Carbon stabilization involves to capturing carbon from the atmosphere and fix it in the forms soil organic carbon stock for a long period of time, it will be present to escape as a greenhouse gas in the form of carbon dioxide. Soil carbon storage is an important ecosystem service, resulting from interactions of several ecological processes. This process is primarily mediated by plants through photosynthesis, with carbon stored in the form of soil organic carbon. Soil carbon levels have reduced over decades of conversion of pristine ecosystems into agriculture landscape, which now offers the opportunity to store carbon from air into the soil. Carbon stabilization into the agricultural soils i...
Twenty-first century medical schools, postgraduate bodies and other medical education organisations are responding to rapid advances in medicine, healthcare delivery, educational approaches and technology, and globalisation. Differences in geography, culture, history and resources demand diversity amongst educational systems. This important volume is designed to help medical educators working in today’s challenging circumstances by providing an overview of best practices and research in medical education. Routledge International Handbook of Medical Education provides a practical guide to and theoretical support for the major education challenges facing teachers, managers and policy makers ...
This comprehensive work deals with the major health problem of high lipid levels in blood, a cause of serious heart and vascular disease. Formerly the province only of the chemical pathologist, cardiologists and general physicians are now offering treatment as new 'lipid-lowering' drugs become available. The area is also of considerable interest to public health physicians as changes in lifestyle (such as dietary and smoking habits) have significant effects on lipid levels. A prestigious team of contributors covers all aspects of the topic, from molecular biology to practical dietary management to help reduce lipid levels.
The sustainable governance of water resources relies on processes of multi-stakeholder collaborations and interactions that facilitate knowledge co-creation and social learning. Governance systems are often fragmented, forming a barrier to adequately addressing the myriad of challenges affecting water resources, including climate change, increased urbanized populations, and pollution. Transitions towards sustainable water governance will likely require innovative learning partnerships between public, private, and civil society stakeholders. It is essential that such partnerships involve vertical and horizontal communication of ideas and knowledge, and an enabling and democratic environment c...
A comprehensive guide to 5G technology, applications and potential for the future 5G brings new technology solutions to the 5G mobile networks including new spectrum options, new antenna structures, new physical layer and protocols designs and new network architectures. 5G Technology: 3GPP New Radio is a comprehensive resource that offers explanations of 5G specifications, performance evaluations, aspects of device design, practical deployment considerations and illustrative examples from field experiences. With contributions from a panel of international experts on the topic, the book presents the main new technology components in 5G and describes the physical layer, radio protocols and net...
This book presents a comprehensive and holistic study of microstrucure evoution during solidification and additive manufacturin.g Bulk metallic glasses and their composites have attracted a lot of attention lately in the scientific community owing to their excellent mechanical properties (combination of hardness, strength, and high elastic strain limit). However, they still lack toughness and tensile ductility and exhibit catastrophic failure upon tension. This can be overcome by various means, of which in situ introduction of ductile crystalline precipitates/phases during solidification proved to be the best. Various studies have been carried out in the last two decades, which explain this phenomenon. However, there is a gap on how this can be achieved in modern additive manufacturing exploiting inherent nature of process. This book aims to bridge this gap. A comprehensive and holistic study is presented, documenting the step-by-step evolution of these materials since their inception till date, explaining the development of toughness in them by modeling and simulation of microstructure evolution during solidification and additive manufacturing.
This volume comprises a series of research articles dedicated to the UNESCO 2019 Forum on Education for Sustainable Education and Global Citizenship. Given the imperative of education in sustainable development, especially in developing countries, the volume covers a wide range of topics: the mobility and mental health of international students, reading habits and academic achievements of junior high school students, core competencies of mid-level managers in higher education, adoption of an international publishing standard, legal rights for education and socio-cultural adaptation of ethnic minorities, and, most recently, students’ learning behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The volume has a twofold purpose: first, to question main presuppositions and perceptions regarding religion and international politics in the Middle East and, second, to reflect on the role(s) of religion in the regional order. The first part deals with the contribution of religion to a post-Western turn in International Relations in the Middle East and beyond. It discusses the postsecular conceptual framework in order to expand their approaches to the analysis of the Middle East and addresses the search for religion's “suitable place” within International Relations, taking as a starting point the social changes in the world and the postulated "Mesopotamian turn" in International Relati...
Artificial Intelligence Techniques in IoT Sensor Networks is a technical book which can be read by researchers, academicians, students and professionals interested in artificial intelligence (AI), sensor networks and Internet of Things (IoT). This book is intended to develop a shared understanding of applications of AI techniques in the present and near term. The book maps the technical impacts of AI technologies, applications and their implications on the design of solutions for sensor networks. This text introduces researchers and aspiring academicians to the latest developments and trends in AI applications for sensor networks in a clear and well-organized manner. It is mainly useful for ...
The purpose of this book is to provide an up-to-date and systematical introduction to the principles and algorithms of machine learning. The definition of learning is broad enough to include most tasks that we commonly call “learning” tasks, as we use the word in daily life. It is also broad enough to encompass computers that improve from experience in quite straightforward ways. The book will be of interest to industrial engineers and scientists as well as academics who wish to pursue machine learning. The book is intended for both graduate and postgraduate students in fields such as computer science, cybernetics, system sciences, engineering, statistics, and social sciences, and as a reference for software professionals and practitioners. The wide scope of the book provides a good introduction to many approaches of machine learning, and it is also the source of useful bibliographical information.