Multi-Party and Multi-Contract Arbitration in the Construction Industry provides the first detailed review of multi-party arbitration in the international construction sector. Highly practical in approach, the detailed interpretation and assessment of the arbitration of multi-party disputes will facilitate understanding and decision making by arbitrators, clients and construction contractors.
The sharing economy is just one of several possible expressions to designate the complex model of social and economic relationships based on the intensive use of digital technology. Constant permutations and combinations allow these relationships to be established through the intervention of a third party making traditional contractual positions flexible in such a way that today’s employee is tomorrow’s entrepreneur, or today’s consumer is tomorrow’s supplier of goods and services. The current legal framework is, in many respects, unable to accommodate such big changes and new legal regulations are required where adaptation of the existing ones proves to be inadequate. This book high...
The Lloyd’s Register of Yachts was first issued in 1878, and was issued annually until 1980, except during the years 1916-18 and 1940-46. Two supplements containing additions and corrections were also issued annually. The Register contains the names, details and characters of Yachts classed by the Society, together with the particulars of other Yachts which are considered to be of interest, illustrates plates of the Flags of Yacht and Sailing Clubs, together with a List of Club Officers, an illustrated List of the Distinguishing Flags of Yachtsmen, a List of the Names and Addresses of Yacht Owners, and much other information. For more information on the Lloyd’s Register of Yachts, please click here:
The adaption of copyright law to the digital age is currently one of the EU’s main concerns regarding intellectual property. This thesis analyses whether European legislation in this field can be successfully implemented in the same way in countries with different levels of development. Taking the examples of Germany and Armenia will help to evaluate the problems of developed and transition countries concerning the challenges of copyright in the digital age. The comparison between these two countries shows that a one-size-fits-all-approach is not appropriate in the digital environment. The socio-economic situation and the legal environment of transition countries call for a different solution. In this respect the example of Armenia may be instructive for other transition countries as well, especially CIS countries. A recommendation for adopting a certain system for drafting European legislation in the future which will meet the needs of all countries, considering their social, economic and legal situation, has been developed in this thesis.
This incisive Handbook offers novel theoretical and doctrinal insights alongside practical guidance on some of the most challenging issues in the field of artificial intelligence and intellectual property. Featuring all original contributions from a diverse group of international thought leaders, including top academics, judges, regulators and eminent practitioners, it offers timely perspectives and research on the relationship of AI to copyright, trademark, design, patent and trade secret law.
Now in paperback, this book addresses the rapidly evolving field of Alternative Dispute Resolution in a manner ahead of its time. Taking a cross-disciplinary approach, it explains the cognitive, social, organizational and developmental psychology theories that influence ADR and its approaches. From mediation to arbitration to hybrid processes, it helps students understand the strengths and weaknesses of the many varieties of ADR, and why various approaches succeed or fail. This edition includes streamlined coverage of conflict diagnosis, increased treatment of non-adversarial, facilitative forms of dispute resolution, and the latest legal and ethical trends impacting the field. For human resources personnel, dispute resolution system designers, trainers and ombuds, as well as ADR neutrals and neutrals-in-training
International Arbitration Institutions have led the way in rulemaking for international commercial arbitration. The institutional rules and commentary compiled in this easy-to-use reference tool are those promulgated by the institutions most often named in international agreements. The institutional rules and commentary compiled in this easy-to-use reference are those promulgated by the institutions most often named in international agreements. Arbitration Rules: International Institutions is the only resource to compile such an extensive array of commentary and analysis, written by leading arbitration authorities along with the full text of each set of rules.