A Colour Atlas of Plant Propagation and Conservation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 543

A Colour Atlas of Plant Propagation and Conservation

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1999-04-01
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

While scientific and socio-political communities around the world are aware of the natural and economic importance of biodiversity, we are faced with an ever-increasing number of plant species under threat of extinction. Conservation is thus a vital part of the plant scientist's work, in the field, in botanic gardens and in universities.This colour

Short Rotation Woody Crop Production Systems for Ecosystem Services and Phytotechnologies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 316

Short Rotation Woody Crop Production Systems for Ecosystem Services and Phytotechnologies

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-12-20
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  • Publisher: MDPI

While international efforts in the development of short rotation woody crops (SRWCs) have historically focused on the production of biomass for bioenergy, biofuels, and bioproducts, research and deployment over the past decade has expanded to include broader objectives of achieving multiple ecosystem services. In particular, silvicultural prescriptions developed for SRWCs have been refined to include woody crop production systems for environmental benefits such as carbon sequestration, water quality and quantity, and soil health. In addition, current systems have been expanded beyond traditional fiber production to other environmental technologies that incorporate SRWCs as vital components for phytotechnologies, urban afforestation, ecological restoration, and mine reclamation. In this Special Issue of the journal Forests, we explore the broad range of current research dedicated to our topic: International Short Rotation Woody Crop Production Systems for Ecosystem Services and Phytotechnologies

Air Pollution and the Forests of Developing and Rapidly Industrializing Regions
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 276

Air Pollution and the Forests of Developing and Rapidly Industrializing Regions

  • Categories: Air
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2000-06-27
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  • Publisher: CABI

This book examines the importance of air pollution for the forests of rapidly industrialising countries and regions. Its geographical coverage includes South and Central America, Africa, and Asia, including Siberia, China and Korea. The problems presented by air pollution are placed within the more general context of sustainable development within these regions and the historical legacy that they are attempting to deal with. Attention is drawn to the very serious problems associated with poor air quality in cities such as Mexico City and Chongqing, China. Air pollution in these areas is amongst the worst in the world. Several chapters examine the importance of forest fires as a source of air pollution, with particular reference being made to the Southeast Asian fires in recent years. The available information about the effects of this pollution on the surrounding forests is reviewed, and recommendations are made for a better understanding of the impacts. A final chapter reviews the recent developments in air pollution control policies in the different regions covered by the book.

Biology of Adventitious Root Formation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 344

Biology of Adventitious Root Formation

Charles E. Hess Department of Environmental Horticulture University of California Davis, CA 95616 Research in the biology of adventitious root formation has a special place in science. It provides an excellent forum in which to pursue fundamental research on the regulation of plant growth and development. At the same time the results of the research have been quickly applied by commercial plant propagators, agronomists, foresters and horticulturists (see the chapter by Kovar and Kuchenbuch, by Ritchie, and by Davies and coworkers in this volume). In an era when there is great interest in speeding technology transfer, the experiences gained in research in adventitious root formation may provi...

Poplar Culture in North America
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 424

Poplar Culture in North America

Acknowledgements -- References -- Chapter 5. Ecology and silviculture of poplar plantations -- Introduction -- Propagation and production of planting stock -- Planting stock types -- Stock production systems -- Unrooted dormant cuttings and sets -- Weed control strategies -- Fertilization and irrigation -- Crop health, protection, and hygiene -- Unrooted dormant branch cuttings -- Rooted dormant cuttings -- Container nursery for rooted plants -- Stock harvesting, processing, and quality control -- Harvesting -- Processing -- Quality control -- Stock packaging and storage.

Ecology of Riparian Forests in Japan
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 336

Ecology of Riparian Forests in Japan

Riparian forests along streams and rivers are diverse in species, structure, and regeneration processes, and have important ecological functions in maintaining landscape and biodiversity. This book discusses riparian forests from subpolar to warm-temperate zones, covering headwater streams, braided rivers on alluvial fans, and low-gradient meandering rivers. It presents the dynamics and mechanisms that govern the coexistence of riparian tree species, tree demography, the response to water stress of trees, and the conservation of endangered species, and focuses on natural disturbances, life-history strategies, and the ecophysiology of trees. Because many riparian landscapes have been degraded and are disappearing at an alarming rate, the regeneration of the remaining riparian ecosystems is urgent. With contributions by more than 20 experts in diverse fields, this book offers useful information for the conservation, restoration, and rehabilitation of riparian ecosystems that remain in world streams and rivers.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 704


Silviculture: Concepts and Applications reflects a belief that all the tools of silviculture have a useful role in modern forestry. Through careful analysis and creative planning, foresters can address a wide array of commodity and nonmarket interests and opportunities while maintaining dynamic and resilient forests. A landowner’s needs, circumstances, and site conditions guide a silviculturist’s judgment and decision making in finding the best ways to integrate the biologic-ecologic, economic-financial, and managerial-administrative requirements at hand. The Third Edition of this influential text provides a foundational basis for rigorous discussion of techniques. The inclusion of numerous real-world examples and balanced coverage of past and current practices broadens the concept of silviculture and the ways that managers can use it to address both traditional and emerging interests in forests. A thorough discussion of new and proven interpretations increasingly directs the attention of foresters toward the role silviculture plays in creating, maintaining, rehabilitating, and restoring forests that can sustain an expanding variety of ecosystem services.

Clonal Forestry II
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 249

Clonal Forestry II

Provided here are both underlying theory and recent results concerning the propagation and use of clones in research and in production forestry. State-of-the-art science and case histories treating production, testing, multiplication and deployment of clones are presented. Agroforestry, urban forestry and christmas-tree farming are covered, along with more traditional multiple-use forestry and high-intensity forestry for biomass, wood and fiber production. Clonal forestry is contrasted to the more recent developments of "family forestry", and the classical tree-improvement approach relying on seed-orchards. The history of clonal forestry is covered with reviews of several centuries experience with Sugi in Japan and poplars in Europe. The impacts and use of clones in the contexts of genetic conservation and biodiversity are discussed, as are the laws and regulations affecting clonal production and deployment.

Physiology, Growth and Development of Plants in Culture
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 439

Physiology, Growth and Development of Plants in Culture

Over recent years, progress in micropropagation has not been as rapid as many expected and, even now, relatively few crops are produced commercially. One reason for this is that the biology of material growing in vitro has been insufficiently understood for modifications to standard methods to be made based on sound physiological principles. However, during the past decade, tissue culture companies and others have invested considerable effort to reduce the empirical nature of the production process. The idea of the conference `Physiology, Growth and Development of Plants and Cells in Culture' (Lancaster, 1992) was to introduce specialists in different areas of plant physiology to micropropag...

Nutrient Uptake and Cycling in Forest Ecosystems
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 660

Nutrient Uptake and Cycling in Forest Ecosystems

From the research results and discussions presented in this book it becomes clear that a profound understanding of the various interrelationships of the nutritional aspects allows the implementation of specific management strategies to improve stability and productivity of forest ecosystems. In particular the effects of environmental changes as related to the impacts of air pollution, global change and land use on nutrient uptake and cycling processes in forest ecosystems are dealt with in detail. The book is divided into six main issues and each topic contains reviews as well as selected results of recent studies.