This book is intended as an introduction to classical water wave theory for the college senior or first year graduate student. The material is self-contained; almost all mathematical and engineering concepts are presented or derived in the text, thus making the book accessible to practicing engineers as well.The book commences with a review of fluid mechanics and basic vector concepts. The formulation and solution of the governing boundary value problem for small amplitude waves are developed and the kinematic and pressure fields for short and long waves are explored. The transformation of waves due to variations in depth and their interactions with structures are derived. Wavemaker theories...
This book will appeal to both practitioners and researchers in industrial and university analytical laboratories, as well as students specializing in analytical spectroscopy and chemometrics. The subjects covered include the advanced principles of calibration (univariate and multivariate) and the estimation of the peak parameters in spectra with overlapping components. This book differs from existing studies on the subject in that it provides easily reproducible computer calculations illustrating its significant theoretical statements. As such, it can also serve as a practical guide to lecturers in analytical spectrometry and chemometrics.
A reference guide to the vast array of art song literature and composers from Latin America, this book introduces the music of Latin America from a singer's perspective and provides a basis for research into the songs of this richly musical area of the world. The book is divided by country into 22 chapters, with each chapter containing an introductory essay on the music of the region, a catalog of art songs for that country, and a list of publishers. Some chapters include information on additional sources. Singers and teachers may use descriptive annotations (language, poet) or pedagogical annotations (range, tessitura) to determine which pieces are appropriate for their voices or programming needs, or those of their students. The guide will be a valuable resource for vocalists and researchers, however familiar they may be with this glorious repertoire.
The issue of food authenticity is not new. For centuries unscrupulous farmers and traders have attempted to 'extend', or othewise alter, their products to maximise revenues. In recent years the subject has reached new prominence and there even have been situations where food authenticity has featured as a newspaper headline in various countries. Food legislation covering the definition, and in some cases composition, of various commodities has been in place in developed countries for many years and paradoxically it is the legislative trend away from emphasis on composition and more on accurate and truthfullabeliing that has been one driving force for the authenticity issue. Another, and many...
Fungi have an integral role to play in the development of the biotechnology and biomedical sectors. The fields of chemical engineering, Agri-food,Biochemical, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and medical device development all employ fungal products, with fungal biomolecules currently used in a wide range of applications, ranging from drug development to food technology and agricultural biotechnology. Understanding the biology of different fungi in diverse ecosystems, as well as their biotropic interactions with other microorganisms, animals and plants, is essential to underpin effective and innovative technological developments. Fungal Biomolecules is a keystone reference, integrating branches ...
This 2-volume set constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IbPRIA 2019, held in Madrid, Spain, in July 2019. The 99 papers in these volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from 137 submissions. They are organized in topical sections named: Part I: best ranked papers; machine learning; pattern recognition; image processing and representation. Part II: biometrics; handwriting and document analysis; other applications.