Stahläonen - Fantasy und Science-Fiction Kurzgeschichten. Der vorliegende Band bietet Kurzweil, Spannung und mitreißende Charaktere. Ob man nun die Abenteuer eines Doktors in der fernen Zukunft, den Alltag eines Geburtstags eines Magiers oder den Horror des Verlusts geliebter Menschen verfolgt, immer ist man hervorragend unterhalten, erstaunt und gerührt.
Armin Nassehi erklärt in seinem neuen Buch die zentralen gesellschaftlichen Grundbegriffe der Gegenwart. Was bedeutet es, wenn wir von Demokratie, Freiheit, Gleichheit/ Ungleichheit, Identität, Krise und Fremdheit sprechen? Diese Begriffe haben allesamt auch eine Herkunft im akademischen Kontext, haben in öffentlichen Debatten aber mit ihrem praktischen Gebrauch längst ein Eigenleben entwickelt. Von dort wirken sie übrigens auf den akademischen Begriffsgebrauch zurück. Nassehi bringt nun Ordnung in den Diskurs – nicht indem er eine «richtige» Begriffsbedeutung festlegen will, sondern indem er darüber aufklärt, welche offensichtlichen, aber auch welche versteckten Funktionen der G...
Lists for 19 include the Mathematical Association of America, and 1955- also the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
It is the autumn of 1938 when Julia Kaufmann meets Erich Schmidt while studying medicine at the German University in Prague. With Hitler's army soon to invade the city and the terror of World War II looming, it is the worst of times for a Jew and a German to fall in love. As the excitement of the eugenics movement gives way to outright genocide, and the fear sweeping across Europe grows into madness, Julia and Erich find themselves forced to travel two very different paths--ones which will determine the fate of their love and, ultimately, the fate of their souls. A Perfect Madness takes us on a journey back to a dark time when the fight for survival often eclipsed the fight for the truth. Beautifully and provocatively written, it examines the crippling effects of fear on the human mind, asking painful questions of moral choice we cannot afford to leave unanswered. About the Author: Frank Marsh was a trial attorney for twenty-five years and then a university professor of philosophy, law, and bioethics. He has published six books on bioethics, numerous articles, and scripted documentaries dealing with medicine, genetics, and law. He also is the author of the novel Rebekka's Children.
The adventures of a juvenile humpback whale on his way from Hawaii to Alaska as told by his childhood sweetheart. "A Whale's Tale" is written for adults to read aloud to children, and children to adults to read and enjoy. Lavishly illustrated in black and white for reader coloring opportunities.Hollywood Book Festival AwardThe first in the Savant "COLOR-ME-PLEASE" children's book series.