, mechanical, electrical and control engineering in ac- current design approach is required. With regard to the systematic development and analysis of system models,interdisciplinary computer aided methodologies are - coming more and more important. A graphical description formalism particularly suited for multidisciplinary s- tems arebondgraphs devised by Professor Henry Paynter in as early as 1959 at the Massachusetts Insti...

Simulation by Bondgraphs
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 196

Simulation by Bondgraphs

Bondgraphs are a powerful tool in the simulation of mechanical, hydraulic, electric and thermal systems. They are used to represent engineering systems in written form by means of letter elements and their interconnections, called bonds, instead of in the form of numerous equations. They may be used to increase the efficiency of new product design. This book introduces the reader to bondgraphs and their use on PCs. A broad variety of applications of this method in the simulation of the above systems is presented. Twenty fully worked examples complement the presentation.

Agricultural System Models in Field Research and Technology Transfer
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 374

Agricultural System Models in Field Research and Technology Transfer

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-04-19
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Most books covering the use of computer models in agricultural management systems target only one or two types of models. There are few texts available that cover the subject of systems modeling comprehensively and that deal with various approaches, applications, evaluations, and uses for technology transfer. Agricultural System Models in Field Res